Govt Slaves

(SALEM)  The nation’s first per-mile charging system will launch in Oregon July 1, 2015 . The implementation team for Oregon’s Road Usage Charge Program, enacted by the Oregon Legislature last July, has qualified three companies to help build and support Oregon’s mileage charge collection system: Sanef, Verizon and Azuga. The companies will now pass through ODOT’s certification process in order to provide services to the program’s volunteer motorists beginning July 1, 2015.“Our vision is to create a reliable, easy-to-use, low cost, enforceable, and publicly acceptable ‘open’ system,” said Jim Whitty, Manager of ODOT’s Office of Innovative Partnerships and Alternative Funding. “A charge based on measured road use preserves fairness and accountability in supporting the state’s system of roads and highways.”   Continue reading “Oregon Teams Up With Verizon To Tax Vehicles 1.5 Cents Per Mile”

Idaho state parks department eyes corporate sponsorshipKBOI 2 News

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The director of the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation is seeking permission from lawmakers to allow corporate sponsorship as a way to bring in money for the state’s park system.

The Spokesman-Review reports that David Langhorst told lawmakers Monday that allowing businesses to put their names on signs, picnic shelters and brochures could help make the park system pay for itself.   Continue reading “Idaho state parks department eyes corporate sponsorship”

Fox News – by Maximconoypic.jpg Lott

Drive into tiny Conoy Township, Pa., and you’ll see the standard “welcome” sign, but it also comes with a warning: “THIS IS NOT A GUN FREE ZONE.”

The signs are meant to alert criminals to the fact that many people in the rural Pennsylvania town of 3,000 are armed. A dozen have been installed so far and three more are slated to go up, which would cover every major road into the town. Officials hope the signs give would-be criminals second thoughts before causing trouble.   Continue reading “Pennsylvania town packs heat, and wants visitors to know it”

Embedded image permalinkBreitbart – by Chriss W. Street

Ajit Pai, the sole Republican Commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), inferred in a Tweet that President Barack Obama’s secret, 332-page “Net Neutrality” document is a scheme for federal micro-managing of the Internet to extract billions in new taxes from consumers and again enforce progressives’ idea of honest, equitable, and balanced content fairness.

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler recently acknowledged that the two Democrats on the commission had decided to avoid Congressional input regarding the Internet by adopting President Franklin Roosevelt’s 1934 Communications Act to regulate the Internet with the same federal control as the old AT&T customer monopoly. To make sure that libertarian advocates would remain in the dark, Wheeler “embargoed” release of any of the specifics in the new administrative “policy” that will act as law.   Continue reading “Republican FCC Member Warns Net Neutrality is not Neutral”

The Organic Prepper

Home canning is a great way to preserve food. It’s an old-fashioned skill that has undergone a lot of research, resulting in modern updates.

Sometimes people are resistant to these updates. When I recently published my book, The Organic Canner, I can’t tell you how many emails I received telling me, for example, that a pressure canner isn’t necessary. That the reader’s grandma used a water bath canner for everything and she lived to the ripe old age of 114. That by my adherence to the guidelines set forth by the USDA, I’m “selling out” and kowtowing to the government. One person even wrote that he “used to read my website but no longer would” since my book followed the USDA recommendations for canning.   Continue reading “Washington Man Paralyzed by Botulism from Improperly Canned Food” – by Daniel J. Graeber

WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 (UPI) — The national average retail price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the United States has increased for 15 consecutive days, AAA data show Tuesday.

Oil prices in the United States were in a free fall last year and in early 2015, with the national average price flirting with the $2 per gallon mark. A national average price for Tuesday of $2.18 per gallon is about a penny more than Monday and 12 cents more than one week ago.   Continue reading “Gas prices rise for 15th straight day”


A resident of Kramatorsk, Ukraine, captured a two-minute bombardment of the town, showing 24 separate explosions pummeling homes and buildings. Separatist forces launched the rockets as part of their attacks on the Ukrainian government’s military headquarters.

Three were killed and dozens wounded, Ukrainian news reports. The terrifying video shows dozens of rockets landing in a Kramatorsk residential neighborhood. The woman behind the camera can be heard screaming, “Boys!” Perhaps she was calling to her own children crying in the background, or perhaps to the soldiers at the military headquarters where the shelling hit.   Continue reading “Ukraine Town Hit By 24 Rockets In Two Minutes”

Monarch butterfly (Reuters/Daniel Aguilar)RT

The beautiful monarch butterfly, which is also a major pollinator, is being threatened by herbicides that eradicate milkweed, its primary food source. Now, a desperate rejuvenation program is under way to save the species from possible extinction.

A shocking statistic released by the US Fish and Wildlife Service on Monday summed up the plight of the monarch butterfly: Since 1990, about 970 million of the butterflies – 90 percent of the total population – have vanished across the United States.   Continue reading “Monsanto monarch massacre: 970 million butterflies killed since 1990”

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House was ready to share with lawmakers Tuesday its plan to seek authority for the use of military force against the Islamic State group, setting up the first war vote in Congress in 13 years.

Presidential counsel Neil Eggleston was set to address the Senate Democrats’ luncheon, the day before President Barack Obama is expected to formally unveil his proposed authorization, a Democratic official revealed.   Continue reading “Obama to send his new war powers request to Capitol Hill”

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — United Arab Emirates fighter planes roared out of an air base in Jordan on Tuesday to pound Islamic State militant positions, marking a return to combat operations by one of the United States’ closest Arab allies in the fight against the extremists.

The Emirates’ decision to launch fresh airstrikes from the kingdom after a more-than-monthlong hiatus was a strong show of support for Western-allied Jordan, which has vowed a punishing response to the militants’ killing of one of its pilots.   Continue reading “Emirates launches airstrikes from Jordan on Islamic State”

The Verge – by Elizabeth Lopatto

In at least 57 clinical trials conducted from 1998 to 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration found evidence of falsification, problems with reporting side-effects, inadequate record-keeping, and more. But only three of the resulting 78 publications monitored in today’s report mentioned the misconduct uncovered during inspections. And no corrections, retractions, or other comments were added after publication. The author of today’s report blames “regulatory capture” for the lapse, or a type of corruption where a public agency protects the interests of the groups it’s meant to regulate rather than the interests of the public at large.   Continue reading “The FDA doesn’t tell you when it finds scientific fraud”


The United States has derailed a proposal to toughen nuclear safety standards by amending a global atomic treaty, diplomats said, with opponents of the move arguing it would get mired in lengthy parliamentary ratification.

Months of wrangling about the future of the 77-nation Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) culminated at a Vienna meeting diplomats feared could expose divisions over safety standards four years after the Fukushima disaster started.   Continue reading “U.S. derails amendment to toughen nuclear safety pact: diplomats”

World From Space - Public DomainEconomic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Are we on the verge of a major worldwide economic downturn?  Well, if recent warnings from prominent bankers all over the world are to be believed, that may be precisely what we are facing in the months ahead.  As you will read about below, the big banks are warning that the price of oil could soon drop as low as 20 dollars a barrel, that a Greek exit from the eurozone could push the EUR/USD down to 0.90, and that the global economy could shrink by more than 2 trillion dollars in 2015.  Most of the time, very few people ever actually read the things that the big banks write for their clients.  But in recent months, a lot of these bankers are issuing such ominous warnings that you would think that they have started to write for The Economic Collapse Blog.  Of course we have seen this happen before.  Just before the financial crisis of 2008, a lot of people at the big banks started to get spooked, and now we are beginning to see an atmosphere of fear spread on Wall Street once again.  Nobody is quite sure what is going to happen next, but an increasing number of experts are starting to agree that it won’t be good.   Continue reading “If You Listen Carefully, The Bankers Are Actually Telling Us What Is Going To Happen Next”

Silver is the New

In some countries, the ‘solution’ the state chooses for its ignominous billionaire class of inequality-garnering, economy-wrecking individuals is to either a) turn one’s back for a brief enough moment as to allow the tyrant to leave the country in search of a golden beach upon which to lament how great a trade being long European bonds would have been’ or b) enhance their wealth further on a quid pro quo basis. In China, the ‘treatment’ for corrupt billionaires who love casinos, cigars, and luxury cars is much simpler…execution.   Continue reading “China’s Solution To “Tyrannical” Billionaires Who Harm The Economy: Execution”


Social media is abuzz after CNN labeled Ukrainian forces involved in Kiev’s deadly military operation in the country’s southeast as “pro-US troops.” Online comments are calling it a Freudian slip, claiming it unmasks the true agenda behind the conflict.

The headline during CNN’s Monday segment, dedicated to talks between Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the resolution of the Ukraine crisis, read: “Obama considers arming pro-US troops.”   Continue reading ““Freudian slip? CNN says Obama considers arming pro-US troops…in Ukraine””