Turkey’s procurement officials have set out to “urgently” acquire an unspecified batch of armed unmanned aircraft systems.

The country’s procurement agency, the Under secretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) issued a Request for Information for what it called “an urgent requirement for the Turkish Air Force.”   Continue reading “Turkey wants to procure armed Drones”

Reaction to charges against officers in Freddie Gray deathBaltimore Sun – by Pamela Wood and Scott Dance

The six Baltimore police officers involved in the arrest of Freddie Gray – who died last month after being injured in police custody – have been charged criminally, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby announced Friday.

Mosby’s announcement on the steps of the War Memorial Building was greeted with cheers and applause. Mosby said she told Gray’s family that “no one is above the law and I would pursue justice upon their behalf.”   Continue reading “Six officers charged in death of Freddie Gray”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Over the course of the oil price slump we’ve documented the far-reaching effects of falling crude. Leaving aside the capital markets for now, the downturn has rippled through oil boom towns both in the US and Canada. Take Fort McMurray (in oil-rich Alberta) for instance, where home sales fell 66% in February or Sidney, Montana where the collapse in oil revenue has left law enforcement and schools strapped for cashin the face of rising crime and crumbling infrastructure. Then there is of course Texas which, until recently, was America’s job creation engine but which shed a recession-like 24,500 non-farm jobs in March alone.    Continue reading “Saudis, Russians No Longer Buying Gold In Dubai As Oil Slump Curbs Precious Metals Shopping”

Intellihub – by Alex Thomas

Within the last 48 hours multiple mainstream news outlets have attacked the alternative media and any coverage of Jade Helm that doesn’t automatically believe the military’s official reasons for the multi state realistic training exercise.

The attacks purposefully conflated questions or opinion pieces about what may happen during Jade Helm with the legitimate facts put forward in actual news pieces by the alternative media.   Continue reading “Mainstream press targets alternative media over Jade Helm coverage in series of coordinated attacks”

Reuters / Stringer RT

A branch of the Islamic State in Yemen has released footage allegedly showing the beheadings of four Yemeni soldiers and the shooting of 11 others, an observer said. It comes a week after the group declared its official presence in the war-torn country.

The video was reportedly shot at night in southern Shabwa Province. It depicts a group of men from the Yemen Army’s Second Mountaineer Brigade, said the SITE Intelligence group that tracks online activity of white supremacist and jihadi organizations.   Continue reading “ISIS releases video of Yemeni soldiers execution – report”

Image from teslamotors.comRT

Electric car producer Tesla Motors has adapted battery technology for household and business applications. The wall-mounted batteries will make solar power more accessible and throttle grid consumption to diminish loads and bills.

Talked of earlier in April, the home battery products were officially presented this week by Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk. The company will start shipping its zero-carbon internet-connected Powerwall batteries in a few months, while the business-oriented Powerpack won’t be available for preorder until later in the year.   Continue reading “Tesla aims at household energy bills with wall-mounted batteries”

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Activists who are marching for labor and immigrant rights in U.S. cities on Friday will broaden their message to direct attention toward police brutality as tensions simmer in communities across the nation.

The marches on May 1 have their roots in labor movements, which hold annual demonstrations in a myriad of countries calling for workers’ rights. In recent years, marches in the United States got a boost from immigrants seeking authorization to live and work in the country legally.   Continue reading “May Day rallies broaden to address police brutality, race”


NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — A former loyalist to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie arrived at court Friday to plead guilty to charges related to creating a traffic jam near the George Washington Bridge for political purposes, a person with knowledge of the case told The Associated Press.

The person wasn’t authorized to release the information before the hearing, and spoke on condition of anonymity. David Wildstein was an official at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey at the time of the tie-ups. It’s not clear what charge or charges Wildstein will plead to. He will be the first person to admit to committing a crime in causing the series of politically motivated traffic jams in 2013.   Continue reading “Ex-Christie ally to plead guilty in traffic jam case”

Baltimore Riot Police - Public DomainThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

We now have official confirmation that the rioting in Baltimore on Monday was purposely allowed to spiral out of control.  Up until now, there had been some unconfirmed reports that police in Baltimore had been ordered to “stand down” during the riots, but nobody had been willing to come forward and go on the record.  Now that has all changed.  Michael Lewis is the Sheriff of Wicomico County, Maryland and what he has to say is absolutely jaw dropping.  When he saw what was happening in Baltimore, he gathered up some of his fellow officers and drove down to the city to help.  But when he got there, he says that all of the police were being ordered not to take any action and to let the rioters destroy property.  Lewis made this astounding claim during a discussion on a Baltimore radio station…   Continue reading “It’s Official: Police Were Ordered To Stand Down And Let The Baltimore Riots Rage Out Of Control”

US army exercise on preventing civil unrest spread to Tennessee. us army exercisePravda

New videos have been released over the “riot control teams” for the last few weeks. National Guard along with police and US military forces undertake training exercises across the United States. Training is based under riot control and martial-law scenarios.

According to the officials, the 134th Air Refueling Wing of the Tennessee Air National Guard and the Knoxville Police Department trainings take place once in a month. The troops take turns of being rioters, who throw objects and powder at each other.   Continue reading “US army exercise on preventing civil unrest spread to Tennessee”


A 100-trillion-dollar bill, it turns out, is worth about $5.

That’s the going rate for Zimbabwe’s highest denomination note, the biggest ever produced for legal tender—and a national symbol of monetary policy run amok. At one point in 2009, a hundred-trillion-dollar bill couldn’t buy a bus ticket in the capital of Harare.

But since then the value of the Zimbabwe dollar has soared. Not in Zimbabwe, where the currency has been abandoned, but on eBay.   Continue reading “How to Turn 100 Trillion Dollars Into Five and Feel Good About It”

Courthouse News – by Julia Filip

TAMPA, Fla. (CN) – Juvenile detainees failed to persuade a federal court that a Florida sheriff and jail medical staff denied them adequate care and exposed them to harm during detention.

A group of juveniles sued Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd and Corizon Health in 2012, alleging 14th Amendment violations during their detention at the Central County Jail in Bartow, Fla.   Continue reading “Judge Finds No Merit in Juvenile Detainee Claims”

screen-shot-2015-04-30-at-23-09-21Years ago it was trendy to have “grills” …you know metallic work on one’s teeth, usually done in gold. Before that, it was swank to wear massive amounts of jewelry, mostly necklaces and rings. Most recently it’s become hip to wear one’s pants around one’s ankles, for some weird reason. It must be real hard for them to run from lootings ……..

But now, all that’s passé for the latest trend is taking the riot world by storm …..   Continue reading “The New Bling”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The day after violent protests left Baltimore burning in the wake of a funeral held for Freddie Gray who died after sustaining a spinal injury while being taken into policy custody, Americans are struggling to explain how the events that transpired on Monday evening are possible in modern day America. While most are united in their condemnation of indiscriminant violence, many still feel a palpable sense of injustice after witnessing multiple instances of alleged police misconduct over the past year.    Continue reading “The Baltimore Riots: The Stunning Comments By Orioles Owner’s Son”

Kansas2nd Amendment Insider

The Republican Governor of Kansas, Sam Brownback, has signed a bill into law to allow Kansans over the age of 21 to freely carry concealed weapons. There will be no training or permits required “as long as that individual is not prohibited from possessing a firearm under either federal or state law.”

In a statement on his Facebook page, the governor said,   Continue reading “Victory: No Permit Required For Concealed Carry In Kansas”

Giza Death Star – by Joseph P Farrell

Yes you read that correctly… five large phased antenna arrays, each larger than HAARP from the sounds of it, are to be built in Norway, at least, that’s according to Dutchsinise:

FIVE NEW HAARP type arrays being built! Norway Shutting down FM Radio — THE REAL REASON why

Now, this article was shared by so mahy of you that I have to comment on it, though I normally do not refer to this particular source in my blogs. But in this case, the story, I think, merits mention and some discussion. Firstly, let it be stated for the record that in the limited amount of time I have in doing these blogs, my ability to track down independent sources for stories such as this is virtually nil. On this story, I did attempt to make some quick searches to see if any other sources were reporting the story. A search under “Five New HAARP Arrays” did lead to other sources, all of them more or less of the same sort, and using the same video. This said, I will let the reader guage how heavily, or lightly, the story should be weighted and credited.   Continue reading “Five New “HAARP” Arrays To Be Built In Norway!?!?”