RUSSIAN AKM Underfolder RifleAmmoLand

Washington, DC –-( President Obama last week announced new, wide-reaching economic sanctions on Russia in reaction to the situation in Ukraine, including bans that effect direct importations of Russian made Rifles and Handguns.

The restrictions cover certain major financial institutions, energy companies, Russian government leaders and eight arms manufacturers, including the Kalashnikov Concern.   Continue reading “Obama’s Newest Executive Orders Bans Eight Russian Arms Manufacturers”

hhd1The Organic Prepper

While Americans in the nearby city of Detroit face life in third world conditions, unable to even afford running water,  the state of Michigan decided to direct its resources towards cracking down on a small food co-op in Standish for having the utter audacity to provide milk, butter, cream and eggs to people who bought shares in the organic dairy.

The Michigan Department of Agriculture must be so proud of their deeds, after they forced Joe and Brenda Golimbieski, the owners of  Hill High Dairy and Jenny Samuelson, the owner of My Family Co-op, to dump out 248 gallons of milk, to break 100 dozen eggs, and to destroy an undisclosed amount of fresh cream, butter and cheese.   Continue reading “Michigan Dept of Agri Forces Farmer to Dump 248 Gallons of Organic Milk and Break 1200 Free Range Eggs”

Wolf and Hare – by Hare

The government of the State of Connecticut seems content to exploit the murder of children at Sandy Hook to further disenfranchise their citizens of their rights. Not only are these citizens facing knee jerk legislative actions that have called on them to disarm, there also seems to exist a culture among the courts that shames gun owners for the most basic expression of their constitutional rights.

These despicable and deplorable acts against the law abiding only magnify the damage done to the state by the Sandy Hook Massacre as they use the blood of their own dead to further push a radical agenda by anti-gun groups that wish to see the law abiding disarmed and subject to the whim of the criminal and tyrannical.   Continue reading “Connecticut Courts want Citizens Disarmed”

Police One – by Richard Winton, LA Times

The number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty nationwide jumped 31% in the first half of 2014 with California leading the nation with eight deaths, data shows.

In the first half of the year, 67 officers died in the line of duty in the U.S. compared with 51 in the same period in 2013, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.   Continue reading “Officer deaths jump nearly one-third in first half of 2014”

Breitbart – by Dan Riehl

Brooks County is too far from the border to receive federal funds for illegal immigrants, but from the discovery of mass graves, illegals, including children, who roam aimlessly sometimes until dead from the heat and exhaustion, the current immigration crisis is far from confined to the border.

Zamarripa, 27, is one of 15 reserve deputies brought in to assist the Brooks County Sheriff’s Office, whose four deputies have lately found themselves overwhelmed by 911 calls from migrants stranded on the vast ranches that stretch from here to the horizon in all directions.   

Then there are the bodies of migrants who didn’t make it to retrieve and identify: 42 so far this year.

Continue reading “Texas Town Swamped with Dead Bodies, 911 Calls 70 Miles From the Border”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

UPDATE: Having failed absymally with their earlier release of “information,” US intelligence officials have tried to give more information… sadly this does not include any actual evidence, just statements and confirmation of YouTube clips…   Continue reading “US State Department “Confident” MH17 “Mistakenly” Downed By Separatists, Finds No Direct Link To Russia”

Prevent Disease – by John Summerly

How difficult is it for us to achieve a work-life balance? How much more difficult is it to achieve a life-energy balance? And does it not seem that there are never enough hours in the day to achieve any balance at all? You’re not alone. Your days may seem that way, but in truth the balance is always there, always available and always achievable. That doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult, but a few ancient herbal formulas will certainly help you achieve the balance you never thought possible. Skip your daily sugar boost, coffee or red bull because in the long-term they will always let you down. Adaptogenic herbs will give you sustained energy and vitality while allowing your mind to think freely, calmly and without excessive stimulation. Continue reading “Are You Constantly Tired? Here Are 12 Herbs To Increase Energy, Vitality, And Adaptability”

The Globe and Mail

Pro-Russian rebels have shot down two Ukrainian fighter jets, a spokesman for Ukraine’s military operations said on Wednesday.

The spokesman said the two were downed near Savur Mogila in eastern Ukraine. No details were known about the pilots.

In Donetsk, pro-Russian separatists are leaving their positions on the outskirts of the east Ukrainian city and retreating towards the city centre, Ukrainian military officials said on Wednesday.   Continue reading “Ukrainian jets shot down by pro-Russian rebels”

Latin Kings by Javier RamirezEconomic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Did you know that the number of illegal immigrants that enter Texas each week is greater than the number of babies being born to citizens of that state?  The mainstream media is shining the spotlight very brightly on all of the children that are coming over, and there is a reason for that.  They are trying to tug on our heartstrings.  But there is another part of the story that you aren’t hearing much about.  By refusing to protect our borders, Barack Obama has allowed hundreds of thousands of gang members to illegally enter the United States and settle in our major cities.  In many communities, gang activity is already wildly out of control, and someday our cities will burn because of the foolishness of the federal government.   Continue reading “Illegal Immigration And Gangs: Someday Our Cities Will Burn Because We Didn’t Protect Our Borders”

targetGuns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

We have the first documented case of someone being killed at a Target store (in the parking lot in this case) since the company asked gun owners not to carry in the stores (this was a request, not a ban).

According to ABC7,

Authorities say the shooting happened at Hatteras Street and Sepulveda Boulevard at about 5 a.m. A man in his 40s was rushed to Holy Cross Medical Center, where he died. His name has not been released. Continue reading “First Murder at a Target Store Since Company Asked Gun Owners Not to Carry”

Guns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

A suspect who broke into a Peoria, AZ home chose the wrong victims. When the suspect made noise moving around the home, Alexis Allred woke her boyfriend and grabbed her pistol.

Her boyfriend, Matt Lucking, a firefighter and rodeo competitor, grabbed the shotgun that is kept by their bed and racked the slide.   Continue reading “Arizona Couple Both Grab Guns to Fight Off Home Invader”

(Source: Bison Films)Police State USA

TAMPA, FL — A man was shot to death in his bedroom by a SWAT team that had stormed in uninvited looking for contraband plants.  The violence — which netted only trace amounts of illegal vegetation — adds another casualty to the death toll in America’s bloody Drug War.

The raid occurred the night of May 27th, 2014, in the Tampa neighborhood of Seminole Heights.  Jason Westcott, 29, and his housemate were asleep in separate rooms when the Tampa SWAT team arrived to search the premises.   Continue reading “Man killed in his home during police raid over $2 worth of marijuana”

Militia groups on the rise (YouTube)Raw Story – by Arturo Garcia

Jim Gilchrist, one of the founders of the Minutemen Project militia group announced plans to recruit at least 3,500 “non-member volunteers” to take part in a May 1, 2015 anti-immigration effort along the U.S.-Mexico border, the Southern Poverty Legal Center (SPLC) reported.

Gilchrist said on the group’s website that “Operation Normandy,” as he called it, needed that many volunteers to successfully cover the “porous areas” between San Diego, California and Brownsville, Texas.   Continue reading “Minutemen militia plans ‘Operation Normandy’ with 3,500 volunteers on the border next year”

concealed-carry-owb-220x220The Daily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

Donald Sacco was on his way to play bingo last week when he was attacked in Florida.

Sacco, 64, was at an Orlando bus stop when a man approached him and tried to steal his bag. The suspect, Thomas Thorpe, stabbed Sacco several times.

Jeffery Hopkins was in a nearby car, and when he saw the attack, he jumped out to intervene. He told WFTV that he was in the right place at the right time, and that he initially thought Thorpe was punching Sacco. Then Hopkins saw the knife:   Continue reading “Armed Citizen Holds Attacker at Gunpoint Until Police Arrive”


Nicholas Valtz, a managing director in cross-asset sales at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in New York, was found dead yesterday by family members who went searching for him after he didn’t return from a kiteboarding outing, reports Bloomberg.

Valtz, 39, was found in Napeague Harbor near the eastern end of Long Island, according to the East Hampton, New York, police. He was a “novice kiteboarder” and was found floating in the water secured to his kite, police said in a statement released yesterday. Other kite gear was found in a grassy area of the harbor, police said. Continue reading “Another Dead Banker: Goldman Sachs Managing Director Found Dead”