BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Palestinian authorities have decided to join the International Criminal Police Organization, widely known as Interpol, an
official revealed Saturday.
The head of the international relations and cooperation department in the
Palestinian Authority Ministry of Interior told Ma’an that the PA plans to
submit a request to join the group in 2015, ahead of Interpol’s annual
meeting. Continue reading “Official: Palestine to join Interpol”
Dozens of Native Americans have descended on Washington DC on the first weekend of 2015 to stage a protest in front of the White House against the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline, which they call a disastrous “death warrant” to the environment and people.
The Pentagon’s fighter jet F-35 may not be fully operational until 2019 due to a newly discovered computer glitch. The $400 billion ultra-sophisticated jet, the most expensive in US history, was expected to enter service in 2015.
After receiving an anonymous tipoff, Indian intelligence agencies have warned the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) that terrorists may imminently target an Air India flight, and airports throughout the country were put on high alert.
As for us being weird by American standards: We’re weird by NZ standards too. For example, we go to almost no birthday parties for other children because people are drinking Pepsi and eating baked atrocities with sprinkles on top. MSG sausages, etc.
CHALLIS, Idaho – A 4.9 magnitude earthquake in a remote Idaho county triggered rock slides that blocked some road lanes Saturday but did not cause any major damage or injuries.
The Miami New Times has investigated years of Taser use by police officers in South Florida and has found all sorts of problems. Contain your surprise. Reporter Michael E. Miller documents officers using them against the homeless and mentally ill to force compliance, not because the officers are being threatened in any way. And some of them are attempting to conceal their misuse of Tasers from their departments. Continue reading “Being Homeless in Miami May Lead to a Tasering”
Despite the anecdotal evidence plastered daily on financial media channels of a scruffy, young, upstart working from his parents’ basement and creating the next great social, mobile, analytics, cloud app worth a cajillion dollars, from nothing but tween eyeballs, the sad reality is the ‘American Dream’ for young Americans is over. As The WSJ reports, the share of people under age 30 who own private businesses has reached a 24-year-low, according to new data reflecting a generation struggling to find a spot in the workforce. While there are numerous possible reasons, one professors worries about the systemic aspect as “the fear of failure is the measure we should be most concerned about.” Continue reading ““Peak Dream” – The Death Of The Young American Entrepreneur”
The FBI has proven that it can legally dodge even the sparse amount of judicial checks and balances on its ability to search the records of Americans. After being denied twice in FISA Court for an order to collect records from an individual, a secret report reveals that the Bureau subsequently wrote its own order and went through with the surveillance, regardless of the court rejection.
Malaysian Province Moves To Gold And Silver-Based Currency In “Main Islamic Event Of The Last 100 Years”
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/17/2010
More world governments are “just saying no” to the ponzi. Last week, the Malaysian government of Kelantan “said it was introducing a new monetary system featuring standardised gold and silver coins based on the traditional dinar and dirham coins once used by the Ottoman Empire.” And as everyone who has taken game theory 101 knows, the first defector wins the most, while the last one is left with nothing. A small province in Malaysia just made the critical first defection. The question now is who will be next… and next…and next. (Zerohedge)Continue reading “Carlyle Group, Bush Crime Family Linked to Maylasia Airliner Tragedies?”