Russia just lost its early-warning system for detecting ballistic missiles because of delays in the launch of its new “Tundra” advanced early-warning system.
So, your TV might be spying on you. It probably just wanted to join in with the rest of the technology in your life, because let’s face it: if you live in the 21st century you’re probably monitored by half a dozen companies from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. (And if you wear a sleep tracker, it doesn’t even stop then.)
Compared with some of the technology that keeps a beady eye fixed on you, the news that Samsung’s privacy policy warns customers not to discuss sensitive information in front of their smart TVs is actually fairly tame. The warning relates to a voice-recognition feature that has to be explicitly invoked, and which only begins transmitting data when you say the activation phrase “hi, TV”. Continue reading “6 Ways Your Tech Is Spying on You — and How You Can Fight Back”
President Barack Obama has said the reality of “American leadership” at times entails “twisting the arms” of states which “don’t do what we need them to do,” and that the US relied on its military strength and other leverage to achieve its goals.
In a broad-ranging interview with Vox, which Obama himself described as a venue “for the brainiac-nerd types,” the US president both denied the efficacy of a purely “realist” foreign policy but also arguing that at times the US, which has a defense budget that exceeds the next 10 countries combined, needed to rely on its military muscle and other levers of power. Continue reading “Obama: ‘We have to twist arms when countries don’t do what we need them to’”
WASHINGTON (AP) — During six years behind bars at Guantanamo Bay, Abdul Rauf insisted he was a lowly Taliban foot soldier who delivered bread and tea to combatants, even though he was really a corps commander. He was released in 2007 and sent home to Afghanistan. Until this week, he was working as the top recruiter in Afghanistan for Islamic State militants.
Rauf, who was killed along with seven others in a U.S. drone strike on Monday, and detainees like him who have returned to the battlefield are complicating President Barack Obama’s hopes of closing the detention center for terrorism suspects on the U.S. Navy base in Cuba. The administration says the prison is costly, damages America’s relationship with key allies and provides extremists a propaganda tool to woo recruits. Continue reading “Gitmo detainee’s turn to IS hampers effort to close prison”
STEPHENVILLE, Texas (AP) — A Texas rodeo store has temporarily run out of baseball caps honoring Chris Kyle, the Navy SEAL depicted in the blockbuster movie “American Sniper.” A roadside sign outside Grumps Burgers next door proclaims support for the families of Kyle and friend Chad Littlefield, who were slain two years ago at a gun range.
With opening statements set to begin Wednesday in the trial of the former Marine accused of capital murder in their deaths, many residents in this small community have been captivated by the case. “It’s been a big deal around here,” said Cory Flores, 25, who didn’t know Kyle but said he hoped to get a seat to witness the trial. He was among the dozens of people, including members of the media, waiting early Wednesday outside the Donald R. Jones Justice Center in Stephenville, about 50 miles southwest of Fort Worth. Continue reading “Trial opens for ex-Marine accused in ‘American Sniper’ death”
Investigators are still searching for a motive behind an attack in North Carolina that left three Muslim students dead, as speculation mounted that the killings might be linked to their religion.
Like the infamous brownshirts who marched lockstep in obedience to their beloved dictator, nearly every major mainstream media outlet today is simultaneously and savagely ripping at those who choose not to vaccinate, calling for free-thinking parents to be jailed, have their children taken from them, and be forcibly injected with whatever vaccines the state deems necessary.
But this unified affront to medical freedom has one common and baleful theme that needs to be recognized by all, regardless of your personal views on vaccines — the corporate media machine is actively encouraging the medical community to abandon all established medical ethics and literally force potentially life-threatening medical treatments on people without their informed consent. Continue reading “Entire national media calling on doctors to violate fundamental medical ethics in push for vaccines”
On February 10, DKNY founder Donna Karan will join Michael Bloomberg, Gabby Giffords, Richard Martinez, and Everytown for Gun Safety for a gun control push that will be marked by the sale of custom bracelets bearing the message “Not One More.”
An Appeals Court in Washington, DC has ruled that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) may withhold from the public a secret procedure for shutting down cell phone service.
If you are a physician in need of further INFORMATION, including a recovery protocol,
you may call Lloyd Phillips at 336-600-1055, or EMAIL:
TRENTON — New Jersey schools would be required to teach students how they should interact with police officers under proposed legislation a sponsor says could protect both kids and cops.
The bill, (A4130), introduced last week, would require school districts to come up with instructions for students as part of their Social Studies Core Curriculum Content Standards that would include “the role and responsibilities of a law enforcement official in providing for public safety” and “an individual’s responsibilities to comply with a directive from a law enforcement official.” Continue reading “N.J. schools would teach kids how to interact with police under proposed law”
CHICAGO (WLS) — The ABC7 I-Team reveals the mobile technology that hackers can use to steal credit and debit numbers from you while you’re in public. The cards at risk are enabled with radio technology that allows you to “wave and pay.”
It may be convenient, but there are also remote tools that thieves can use to steal information from those cards. The I-Team tested a device that can “secretly swipe” while you are standing in line to pay, on an escalator, or in a crowded spot. Continue reading “Secretly swiped: Your account numbers taken out of thin air”
Last year, a police oversight board substantiated six complaints by people who said New York City officers had restrained them with a chokehold, a banned maneuver that was used by an officer in the fatal encounter with Eric Garner on Staten Island in July.
The Global Warming establishment is NOT a business. All the tentacles that suck up public money to finance crony collectivism are based upon government subsidies and artificially higher consumer prices. The absurd lunacy that economic growth and productive jobs can be created with the underlying premise of the “so called” industrial model is based upon lies, deceit and cooked data; clearly demonstrates the disingenuous nature of the zealots that benefit from the fraud. Continue reading “Business of Global Warming Fraud”