The Daily Sheeple

The Daily Express is reporting that a giant floating city appeared in the clouds over the Chinese city of Foshan in the Guangdong province.

Hundreds reportedly witnessed the sight, which made the Chinese television news. Weather scientists have reportedly explained it away as a Fata Morgana, an optical illusion. Others claim it looks more like the work of Project Blue Beam technology.   Continue reading “Mysterious Floating City Appears over China”

Fox News

A pistol-packing pastor shot and killed a man who was allegedly trying to attack him with a brick on Sunday in the vestibule of a Detroit church, police said.

Cops say Deante Smith, 25, attacked the unidentified pastor and threatened several parishioners of The City of God church with a brick and hammer, FOX2 reported. Police said the attack was not random; the pastor and Smith knew each other and the two have had problems in the past.   Continue reading “Detroit pastor shoots, kills hammer-wielding church intruder”


Oct 19 (Reuters) – A federal appeals court on Monday upheld the core provisions of two gun control laws passed in New York and Connecticut after the 2012 mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School that banned possession of semiautomatic assault weapons.

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld the bans on semiautomatic weapons and large-capacity magazines, but struck down a New York provision regulating load limits and a Connecticut prohibition on the non-semiautomatic Remington 7615.   Continue reading “U.S. appeals court uphold core of N.Y., Connecticut gun laws”


Drones are expected to be one of the hottest gifts this holiday season, and estimates say as many as 750,000 will be sold by Christmas.   Continue reading “Government Set to Announce New Regulations for Remote-Controlled Drones”

Fox News

A postmortem exam is being conducted Monday on a 24-year-old Brazilian man who collapsed and died aboard an Irish aircraft Sunday after he bit another passenger.

Cork police arrested a 44-year-old Portuguese woman traveling with the man after discovering five pounds of suspected amphetamine powder in her suitcase.   Continue reading “Brazilian man bites passenger on Irish aircraft, collapses and dies; woman arrested for drugs”

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Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

London, UK — The Independent Inquiry Into Child Sex Abuse (IICSA) apologized this week after vital testimony from victims of child sexual abuse was “instantly and permanently deleted” from their servers. The agency said that the loss of data was due to a technical malfunction, which dumped an untold number of testimonies that were submitted to their official website. The agency now claims that there was no security breach, and that while the testimonies were lost, the privacy of the victims is not at risk.   Continue reading “Govt Conveniently Deleted Entire Database of Evidence Documenting Pedophile Rings”

Video Rebel’s Blog

One of the reasons why the US entered WW I was to bankrupt its allies.

Quoted from Ferdinand Lundberg’s America’s 60 Families published in 1937.

Today I want to examine Obama’s strategy in the Mideast and compare it to Putin’s. I think a little reflection could get us off this road to Armageddon.   Continue reading “Mideast Strategic Advantages: Putin 7 Obama 0.”

Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel – by Jim Stingl

Starting her day with a serious traffic accident was bad enough.

But Joy McFarlin’s run-in with two Milwaukee police officers was worse.

Before it was over, this 75-year-old grandmother had been threatened repeatedly with jail, arrested, put in handcuffs, placed in a squad car and taken to a police station.   Continue reading “Milwaukee cops take 75-year-old woman’s day from bad to worse”

The Intercept – by Dan Froomkin

Former attorney general Eric Holder was the honored guest at a Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press reception on Wednesday (leading investigative reporter Murray Waas to reasonably wonder: How’s that again?).

And while I was primarily interested in hearing whether Holder regretted whiffing on torture prosecutions during his tenure (see story: Holder, Too Late, Calls for Transparency on DOJ Torture Investigation), I also asked him about whiffing on financial fraud prosecutions.   Continue reading “Holder Defends Record of Not Prosecuting Financial Fraud”

Courthouse News Service – by Deb Hipp

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (CN) – Missouri jailers accused a pregnant woman of lying about contractions and forced her to travel three hours in a van while shackled, chained, bleeding and vomiting, she claims in court.

Megon Riedel sued Jackson County and three Doe jailers on Thursday, for cruel and unusual punishment she received as an inmate at Jackson County Detention Center.   Continue reading “Shackled, Chained and Bleeding in Labor”

Right Wing News – by William Teach

As usual, leftist gun grabbers are running the rhetorical gamut from pushing “common sense gun control” (heavy restrictions on legal ownership of firearms) to wanting to require anyone who wants to buy a gun to have to suffer being shot themselves (I wonder if this applies to Hillary Clinton’s security detail?) to pushing for the same measures implemented by nations such as Australia and the U.K. Meaning, confiscation of guns, almost no ownership allowed. Reality tends to smack the gun grabbers in the face when citizens are asked certain pointed questions, though   Continue reading “Americans Much More Concerned About Gun Control Than Mass Shootings”

Mint Press News

MINNEAPOLIS — A new poll asked over 1,000 Americans, in part, “How much trust and confidence do you have in the mass media … when it comes to reporting the news fully, accurately and fairly?” It turns out that less than half of respondents feel they can rely on today’s mainstream news.

Gallup released the results of their latest poll on the trustworthiness of the mainstream media last month, revealing that just four in ten of those surveyed — a random cross-section of adults from all 50 states and the District of Columbia — trust the media. Only 33 percent say they have a “fair amount” of trust in the media, and a mere 7 percent reported having a “great deal” of trust.   Continue reading “Poll: 60% Of Americans Don’t Trust The Mainstream Media”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

Earlier this year, Darrel Whitman decided to sound the alarm over the dysfunction he had seen while working for OSHA. He was employed with the Whistleblower Protection Program within OSHA, and investigated claims of illegal activity and safety issues among workers. But after revealing that his department managers closed complaints to alleviate backlogs, altered reports, and failed to protect workers who complained, he was fired. In other words, a worker for a department dedicated to protecting whistleblowers, has been fired for blowing the whistle.   Continue reading “Employee for Federal Whistleblower Program Fired for Blowing the Whistle”


A man in Chicago has been charged by police with child endangerment after his 3-year-old son died. The boy was accidentally shot in the head by his 6-year-old brother while playing a game.

The fatal incident happened shortly after 9:00pm local time on Saturday when the 6-year-old got a hold of a loaded revolver which was being stored on top of the refrigerator in his home, Chicago police reported on Sunday.   Continue reading “Father charged after child, 6, fatally shoots brother, 3, playing ‘cops & robbers’ in Chicago”

MILWAUKEE (AP) — Authorities have charged a man with second-degree murder after he called a Milwaukee television news station and discussed details of a cold case involving a Milwaukee seventh-grade girl whose body was found more than 30 years ago.

Prosecutors say Jose Ferreira is responsible for the death of 13-year-old Carrie Ann Jopek, who went missing in 1982. The case resurfaced last week when WISN 12 News reported that Ferreira called its newsroom and discussed the case.   Continue reading “Man charged after calling TV news on girl missing since 1982”

The Peter Schiff Show – by Peter Schiff

My father Irwin A. Schiff was born Feb. 23rd 1928, the 8th child and only son of Jewish immigrants, who had crossed the Atlantic twenty years earlier in search of freedom. As a result of their hope and courage my father was fortunate to have been born into the freest nation in the history of the world.  But when he passed away on Oct. 16th, 2015 at the age of 87, a political prisoner of that same nation, legally blind and shackled to a hospital bed in a guarded room in intensive care, the free nation he was born into had itself died years earlier.   Continue reading “Irwin Schiff Passes Away”


An IDF soldier was killed and 11 others were injured when an Arab attacker, armed with a gun and a knife, opened fire at a bus station in the city of Beersheba in the south of the country. An Eritrean man was mistaken for being an assailant and killed by police.

The perpetrator made his way into the station and started shooting and stabbing people inside, in what is one of the most violent attacks since the escalation began, the police said. An Israeli soldier was killed, four police officers were lightly injured and seven civilians received wounds of varying degrees in the attack.   Continue reading “Israeli bus station attack: IDF soldier killed, police mistakenly shoot dead foreigner”

Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

The NSA National Security Agency, (in years past jokingly referred to as “no such agency,”) includes twenty-eight declassified photos of the USS Liberty attack on their official website.

Captions for the photos include such titles as “Spattered by Isreali Gunfire,” “Ships Bridge was Clobbered,” “Shock Damage Above Torpedo Hit,” CDR McGonagle Israeli Bullet, CDR and Staff Confer Post-attack, USS Liberty in Drydock, USS Liberty Main Blast Area, USS Liberty Pierside Malta, USS Liberty Primary Blast Area, Clean-up Operations of Blast Area, Damaged Machine Gun Mount Damaged Signal Light on Bridge, and Fire Damage Port Side Amidships.”   Continue reading ““Spattered By Iraeli Gunfire”: National Security Agency (NSA) Posts Vintage Photos of the USS Liberty On Their Website”