The American people have put their foot down and asserted in no uncertain terms that we will not be disarmed by the soviet socialist insurgent occupying forces.  The dead headed communists, being dead headed communists, have been listening to their own propaganda for too long and now we are seeing panic.

The fraudulent opinion polls are meant only for the consumption of the goyim.  This being said, make no mistake, the elite at the top have their own ears to the streets and they know the temper of the American people and the fact that the propaganda is failing miserably.
Continue reading “The “No, by God, You Will Not Disarm and Enslave Me” Movement Rises to Power”

16629317_mBefore It’s News – by Nietzsches Cat

The American Psychiatric Association is set to approve a new version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the Holy Bible of practicing psychologists, this spring.  It’s the fifth such major revision and by far the most controversial.

DSM 5 adds hundreds of new diagnoses.  Going by this book, almost everybody in America is mentally ill; most of us should be on medication, too.  Following are a few issues raised by Dr. Allen Frances, MD.   He was chair of the DSM 4 Task Force and is a professor emeritus at Duke University. Continue reading “You’re Mentally Deranged – Every One of You – I can Prove it”

Firearms Equality MovementAmmoLand – by Tred Law

New Jersey – -( The newly emerged Firearms Equality Movement is gaining more steam among manufactures and gun rights supporters alike.

The firearms industry, in reaction to the Governor of New York ramming through the NY SAFE Act which banned AR15 style rifles, has seen multiple manufactures revise their firearms sales polices to restrict LEO and Police Agencies from only buying the same level of firepower as is allowed for the average citizen of their state. Continue reading “Firearms Equality Movement Gaining Momentum”

vaccineNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

The recommended childhood vaccination schedule has changed dramatically over the years, with children now receiving upwards of 30 vaccines, including multiple combination vaccines, before the age of six. And in many cases, doctors and nurses administer half a dozen or more vaccines all at once during a single visit to make sure children get all these shots and to save time. But according to data compiled from the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), as many as 145,000 children or more have died throughout the past 20 years as a result of this multiple vaccine dose approach, and few parents are aware of this shocking fact. Continue reading “Multiple vaccine doses have resulted in up to 145,000 child deaths in past 20 years”

Understanding the Truth About HempThe Alternative Daily

American farmers in the 1600’s who did not grow hemp went to jail. By contrast, American farmers today that try to grow hemp will go to jail! The criminalization of marijuana has left our fields hempless, but we are not hopeless.

We are just now beginning to see the true value of this resplendent herb as over 450,000 pounds of seeds and 331 pounds of oil enter our country each year. The annual retail sale of hemp-based products in America exceeds $350 million. Continue reading “Hemp: The Detoxifying Herb That Even George Washington Grew”

drugNatural News – by Mike Adams

In a classic example of an anti-free-market collapse, fifty pharmaceutical companies are now halting supplies of drug medicines to the nation of Greece, causing severe shortages of over 200 popular pharmaceutical medicines there. Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi and many other have all reportedly joined in the partial embargo out of a fear that the low-priced drugs sold to Greece would be intercepted and sold off to buyers in other countries where drug prices are kept artificially high due to Big Pharma’s monopolistic practices. Continue reading “Multinational drug companies hold Greece hostage by denying shipments of medicine; 90% supply reduction; citizens in near-panic”

AlterNet – by  Alyssa Figueroa

One evening this past August, Angela and Steve received a knock on the door. The couple opened it to see two police officers standing outside.

“One of them said, ‘We have a warrant for y’all’s arrest. … The next thing I remember is my husband dragging me from the kitchen. I had fainted,” Angela recalled, according to Human Rights Watch. Continue reading “1 Day Late on Rent Can Land You in Jail? A Shockingly Draconian Renters Law (Hard Times USA)”

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — They bound his hands to the rear of a van, and then sped off, dragging the slender taxi driver along the pavement as a crowd of onlookers shouted in dismay. The man was later found dead.

A gut-wrenching video of the scene is all the more disturbing because the men who abused the Mozambican immigrant were uniformed South African police officers and the van was a marked police vehicle. The graphic scenes of the victim struggling for his life shocked a nation long accustomed to reports of police violence. Continue reading “SAfrican police drag man, who later dies”

American Student Punished for Refusing to Recite Mexican PledgeFox News – by Todd Starnes

A Texas high school student has filed a federal lawsuit against her school and her teachers after she was punished for refusing to salute and recite the Mexican pledge of allegiance.

The Thomas More Law Center filed the suit on behalf of Brenda Brinsdon alleging the McAllen Independent School District violated the 15-year-old girl’s constitutional rights when she was forced to recite the Mexican pledge and sing the Mexican national anthem. Continue reading “American Student Punished for Refusing to Recite Mexican Pledge”

Huffington Post – by MICHAEL GORMLEY

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York sought to combat violence by rushing the nation’s toughest gun control measure into law after the Connecticut school shootings that killed 26 people, but the state is now carving out an exemption to make sure movie and TV producers can stage running gun battles on Manhattan streets.

Movie and TV productions have long been courted by New York and other states with tax breaks in exchange for the jobs and glamour of the industry. Hollywood is also a major campaign fundraising stop for New York politicians. Continue reading “New York Gun Law Exemption Will Allow TV, Movies To Stage Gun Battles”

feinsteinConservative Daily

Fake voters, fake email accounts, fake Twitter supporters, and propaganda: it’s just all in a day’s work for our President, Barack Obama. And now rabid gun control advocate Senator Dianne Feinstein has decided she can stage rigged gun control hearings to buoy her agenda and eliminate our Second Amendment rights.

The Washington Times reported that Feinstein was not happy with the witnesses who testified at the last gun control hearing, and “she plans to hold a separate hearing with witnesses more inclined to back gun control.” Continue reading “Feinstein Attempting To Rig Gun Debate As Fake Supporters Bolster Control Agenda”

Denver Post

AURORA, Colo.—Aurora police say one person has been arrested after several pipe bombs and bomb-making materials were found inside a home.

Spokeswoman Cassidee Carlson says police were responding to a small fire in a basement Tuesday when they found suspicious materials. Authorities also found and removed two explosives from a shed in back. Continue reading “Pipe bombs found at Aurora home”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

According to this breaking CNN Chile story, Hugo Chavez is dead. In fact, he may have been dead for quite some time if this information is correct. However, according to other reports, Hugo Chavez is not dead at all. The Atlantic Wire informs us that CNN Chile got the word of Chavez’s death from one person only, a conspiracy theorist. First, from CNN Chile translated with the Atlantic Wire’s take on the story below the video.: Continue reading “Hugo Chavez Dead? CNN Chile Received Word From ‘Conspiracy Theorist’”

Syracuse News – by Teri Weaver

Syracuse, N.Y. — The New York Pistol and Rifle Association, an arm of the National Rifle Association, is planning to file its lawsuit against the NY Safe Act within 10 days, the association’s president Tom King said today.

King said the group is also planning on asking the courts to stay the implementation of the law.

“We think we have a really good suit,” King said. Continue reading “NY gun proponents expect to file suit against state within 10 days”

*Februray 28, 2013 at Noon at the State Capitol*

Mid Hudson News

ALBANY – Thousands of gun owners and Second Amendment rights advocates are expected in Albany on Thursday for a rally sponsored by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association. Continue reading “Thousands expected to rally in Albany in support of legal gun ownership”