Hate Drones? This New Website Lets You Create a 'No Fly Zone' Over Your PropertyYahoo Tech – by Alyssa Bereznak

As anti-drone sentiment spreads, a new organization has risen to help individuals secure the blue skies above their properties.

NoFlyZone.org lets you register your address online, letting drone manufacturers and fliers know that their machines are not welcome near your business or home, according to a report from TechCrunch.   Continue reading “Hate Drones? This New Website Lets You Create a ‘No Fly Zone’ Over Your Property”

The Guardian – by Rory Carroll

NBC has suspended its star news anchor Brian Williams for six months without pay over his false story of coming under fire in a US military helicopter in Iraq.

The network made the announcement in a statement on Tuesday night. It said Williams had been informed of the decision earlier and the suspension was “effective immediately”.   Continue reading “NBC suspends Brian Williams for six months over helicopter story”

GOA News

The concept of “constitutional carry” is simple:  An individual’s ability to exercise his or her Second Amendment rights shouldn’t depend on a “permit” from the government.

Currently, there are six states that allow permitless carry throughout all or most of their jurisdictions.   Continue reading “Constitutional Carry Bills Advancing from Coast-to-Coast”

20150210-074006-9832.jpgThe Hill – by Lydia Wheeler

State legislators around the country have introduced more than 200 bills aiming to nullify regulations and laws coming out of Washington, D.C., as they look to rein in the federal government.

The legislative onslaught, which includes bills targeting federal restrictions on firearms, experimental treatments and hemp, reflects growing discord between the states and Washington, state officials say.   Continue reading “States rise up against Washington”

Indulging in a 30-minute power nap can help restore the damage caused by having too little sleep, a new study has today revealedDaily Mail – by Lizzy Parry

Indulging in a power nap can repair the damage caused by a lack of sleep, new research today claims.

Having a 30-minute snooze can help relieve stress and bolster the immune systems by restoring hormones and proteins to normal levels.

Scientists hope their findings will help shift workers and those suffering insomnia, by mitigating the damage caused by too few hours sleep.   Continue reading “Power napping really IS good for you: A 30-minute snooze can repair the damage caused by a lack of sleep, study finds”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Baltimore, MD — A Baltimore County police officer shot a 14-year-old boy Monday night while moonlighting as an apartment complex security guard.

Police said two security guards were working off-duty at the Woodridge apartment complex who were investigating reports of people inside apartments that were under construction.   Continue reading “Cop Points Gun at 14-yo Boy Playing on a Balcony, “Accidentally” Pulls Trigger, Shoots Him”

Huffington Post – by Christopher Mathias

A New York City police officer has been indicted in the shooting death of 28-year-old Akai Gurley, law enforcement sources told both NY1 and The New York Daily News on Tuesday.

A bullet fired by rookie officer Peter Liang killed Gurley inside the darkened stairwell of the Louis Pink housing project in East New York, Brooklyn, on Nov. 20.   Continue reading “NYPD Officer Indicted In Death Of Akai Gurley, According To Reports”

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpiNew York Daily News – by Caitlin Nolan

Two NYPD officers allegedly stormed a Brooklyn apartment, knocking the door open and a woman to the ground, after they mistook the lollipop she had in her hand for drugs, according to a complaint filed with the Civilian Complaint Review Board.

In April 2013, the black-clad duo — who later identified themselves as police officers — forced their way into the East New York apartment of Malik Saunders, 38, as his friend Jarnale Henry was leaving to go food shopping, Henry and Saunders testified Monday during a departmental hearing.   Continue reading “NYPD cops allegedly storm into Brooklyn apartment after mistaking lollipop for drugs”

View image on TwitterFree Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos

Nocona, Texas – An officer responding to a domestic disturbance at a North Texas residence, shot and killed off-duty sheriff’s deputy Larry Hostetter, 41, shortly after midnight.   Continue reading “So Far this Year, All Identified Cop Killers, Were Also Cops”

The Daily Caller – by Neil Munro

The spread of vibrant social diversity is constricting the GOP’s ability to champion conservative causes, such as smaller government and independent families, President Barack Obama said in a softball media interview.

“Over the long term, I’m pretty optimistic, and the reason is because this country just becomes more and more of a hodgepodge of folks,” Obama told Vox editor Ezra Klein.   Continue reading “Obama “Hopeful” Immigration Will Drown Conservatism”


An Iowa widow is charged with a crime and had nearly $19,000 seized from her bank after depositing her late husband’s legally earned money in a way that evaded federal reporting requirements.

Janet Malone, 68, of Dubuque, is facing civil and criminal proceedings under a law intended to help investigators track large sums of cash tied to criminal activity such as drug trafficking and terrorism. But some members of Congress and libertarian groups have complained that the IRS and federal prosecutors are unfairly using it against ordinary people who deposit lawfully obtained money in increments below $10,000.   Continue reading “US Charges Iowa Widow Over How She Deposited Husband’s Cash”

Honolulu skyline / APFree Beacon – by Bill Gertz

HONOLULU—China has suggested arming Hawaii’s independence activists in retaliation for U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and recently threatened to challenge American sovereignty by making legal claims to the Pacific islands as its territory.

Chinese threats to back several groups of Hawaiian independence activists who want to restore the islands’ constitutional monarchy, ousted in a U.S.-backed coup over a century ago, has raised concerns that military facilities on the strategic central Pacific archipelago are threatened at a time when the Obama administration is engaged in a major shift toward Asia as part of its military and diplomatic rebalance.   Continue reading “Hawaiian Independence Movement Attracts Chinese Interest”

According to sources, Jeb Bush has won the "Henry Kissinger sweepstakes," earning the former Secretary of State's support as candidates vie to enhance their foreign policy credentials—and their warchests. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)Observer – by Ken Kurson

On Wednesday night, several dozen people with the means to attend an event so pricey its invitation doesn’t list an expected contribution will gather in the Park Avenue apartment of Henry and Marie-Josée Kravis to meet Jeb Bush and add to the quickly filling coffers of Right to Rise, the PAC set up to aid Mr. Bush’s presidential ambitions. The affair will be co-chaired by Mr. Kravis’ colleagues at KKR, including Ken Mehlman, who managed George W. Bush’s 2004 campaign and later became chairman of the Republican National Committee.    Continue reading “Henry Kissinger Chooses Jeb Bush: Sources”


California Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez (R-Lake Elsinore) has introduced legislation to protect Californians from being falsely accused of gun violence in the new era of “Gun Violence Restraining Orders” (GVROs).

On a Facebook post dated February 4, Melendez wrote: “I did not enact the law [creating GVROs], but I’m awfully happy to be the one to undo it.”   Continue reading “Lawmaker Pushing Bill to Protect Gun Owners from False ‘Gun Violence’ Claims”

measlesBreitbart – by Merrill Hope

Parents in Texas appear to be rejecting the idea of immunizing their children against early childhood diseases. The nationwide measles outbreak has swept 14 states, most predominantly in California. The Lone Star state has been lucky so far and has been spared from the outbreak of the virulent virus. Despite this eruption, more Texas parents are saying “no” to inoculating their children from many childhood diseases including the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 102 cases of measles were reported nationally between January 1-30. Only one case was reported in Texas back in July 2014. Dallas County Department of Health & Human Services (DCHHS) Director Zachary Thompson issued a health advisory after the confirmed case was announced last summer in North Texas.     Continue reading “More Texas Parents Say ‘No’ to Measles Vaccine Despite Nationwide Outbreak”

Farm and Dairy – by Ivory Harlow

A hundred years ago lard reigned supreme. My great grandmother used lard to make everything from lye soap to her famous oatmeal chocolate cookies. Sometime during my grandmother’s era lard fell from grace due to increasing health awareness and cholesterol concerns. By the 1980s my own mother had not only rejected lard, but all real fats including butter. I grew up “enjoying” the florescent glow of margarine.

Today lard is making a comeback. It is a superior fat for making just about everything: flaky pie crusts, melt-in-your-mouth biscuits and flour tortillas. I use it to make perfectly fried chicken, popcorn shrimp and crispy hot hushpuppies.   Continue reading “How to render lard, the easy way”