One-year-old Cameron Fierro is vaccinated with the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in Northridge, Calif. A measles outbreak in Ohio drew far less attention than the one at Disneyland in southern California.Reuters – by DAN WHITCOMB AND MICHAEL FLEEMAN

Responding to an outbreak of measles that has infected more than 100 people, two California lawmakers said on Wednesday they would introduce legislation to end the right of parents in the state to exempt their children from school vaccinations based on personal beliefs.

California public health officials say 92 people have been diagnosed with measles in the state, many of them linked to an outbreak that they believe began when an infected person from outside the country visited Disneyland in late December.   Continue reading “California lawmakers seek to end ‘personal belief’ vaccine exemptions”

Fox 2 Now – by Chris Hayes

ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO (KTVI) – A St. Louis County man says he just found out he was never married to the woman he thought was his wife.  That`s because during divorce proceedings, he found out she was already married.

Ken Cherry said, ‘What kind of dummy was I to get myself caught up in something like this? ` He added, ‘I was supposed to be husband number five.’   Continue reading “During divorce, man realizes wife of nine years was already married”

Wall Street Journal – by Hannah Karp

There are plenty of people listening to talk radio. But over the past three years, it has become increasingly difficult to make money off it.

More than 50 million people in the U.S. tune in each week to news-talk radio stations that carry advertising, making it radio’s second-most popular format, behind country music, according to Nielsen.

But many national advertisers have fled from such stations in recent years, seeking to avoid associating their brands with potentially controversial programming. As a result, advertising on talk stations now costs about half what it does on music stations, given comparable audience metrics, according to industry executives.   Continue reading “Talk Radio’s Advertising Problem”

The Daily Caller – by Kerry Picket

WASHINGTON — Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson released a statement Tuesday night saying that any “politically charged amendments” in the DHS funding bill “that attempt to defund our executive actions on immigration reform” would result in consequences.

Johnson warns that if DHS were to be funded by a short-term funding bill known as a “continuing resolution,” the department would not be able to fund “new non-disaster grants to state, local and tribal governments, law enforcement, emergency response officials and fire departments.”   Continue reading “Homeland Security Threatens Consequences If Funding Bill Isn’t Passed”

science researchVaccine Impact – by Brian Shilhavy

The current measles outbreak and measles vaccines are a hot topic of debate raging in both the mainstream and alternative media. However, it would appear that the mainstream media’s reporting on this issue is leaving out some very important facts that for some reason they do not seem to want to report.

Given the severity of the issue and the current rhetoric, which includes some in the mainstream media calling for criminal prosecution and incarceration of parents who refuse the measles vaccine, it is very important that all the facts involving the measles vaccine are revealed to the public.   Continue reading “Why is the Mainstream Media Ignoring Measles Vaccine Fraud Cases?”

11.jpgAll News Pipeline – by Live Free or Die

An All News Pipeline reader emailed us the photographs seen both above and below of ANOTHER military train on the move in Northwestern Louisiana. While a military train fully loaded down on the move is no longer an uncommon sight in this world we live in, the outright openness and brazenness of these moves is becoming more disturbing to those who are paying attention, such as this Iraqi War Veterans warning to us here.:

I passed three police cars with their lights all flashing as they escorted a flatbed truck that was hauling a Bradley fighting vehicle. No tarps or covers were upon it, it was exposed for all to see   Continue reading “Military On Move – NW Louisiana – They’re In Our Face Now! They Want Us To Know!”

tacoThe Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Melton

And I thought the story of a nine-year-old kid getting suspended for bringing his magical hobbit one ring to school and saying he could make another kid disappear because that’s a terroristic threat was the dumbest story I had heard come out of a public school this week.

When that happened I had to ask, “How much more pathetic do public schools in America have to GET before they just start imploding from the sheer level of STUPID?”   Continue reading “WTF? Teacher Arrested for Attacking First Grader for Eating Too Much at Lunch: “He Only Needed One Taco””

Cliven Lance Bundy/Previous arrest photo8 News Now

LAS VEGAS (AP) — An adult son of southern Nevada rancher and states’ rights advocate Cliven Bundy has been sentenced to state prison for violating probation on two felony convictions dating to 2013.

Cliven Lance Bundy blamed missed court dates and a failure after almost two years to complete a one-year court-run drug diversion program on an addiction to pain medications and heroin.   Continue reading “Cliven Bundy’s son gets prison for 2013 felony convictions”

The Organic Prepper

The economic climate has a lot of people scrambling to stock up on food right now.  Add to an uncertain job market the food shortage caused by extreme weather conditions across the country, and we could be looking at a perfect storm on the horizon.

Do you read about people’s giant stockpiles of food and wonder, “Where the heck do they find those giant 50 pound bags of grains?”  or “How on earth do they afford that extra food on top of the high cost of their day-to-day groceries?”   Continue reading “Where to Buy Bulk Organic Grains for Your Stockpile”

Barrio 18 members in HondurasIn Sight Crime – by Kyra Gurney

Figures compiled by a Honduras newspaper provide an illustration of the strongholds and scale of the country’s two most powerful street gangs, the MS13 and the Barrio 18.

Sixty percent of the country’s Mara Salvatrucha (MS13) and Barrio 18 gang members are concentrated in three sectors of San Pedro Sula, the world’s murder capital, according to figures obtained by La Prensa. Within this city, gang allegiance is split fairly evenly: an estimated 51 percent of gang members, some 1,034, belong to the MS13, while the remaining 1,001 form part of the Barrio 18 (see graph below).   Continue reading “A Snapshot of Honduras’ Most Powerful Street Gangs”

Emergency workers stand near a burned out Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Metro North Railroad commuter train that hit at least one car near the town of Valhalla, New York, February 3, 2015. REUTERS-Mike SegarReuters – by DAVID GAFFEN AND SEBASTIEN MALO

Investigators examining the circumstances of a New York commuter train accident that killed six people said on Wednesday they were collecting recording devices from the site where the train hit a vehicle stalled on the tracks in the railroad’s worst-ever accident.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said five passengers died in the Metro-North train crash near the suburb of White Plains on Tuesday evening, not six, as he had previously announced. The woman driving the Jeep Cherokee that the train struck while it was stuck on the tracks also died.   Continue reading “Investigators seek clues at deadly New York train crash site”

Screenshot from CNN video RT

In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Barack Obama acknowledged that the United States had “brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine,” thus admitting to a high level of democratic impropriety.

Before we consider Obama’s revealing remarks, and how the Ukrainian people sold their country for a song, let’s rewind to November 2013, when then-President Viktor Yanukovich had shocked western capitals – and, more importantly, western markets – by suspending plans for an association agreement with the European Union.   Continue reading “Obama openly admits ‘brokering power transition’ in Ukraine”

Still from Youtube video by The NTMRT

The New York Police Department officer caught on tape apparently stomping on a subdued suspect has been indicted by a grand jury on a misdemeanor charge of assault. The grand jury only considered the misdemeanor charge, which carries up to a year in jail.

Officer Joel Edouard, 36, appeared in Brooklyn Supreme Court on Tuesday and pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor charge and an official misconduct charge, according to NBC. The incident happened during an arrest in Brooklyn on July 23, last year, when police on patrol saw the suspect, Jahmiel Cuffee, allegedly rolling a joint outside a residential building, which he then threw away when he saw authorities.   Continue reading “NYPD cop indicted after stomping on suspect’s head”

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — Three militaries, using ground troops and warplanes, fought Boko Haram on at least two fronts Wednesday with hundreds of the Islamic fighters reported dead as the conflict took on a growing international perspective.

Chad’s army said its troops were attacked Tuesday in Cameroon by Boko Haram, the Nigerian extremist group that has slaughtered and kidnapped civilians and has had the upper hand against Nigeria’s military. The Chadian troops’ response underscores other African nation’s newfound resoluteness to combat what they perceive as a regional threat.   Continue reading “Using troops and planes, 3 African nations battle Boko Haram”

PUEBLO, Colo. (AP) — The United States is about to begin destroying its largest remaining stockpile of chemical-laden artillery shells, marking a milestone in the global campaign to eradicate a debilitating weapon that still creeps into modern wars.

The Pueblo Chemical Depot in southern Colorado plans to start neutralizing 2,600 tons of aging mustard agent in March as the U.S. moves toward complying with a 1997 treaty banning all chemical weapons.   Continue reading “US to destroy its largest remaining chemical weapons cache”

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A treasure hunter accused of cheating investors out of their share of his historic underwater find of gold is remaining behind bars.

Tommy Thompson appeared before a judge in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday. But because he has not formally hired an attorney licensed to defend him in federal court, a hearing to confirm his identity and seek his extradition to Ohio was again put off.   Continue reading “Fugitive treasure hunter’s assets sought as he faces hearing”

FILE PHOTO: Sajida al-Rishawi (Reuters/Majed Jaber)RT

Amman has executed two prisoners, including the Al-Qaeda would-be suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi, after promising a lethal response to the brutal murder of a Jordanian pilot who had been captured by the Islamic State.

Government spokesman Mohammed al-Momani identified the second prisoner as Ziad al-Karbouli, AP reported, adding that both executions took place early on Wednesday.   Continue reading “Jordan executes 2 prisoners after Islamic State burns pilot to death”


This Instagram photo shows a man missing a humpback whale surface two feet away from him because he was glued to his phone.

The moment was caught during a whale watch in Redondo Beach, California, professional photographer Eric Smith told ABC News today.   Continue reading “Man Misses Whale 2 Feet Away Because He Was Glued to His Phone”