Jesse Ventura (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialowski)RT

A federal judge asked a jury on Monday to once again attempt to come to a verdict in the defamation case brought by former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura since the panel could not come to a decision after five days of deliberations.

Ventura is suing the estate of former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle for disparaging him in Kyle’s book ‘American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History.’ Ventura says a passage of the book regarding a supposed fight between he and Kyle in 2006 has irreparably damaged his reputation.   Continue reading “Judge orders jury to re-attempt verdict in Jesse Ventura defamation suit against ‘American Sniper’”

An Iron Dome launcher fires an interceptor rocket in the southern Israeli city of Ashdod July 9, 2014. (Reuters/Baz Ratner)RT

In a raid seeking information related to Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, Chinese hackers infiltrated the databases of three Jewish defense contractors.

In addition to taking information on the Iron Dome, the attackers were also able to nab plans regarding other projects – including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, ballistic rockets, and “detailed schematics and specifications” for the Arrow III missile interceptor.   Continue reading “Chinese hackers obtained info on Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system – report”


BEIJING (AP) — China’s ruling Communist Party announced an investigation into a feared ex-security chief on Tuesday, demonstrating President Xi Jinping’s firm grip on power and breaking a longstanding taboo against publicly targeting the country’s topmost leaders.

If he goes to trial, Zhou Yongkang would be the highest-level official to be prosecuted since the 1981 treason trial of Mao Zedong’s wife and other members of the “Gang of Four,” who mercilessly persecuted political opponents during the chaotic 1966-76 Cultural Revolution.   Continue reading “China: Ex-security czar Zhou under investigation”


WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic and Republican members of Congress scrambled Tuesday to seal a $225 million boost to Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system before they break this week for a month-long recess.

As the Gaza war escalates, Israel is proving to be among the few subjects uniting lawmakers. Members of both parties have introduced legislation backing the Jewish state, condemning the Palestinian militant group Hamas and seeking a tougher Iran policy. Iron Dome is the priority, but the House and Senate are at odds over process.   Continue reading “Lawmakers try to seal $225M aid package for Israel”


LEWISTON, Maine (AP) — In the whitest U.S. state, thousands of miles from the Mexican border, the debate over immigration is becoming a central issue in one of the nation’s most closely watched governor’s races.

With its close-knit communities and a practice of labeling non-natives as “from away,” Mainers have a reputation for being insular. But they have also embraced the need for immigrants as the state’s population ages and declines.   Continue reading “Immigration debate roils politics in … Maine?”

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israel on Tuesday unleashed its heaviest bombardment in a 3-week-old war against Hamas, striking symbols of the militant group’s control in Gaza and firing tank shells that Palestinian officials said shut down the strip’s only power plant.

Thick black smoke from the plant’s burning fuel tank rose for hours. The station’s shutdown further disrupted the supply of electricity and water to the 1.7 million people packed into the narrow Palestinian coastal territory.   Continue reading “Israel hits symbols of Hamas rule; scores killed”

Govt Slaves

(Tim Brown)  While some question whether or not Barack Obama is a Muslim, there can be no doubt of his Islamic sympathies concerning those that advise him, along with the support and family ties he has to the Muslim Brotherhood and his foundation’s ties to terrorist groups.

With that said, one should always keep in mind that there are Islamists who are much more devout to Islam that others. Notice, I said devout, not radical and not extreme. They are merely seeking to adhere to Islam more than others. These people will kill their own over the slightest deviation from the Quran. The new Islamic State is such a group and now they have warned Barack Hussein Obama that they are coming for him.  
Continue reading “Islamic State Warns They Are Coming For Barak Obama”

The test has been able to diagnose cancer and pre-cancerous conditions from the blood of patients with the disease in their skin, colon or lungsDaily Mail – by Anna Hodgekiss

A revolutionary blood test that could detect any type of cancer has been developed by British scientists.

It is hoped the breakthrough will enable doctors to rule out cancer in patients presenting with certain symptoms – saving time and preventing costly and unnecessary invasive procedures and biopsies.

Early results have shown the simple test can diagnose cancer and pre-cancerous conditions from the blood of patients with melanoma, colon cancer and lung cancer with a high degree of accuracy.   Continue reading “Revolutionary new blood test ‘could detect ALL types of cancer’”

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas–The federal government is in dire need of U.S. citizens willing to house the thousands of illegal immigrants who enter the country each week, and they are willing to pay them to do so.

The Texas-based nonprofit Catholic Charities is currently seeking out foster families for the migrants, most of whom come from Central America. Ruth Braiser, a spokeswoman for the organization, told Breitbart Texas that foster families can receive monthly payments for housing adult immigrants who are under 23-years-old.   Continue reading “Collect More Than $7,000 Per Month for ‘Fostering’ Adult Illegal Aliens”

CNS News – by Abigail Wilkinson

When asked whether legalizing illegal immigrants would help unemployed Americans, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D.-Md.) responded by pointing to testimony from the director of the Congressional Budget Office that Van Hollen said indicated enactment of the Senate immigration bill (which gave illegal aliens a “path to citizenship’) would “reduce the deficit and increase long-term economic growth.” asked: “Do you think that allowing illegal aliens to stay in the United States and putting them on a path to citizenship will help unemployed Americans?”   Continue reading “Rep. Van Hollen: Legalizing Illegals Will ‘Reduce the Deficit’”

Times of Israel

A squad of Hamas terrorists emerged from a tunnel inside Israel Monday evening and killed five soldiers, but failed to carry out an abduction.

The attack took place south of Kibbutz Nahal Oz in the vicinity of the Karmi Crossing with the Gaza Strip.   Continue reading “Hamas tunnel raid kills 5 soldiers in southern Israel”

israel_hamasUSA Today – by Yousef Al-Helou, Ilana Conway and Jennifer Collins

GAZA CITY — Israel bombed the Gaza Strip’s only power plant Tuesday in a further sign that its military campaign against Hamas is showing few signs of slowing down as the conflict enters its fourth week.

In a separate development, a cease-fire proposed by a senior official from the Palestine Liberation Organization was later contradicted by Hamas.   Continue reading “Israel knocks out Gaza power station as strikes escalate”

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas–Bell County, Texas, has spent almost $200,000 so far this year on detainers, or “immigration holds,” for illegal immigrants.

Detainer requests from federal immigration officials require local law enforcement to hold illegal immigrants, detained for local charges, past the length of their jail times. Typically, the holding time is 48 hours. During this time, federal agents decide whether or not to deport the individuals.    Continue reading “Feds Force Rural Texas County to Pay Thousands to Hold Illegals”

Activist Post – by Eric Blair

Remember when our rulers told us that regimes like Saddam, Gaddafi, and Assad were the epitome of evil and must be liberated because they allegedly killed their own citizens? Probably not. Americans have short memories.

I only remind you to let you know that the U.S. and other Western governments have reversed their stance on regimes killing their own citizens. They now fully endorse and support this rule-with-an-iron-fist so long as the victims can be successfully labeled “separatists” or “terrorists”. Continue reading “25 Recent Events Causing WW3 They Want You To Forget”

Activist Post – by Kevin Samson

Also known as “telepresence,” the use of holograms is on the rise. Instead of Princess Leia, the last 5 years have ushered in real-world holograms that have been used toresurrect dead musicians, to create new musical stars in Japan, and and to transport political analysts into the studio of their choice. 

Yet there are many other uses for holograms that could have a far greater impact on our everyday world, as the following video chronology suggests.  

In 2010, The Guardian announced that holographic communication had flickered into life in Arizona:
Continue reading “Coming Soon: “Digital Resurrection” of Presidents and Campaign Holograms for 2016″

Summer-Afternoon-Asher-Durand.jpgWood Pile Report – by Ol’ Remus

The guilty are sneaking away unpunished, nobody’s fixing anything, there’s an orderly-so-fardevaluation of the dollar going on, the Treasury has fallen into the hands of counterfeiters and the election process has gone third-world. The home folks are broke, or nearly so, and unemployed, or about to be. Suddenly they understand DC isn’t on their side and now they’re debating whether DC is run by the criminally insane or the merely criminal. Oh yeah, this will end well.   Continue reading “The coming unpleasantness”

Brothers and Sisters, the enemy is in the wire!

Illegal Invaders held a protest in front of the White House yesterday to protest among other things, the fact that they don’t have representation at the White House. Foreigners that are invading our country are complaining that they are not represented by our government. ICE has stated that they will do nothing about it. We read the stories daily of MS-13 gang members from other countries committing atrocious crimes against our people. They rape our women, they murder our people and they get let loose to commit more crimes. Our country is being overrun and we are expected to sit back and allow this to continue while Rick Perry and other Neo-Cons use the invasion to get little sound bites for their future in politics.   Continue reading “An open letter to all Patriots”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said he has no plans to impeach President Barack Obama and impeachment talk was nothing but a “scam” started by Democrats.

“We have no plans to impeach the president. We have no future plans,” Boehner said at a Tuesday press conference. “It’s all a scam started by Democrats in the White House.”   Continue reading “Boehner: Impeachment Threats ‘All a Scam’”

An NYPD cop puts his arm around Rosan Miller's neck in an apparent chokehold, which is prohibited by the department.New York Daily News – by Tina Moore

Police are investigating whether a cop put a seven-months-pregnant woman in a chokehold while busting her for illegal grilling in Brooklyn — an incident caught on film.

Photos released Monday by an East New York advocacy group show Rosan Miller, 27, struggling with a cop who appears to have his arm around her neck.

The NYPD prohibits the use of chokeholds.

Officers went to the home over the weekend because Miller was grilling on a public sidewalk in violation of local law, cops said. But a melee broke out that ended with her, her brother and husband all in handcuffs.   Continue reading “Pregnant woman apparently put in chokehold by NYPD cop during dispute over illegal grilling”

Fuel Fix – by Rhiannon Meyers

Iraq’s lawyers Monday warned a Houston maritime company against unloading a controversial load of Kurdish crude oil from a tanker anchored off the coast of Galveston, arguing the cargo is stolen property.

The letter requested that Houston-based SPT inform the Iraqi government if asked to transport any of the crude and return any cargo offloaded from the tanker. The lightering company said it has never been contacted about offloading the crude and has no plans to do so.   Continue reading “Iraq warns against unloading tanker of Kurdish crude anchored off Galveston”