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Month: July 2014
Talk about outrage after outrage today. First the pro-immigrant supporters, then the burning of the flag and now this. This has been absolutely the most insulting and disgusting Independence Day I have ever witnessed in my entire life. I don’t know how else to put it.
On the day before the Fourth of July, the New York Times went out of its way to show its disgust for Americans against illegal immigration in Murrieta, California who turned away buses of illegal immigrants for, of all things, waving American flags and chanting “USA!” Continue reading “New York Times: Ugly for Americans Against Illegal Immigration to Wave American Flags, Chant ‘USA’”
Blacklisted News – The Bismarck Tribune
State Veterinarian Susan Keller is urging North Dakota ranchers to make sure their livestock are vaccinated against anthrax, after the first confirmed case of the year in a Barnes County beef cow.
Anthrax bacteria spores lie dormant in the soil and become active under extreme weather conditions such as drought or flooding, which some parts of the state have experienced after recent heavy rains. Continue reading “Anthrax confirmed in North Dakota beef cow”
Update: just as expected, the confidence-preservation brigade is quick on the scene:
Because clearly marking loans to fair value would crush investor confidence. And clearly investors are dumb enough not to realize that it is precisely by hiding what is beneath the surface, that they have zero confidence in the system. Continue reading “Largest Austrian Bank Crashes After “Revealing” 40% Surge In Bad Debt Provisions, Record Loss”
Sent to us by wv.citybilly who said: Additional chatter: Border Patrol agents being infected with tuberculosis, and other contagions, from contact with these illegal alien children.
U.S. Border Patrol agents in Texas have discovered four cases of the H1N1 flu strain among illegal immigrant children held at two detention centers in Brownsville in the past two days, National Border Patrol Council Vice President Chris Cabrera told Newsmax on Saturday. Continue reading “Union: Swine Flu Found in Illegal Immigrant Children”
US Administration has de facto gone over to a Cold War-like phase of confrontation with Russia, believes Alexei Pushkov, the chairman of the State Duma’s committee for foreign policy.
“The US Administration has de facto said the US is going over to a Cold War against us,” he said Friday speaking live on the Rossiya-24 news channel.
When Washington speaks about considering a containment strategy towards Russia and claims Russia is an aggressor in Ukraine, along with hushing up the importance of Russian-American collaboration, “one really gets an impression that the US has decided to discard the prospects for normalization of bilateral relations,” Dr Pushkov said.
Continue reading “US de facto sets off Cold War against Russia – lawmaker”
Journalists came across the document that was allegedly prepared by specialists of the US Strategic Research Center, RAND Corporation. It includes three stages of punitive action forces in eastern Ukraine. The plan involves the shooting of captured militia members along with sympathetic civilians, creation of filtration camps, and seizure of residents of the region property in order to promote the most outstanding ones during punitive operations soldiers.
Online edition of Before It’s News published a document, which was marked as “confidential”. Allegedly it was developed by the American strategic research center, RAND Corporation and contains a scenario in which the Ukrainian authorities must act in case of failure of the “peace plan.”
Continue reading “Plan for suppression of eastern Ukraine prepared by US Agency RAND for Poroshenko”
Imagine clean wireless energy available for anyone in the world to tap into; zero-emission cars and planes, self-charging electronics, and wireless appliances all harnessing energy with a radio antenna. It may sound like science fiction, but it’s actually based on century-old discoveries by Nikola Tesla.
It was his plan for the Wardenclyffe Tower until it was squashed by industrialists because they could not control and meter it. The tower was to be a magnifier and transmitter of radio waves through the atmosphere that electronic devices could freely draw from. While many micro-uses of this type of energy are beginning to emerge, a large scale application is still absent. Continue reading “Physicists Seek Help to Build Nikola Tesla’s ‘Planetary Energy Transmitter’”
“If you or I had a pot full of money and set out to help a community become more prosperous and self-sufficient, we could find a way. When big government steps in with its money, the objective is different—it’s to appear to help, while actually demeaning and reducing everything in sight…
“Ever wonder why so many law-enforcement types, government bureaucrats, and corporate worker bees are control freaks? Do you think it’s just the result of their job training? Think again. There is a selection process. These people are chosen up front, because psych evals identify them as ‘right’ for the work they’ll do. The plan is for the new society to be run by the pod people.” — Jon Rappoport, The Underground Continue reading “The Surveillance State: covert revolution”
MURRIETA — An American flag has reportedly been burned by pro-amnesty protesters near the Murrieta Border Patrol station on America’s Independence Day.
Breitbart News obtained the above photograph, which shows a burnt flag on the ground, from an anti-illegal immigration activist who was monitoring the pro-amnesty demonstration.
Opponents of illegal immigration had gathered in Murrieta to stop Friday’s planned transfer of Central American illegal aliens, as they did earlier this week. A pro-amnesty counter-demonstration was organized in response. Continue reading “Pro-Amnesty Crowd Burns American Flag at Murrieta on 4th of July”
DENVER (Reuters) – At the Native Roots Apothecary, a discreet marijuana shop in a grand old building in Denver’s busy 16th street shopping mall, business is so brisk that customers are given a number before taking a seat to wait their turn.
There are young men in ball caps, nervous-looking professionals in suits, and the frail and elderly. Staff say customers have been flocking to their outlets since Colorado voted to allow recreational pot use for adults from January. Continue reading “Six months after marijuana legalization: Colorado tax revenue skyrockets as crime falls”
This happened last Sunday, but somehow I very much doubt it was an earthquake and more like a nuclear explosion, especially if it sounded like train derailed and it was only a 5.2 and especially since there was a radiation spike in the readings two days BEFORE it happen.
USGS, June 29, 2014: M5.2 – 50km NW of Lordsburg, NM 04:59:33 UTC (Max CDI (maximum reported intensity) = VII, Very Strong)
Fox 10, June 29, 2014: “Thought we heard a train coming… it sounded like a train might have derailed… [Scared] is an understatement, we were shaking.” -Sherry Huggins, near New Mexico/AZ border Continue reading “‘Very strong’ quake hits New Mexico border — Seismic data spikes at WIPP nuke site — Emergency declared at nearest nuclear plant — “Larger magnitude event could still occur” — TV: “Sounded like a train derailed” — “Very rare… Still trying to figure out what caused it… no known fault lines in area””
According to new information released by Verity Educate, a textbook being proposed for use in the Texas school system badly butchers the Declaration of Independence.
One book, Perfection Learning: Basic Principles of American Government, which if accepted would be used by some 5 million students, reads: Continue reading “Proposed Texas School Textbook Destroys Declaration of Independence”