STEPHENVILLE, Texas (AP) — A Texas jury has rejected the insanity defense of a former Marine in the deaths of famed “American Sniper” author Chris Kyle and another man.

After a two-week trial in which jurors heard testimony about defendant Eddie Ray Routh’s erratic behavior, including statements about anarchy, the apocalypse and pig-human hybrids, they convicted Routh Tuesday night in the deaths of Kyle and Chad Littlefield at a Texas shooting range two years ago.   Continue reading “Ex-Marine convicted in ‘Sniper’ trial faces life in prison”

Sipsey Street Irregulars

“With the Homeland Security Department set to shut down on Saturday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday offered Senate Democrats everything they wanted. And then, as with mice and cookies, they asked for some more.”

See also: GOP lawmakers clash over shutdown.   Continue reading “GOP waves white flag on amnesty.”

The New Boston Tea Party

Yes, the global warmers – climate change aficionados have gone into hibernation. With provocative statements by none other than Mayor DiBlasio ( a think tank know it all legend in his own mind) the Kool Aid  imbibers are pumping co2’s into the atmosphere faster than Mount St. Helens.  What has caused them to do this – we thought all along they would be going green, but Mother Nature through an icicle into their plans; they too love to be warm at heart. With temperatures plummeting to all time lows, even Washington D.C, the heart of the Mean Green Machine, saw a minus 4 below, thirty degrees lower than the coldest it has ever been on February 23. Is a new ice age upon us, that is the question asked by millions who are literally “dying” to understand their fate.   Continue reading “Global Warming – Ten Degrees Colder Than Normal”

Vineyard of the Saker

The withdrawal of heavy weapons and M2A:
The situation on the line of contact is generally calm. The Novorussian forces are withdrawing their heavy weapons according to schedule while the junta forces are, by most reports, not or, not much. The excuse for these delays is that “the necessary conditions have not been created”. In reality, the problem is that Poroshenko has very little control over the various armed forces. Apparently, the regular armed forces do more or less obey him, and since these are the most heavily armed, there is some hope that they will eventually withdraw. The various death-squads (volunteer battalions, internal forces, etc.) will probably resist as much as possible, but since they don’t have much heavy firepower, that is probably not a major obstacle right now.   Continue reading “Ukraine SITREP Feb 24th 2015”

ABC News

Suspected Israeli extremists have torched a Palestinian mosque in the West Bank and left Hebrew graffiti at the site.

Jibreen al-Bakri, governor of the Bethlehem region, says the mosque in the village of Jabaa near Bethlehem was set alight at dawn Wednesday, damaging the mosque’s walls and carpeted floor.   Continue reading “West Bank Mosque Torched by Suspected Israeli Extremists”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Not too much is ever mentioned about just who Frank Marshal Davis was or what he did in relation to being a Mentor to now President Obama. Had some of what this man was linked to been shown, Obama would have been chewed up by the press—sorry, they knew about this, but they wanted to have the first black President at all costs. Even now, most of the Lame Stream Media do not wish to dive into Obama’s first Communist Mentor—yes, he was mentored by the Card Carrying Communist, Frank Marshal Davis. Now many will ask just who this Communist is that taught and mentored Obama. We are going to do this article now as it should have been done back in 2006 when he ran for Senator, assisted by the likes of fellow Communists, Alice Palmer, Valerie Jarrett, and of course, David Axelrod.   Continue reading “Obama’s Communist Mentor”

justice will prevailThe Healthy Home Economist – by Sarah

The report below was recently sent to every representative and senator in the Washington legislature and to all the newspapers in Washington. Attorney James Deal believes that the personal or philosophical objection will be retained at the Federal level.

“They have all the money, but we have all the good ideas. If we persevere, we will succeed.”  ~ James Robert Deal, J.D.   Continue reading “An Attorney’s View of Vaccines”

extractNatural News – by PF Louis

To enhance your coffee drinking pleasure and avoid the toxic flavored creamers on the market, here are 25 ways to do that. First the basic instructions.

Choose the milk and cream or half-and-half that’s as healthy as possible, usually organic grass-fed cows will give you that. If you prefer non-dairy milks, make sure you check out the ingredients closely. Avoid soy alternatives.   Continue reading “Go organic with these 25 homemade coffee creamer recipes”

Canada Free Press – by Judi McLeod

“Stop, thief!”  can be heard daily on the street corners of the world when vulnerable old ladies and others are being relieved of their grocery money and identification by purse snatching, knockout-practicing thugs.

“Stop, thief!” should be the universal alarm for this Thursday when, in daylight,  Barack Obama boldly makes away with the Internet.   Continue reading “Wanted: An Internet to call our own”

Brian Beaird shooting (YouTube)Raw Story – Reuters

Three Los Angeles police officers who fatally shot an unarmed man after a televised car chase in 2013 will not face charges over the killing, prosecutors said on Monday, in a case that has drawn criticism from the department’s police chief.

The news was contained in a letter dated Jan. 29 and released by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. It came as national scrutiny over police killings of unarmed people remains high after several high-profile deaths.   Continue reading “No charges for LA cops who gunned down unarmed veteran on live TV during chase”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Milwaukee, WI — In August of 2013 former detective Rodolfo Gomez savagely beat Deron Love during an interrogation. He was chained to the wall.

Love, 27, was accused of killing his 7-month-old baby, a charge he would not confess to and one that he would eventually beat.

A year after being tortured by Gomez, Love was found not guilty of first-degree reckless homicide and child neglect in the death of his infant son.   Continue reading “Cop Chains Innocent Man to Wall, Beats Him, Gouges Eyes After Refusing to Confess to a Crime”

Independent – by Christopher Hooton

A school in Sydney paid tribute to a teacher alleged to be a “notorious molester” with an inscription on its memorial gates that read “he touched us all”, Australia’s royal commission has heard.

Former Knox Grammar School student Scott Ashton told the inquiry he was deeply confused by the memorial at the school, the response of which to the abuse allegations is the subject of the investigation.   Continue reading “Paedophile teacher immortalised on school memorial gates with the words ‘He touched us all’”

southern-tier-secession.jpgBATR – by James Hall

With the media account that Upstate NY towns explore seceding to Pennsylvania over taxes, hydrofracking, the stage is set for a clash of constitutional power politics.

“The Upstate New York Towns Association feels pushed to the limit by high property taxes, low sales tax revenue and Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s decision to ban hydraulic fracturing in the state. This combination has driven them to research whether leaving New York to become part of Pennsylvania is a realistic possibility.   Continue reading “Economics of NYS Southern Tier Secession”

job seekersIB Times – by Angelo Young

The vast majority of U.S. workers’ wages either stagnated or declined last year, and a key monthly survey on consumer confidence shows Americans are more skeptical about their chances of getting a raise this year. The Conference Board said Tuesday that the number of consumers expecting their incomes to grow dropped from nearly 20 percent in the January poll to 15.1 percent in February.

The New York-based research group’s closely watched Consumer Confidence Index showed an overall decline in consumer opinion about the country’s economic conditions. The index declined to 96.4 in February, down from January’s 103.8. Consumer sentiment remains at levels seen before the Great Recession, but the latest survey shows a spike in cynicism about the job market.   Continue reading “US Consumer Sentiment Declines As Fewer Workers Expect Incomes To Rise In Coming Months”

hqdefaultWorld Truth TV

It’s not every day the one has the opportunity to observe the construction of a secret underground base. This video is an actual declassified US Army film, documenting the nuclear-powered construction process of Camp Century, beneath the ice of central Greenland.

The base was constructed in the late 1950s, during the height of the Cold War, for “research” purposes.   Continue reading “US Army’s Top Secret Arctic City Under The Ice “Camp Century”‏”

Information Liberation – by Chris

“Stop resisting, asshole!”

Those were the words uttered by Orlando police officer Peter Delio, after kneeing a non-resisting handcuffed suspect in the stomach so hard he rupturing his spleen.

As this newly released video shows, the only “resistance” 40-year-old Robert Liese could have put up was the resistance his abdominal muscles showed when faced with an unprovoked pounding.    Continue reading ““Stop Resisting” Cop Yells After Kneeing Complaint Cuffed Man In Stomach So Hard He Ruptured His Spleen”

The Anti-Media – by Justin King

(ANTIMEDIA) Mosul, Iraq – Whether through nefarious planning or just plain incompetence, it seems as though the Western powers have no interest in a defeated Islamic State. The battle in Iraq caused by years of failed foreign policy rages, and the West seems to only be concerned with public relations activities.

The Kurds are literally begging for supplies to fight the Islamic radicals. In an amazing interview with The Guardian, Captain Ibrahim expressed his surprise at being abandoned by the West.   Continue reading “Mounting Evidence Shows US Does Not Want Islamic State Defeated”