Photos: Iraq under siegeCNN – by Chelsea J. Carter, Mohammed Tawfeeq and Hamdi Alkhshali

Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) — Militant fighters tightened their grip Sunday on western Iraq as security forces withdrew from a handful of towns in Anbar province, moving closer to Baghdad.

The news that Iraqi forces withdrew from at least three towns in the province raised questions about whether Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s government is giving up on the region.   Continue reading “In Iraq, militants press on toward Baghdad”

CFM56_Jet EngineChemtrails Planet – by Executive Reasoning

Since 80% of the air providing thrust bypasses direct combustion, the engine exhaust is not capable of producing the water vapor required to form a contrail.   Continue reading “Chemtrails Confirmed Again: Modern Turbofan Engines Less Likely to Produce Contrails”

Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 10.03.42 AMShark Tank – by Bruce Carroll

A young U.S. Marine from New Hampshire and two other colleagues were killed in action by a roadside bomb last week in Afghanistan. The Marine from New Hampshire, Brandon Garabrant, made the news in June 2013 when his high school principal refused to allow him to wear his Marine dress blues at graduation.

Brandon Garabrant’s plan to wear the uniform to the ceremony at ConVal Regional High School in Peterborough hit a snag when the school’s principal told him he must wear the traditional cap and gown.

Continue reading “Marine Who Tried To Wear Uniform at Graduation Killed In Combat”


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Grand Ole Opry member Jimmy C. Newman, known for mixing Cajun and country music, has died.

Opry publicist Jessie Schmidt said Newman died in Nashville on Saturday after a brief illness. He was 86.

The Tennessean reports ( ) Newman’s first Top 10 country hit, “Cry, Cry, Darling,” came 60 years ago, in the summer of 1954. That same year he joined Shreveport-based radio show “The Louisiana Hayride,” where he performed alongside Johnny Horton, Elvis Presley and others.   Continue reading “Jimmy C. Newman: Grand Ole Opry Member And Cajun Country Pioneer Dies At 86”

Bloomberg – by David Lerman

Former Vice President Dick Cheney stepped up his offensive against President Barack Obama today by accusing the commander-in-chief of underestimating the terrorist threat and not doing enough to confront it.

“We’re in for big trouble in the years ahead because of his refusal to recognize reality and because of his continual emphasis upon getting the U.S. basically to withdraw from that part of the world,” Cheney, a Republican, said of the Middle East and Afghanistan, in an interview on ABC’s “This Week” program.   Continue reading “Cheney Says U.S. Headed for ‘Big Trouble’ on Terrorism”

christians1Veterans Today – by Johnny Punish

Today on NBC Meet The Press with David Gregory, Israeli Prime Minister appeared to discuss the Iraq crisis, kidnapped Israelis and the divest movement against his country for engaging in Apartheid policies in the occupied territories.  On the divest issue, yesterday, Presbyterian USA, one of the largest Christian churches in the USA voted to divest from Israel because of occupation.

In the latter part of the interview, Meet the Press host David Gregory asked him the following question on divesting;    Continue reading “Israeli Prime Minister Insults Intelligence of U.S. Christians”

Courthouse News

     CHICAGO (CN) – Suburban Chicago police shot a 95-year-old WWII veteran to death with bean bag rounds at short range because he refused to go to the hospital, his stepdaughter claims in court.

     Sharon Mangerson, stepdaughter of the late John Wrana Jr., sued the Village of Park Forest on Friday, and its police Officers Clifford Butz, Michael Baugh, Craig Taylor, Lloyd Elliot, Charlie Hoskins and Mitch Greer in Federal Court.   Continue reading “Police shot a 95-year-old WWII veteran to death with bean bag rounds because he refused to go to hospital”

Washington’s Blog

US and developed nations’ escalate “Big Lie” crimes in Earth’s tragic-comedy, centered in:

The solutions are pretty obvious:   Continue reading “Had enough ‘Big Lie’ crimes from US leaders to demand arrests, or do you need even more death, debt, lies?”

File photo of a drone. (credit: John Moore/Getty Images)CBS Tampa

TAMPA, Fla. (CBS Tampa) – Students at the University of South Florida will be able to borrow drones from the university’s library beginning this fall semester.

WESH  reported that the Tampa campus will allow students to borrow the drones if they need them for their school-related projects.

This announcement comes a couple of days after the National Park Service announced a temporary ban on drones.   Continue reading “USF Students Can Borrow Drones From School’s Library”

Huffington Post – by Paul Elias

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Lawyers have been given the green light to scan the social media sites of jurors.

The American Bar Association says it’s ethical for lawyers to scour online for publicly available musings of citizens called for jury service — and even jurors in deliberations.

But the ABA does warn lawyers against actively “following” or “friending” jurors or otherwise invading their private Internet areas.   Continue reading “American Bar Association Gives Lawyers Green Light To Scan Jurors’ Social Media Sites”

2c7567224fe219443d0357730c42785c_MThe New American – by Alex Newman

Communist, socialist, and Islamist tyrants, as well as some elected governments from around the world, came together in Bolivia mid June to sign a massive declaration outlining their autocratic demands. Among them: Global government, planetary wealth redistribution from Western taxpayers to their governments, the United Nations “sustainable development” scheme known as Agenda 21, an “international climate regime,” and economy-crippling energy-rationing policies in the West, as well as much more power for their oftentimes brutal regimes in “global governance” institutions such as the UN and the IMF. UN boss Ban Ki-moon was there to cheer them along.    Continue reading “Dictators Worldwide Demand Aid, Empowered UN, Global Socialism”

aspartameNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

The controversy surrounding one of the world’s most popular artificial sweeteners, aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal), continues some 30 years after the chemical was rammed through the regulatory process by pharmaceutical interests, despite its well-documented dangers. And yet to this very day, many people are still unaware of the chemical sweetener’s sordid history, not to mention what aspartame is actually made from and how it affects the body and brain. Continue reading “What is aspartame? Five surprising facts you never know about this chemical sweetener”

The Daily Sheeple

The government has plans to tax Americans for every mile they drive.

This is about more than just generating revenue or saving the planet from all of those “greenhouse gases”.

This is part of the Agenda 21 lot to corral people in one place. It is to discourage people from living outside the city and commuting to work. It is a plan that will force many to rely on public transportation. Lots of people in a small area are far easier to control than people scattered about in wide open spaces.   Continue reading “Coming Soon: Americans to be Taxed for Every Mile They Drive”

Peak-a-boo I see youZero Hedge – by Cognitive Dissonance

As I am prone to say, locks are there to keep the honest people honest. And of equal importance, locks are there to maintain the illusion you and your possessions are ‘safe’ because the locks will keep the dishonest out. Since perception and proximity play major roles in whether or not we presently ‘feel’ safe, the lock companies and central governments go to great lengths to create the idyllic illusion of total security while simultaneously promoting dangers that threaten your security in order to compel your purchase of their consumer products or government policy. But as anyone knows who has been on either side of a Breaking and Entering (B&E), your locks are but a minor inconvenience to those determined to separate you from your stuff……or your life.   Continue reading “The Surveillance/Police State – Assisting the Dismantling of Inalienable Rights”

Ruskamp ImageAncient America – by Dr John Ruskamp

For centuries, researchers have been debating if, in pre-Columbian times, meaningful exchanges between the indigenous peoples of Asia and the Americas ever occurred. Periodically, over the past 250 years knowledgeable sinologists and oceanographers have written positively on this topic, yet, so far, no conclusive proof has been put forth establishing such trans-Pacific contact as a historical event.

Now in a published research manuscript Dr. John Ruskamp provides previously unrecognized and compelling new epigraphic evidence, in the form of ancient North American Chinese rock writings that he has identified interspersed among otherwise Native American petroglyphs and pictographs, establishing that in pre-Columbian times literate Asians did indeed traverse the Pacific Ocean to North America, shortly after 1150 BC.   Continue reading “Ancient Asiatic Writing in North America”

Zen Gardner

Compliments of the military industrial complex owned weather service, you can now know when to expect a chemtrail spraying. Yes, they not only own the weather as they said they would, but they also conveniently own the weather forecasting services. George Orwell would be proud.

Check your phone and look at the forecast image. If you see the hazy cloud formation over the sun it could very well be a chemtrail forecast.   Continue reading “Chemtrail Forecasting Made Easy”

 Global Economic Intersection – by Michael Haltman

How much would you pay to live in a 500 square foot apartment, also called closets by some, in NYC?

If your initial reaction was that price is irrelevant because regardless of cost you couldn’t live in 500 square feet of space, then these NYC studio apartments are definitely not for you. Although, to be fair, some are actually as large as 600 or 700 square feet!   Continue reading “Eleven NYC ‘Closets’ Listed for More than $1 Million!”