Year: 2015
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson links strict gun control laws in Chicago with a high murder rate
Citing the number of school shootings since Sandy Hook, a woman asked U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson at one of his town hall meetings why he doesn’t support expanded background checks for gun purchases.
The Wisconsin Republican responded by connecting strict gun control with a high rate of homicide. Continue reading “Welcome To Chicago: Strictest gun control in the nation. Highest murder rate in the nation.”
Natural Society – by Christina Sarich
Dr. William Thompson used to work for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US. The CDC recommends an annual flu vaccine for everyone 6 months and older, but Dr Thompson admits he would never give his pregnant wife a flu shot because many contain thimerosal, a mercury-containing adjuvant that he warns can be linked to toxic effects and “autism-like-features.” Continue reading “Epidemiologist for CDC Says he Would ‘NEVER Give his Pregnant Wife’ a Flu Shot”
Anti-War – by Margaret Griffis
At least 65 were reported killed and one policeman was wounded. Almost two-dozen bodies were discovered dumped in a river.
Near Kirkuk, Peshmerga forces arrested nine Shi’ite militants who were in possession of six captives, including two Kurds, who were reported missing in September. Meanwhile, Sunni townspeople in Saidiya and Jalawla are accusing Shi’ite militias imposing “anti-Sunni” rule on them. Whatever the particulars of these cases may be, the sectarian division in these contested areas could lengthen the fighting well beyond the defeat of Islamic State militants. Continue reading “65 Killed across Iraq, Dumped Bodies Are Found in River”
Thousands of Australians are fleeing their homes as wildfires tear through the south of the country, prompting officials to declare a major emergency and advise people to leave the “extremely dangerous” area.
Strong winds have contributed to the rapid spread of the flames, as have dry weather conditions and temperatures reaching 30 degrees Celsius. This has been called Australia’s worst since the Ash Wednesday bushfires in 1983. Continue reading “Thousands flee as wildfires rampage through Australia”
A veteran of the U.S. Navy and decorated retired police detective is suing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other state officials for infringing on his constitutional rights after his pistol permit and four handguns were confiscated after he voluntarily sought hospital treatment for insomnia.
Donald Montgomery filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York in Rochester on Dec. 17. Continue reading “Veteran And Former Cop Sues After Guns Confiscated Because He Sought Treatment For Insomnia”
I very quietly confided to my best friend that I was having an affair.
She turned to me and asked, ‘Are you having it catered’?
And that, my friend, is the definition of “OLD”
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Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman:
‘And what do you think is the best thing
About being 104?’ the reporter asked.
She simply replied,
‘No peer pressure.’ Continue reading “Getting Old…….To my Ever-So-Young friends!”
Oklahoma lawmakers are considering a bill that would ban wearing a mask, hood or other types of face covering in the state’s public spaces. If the bill passes, it would join similar bans in other states.
Introduced by the chair of the Oklahoma’s public safety committee, state senator Don Barrington (R), the bill is intended “to deter crime, making it unlawful to wear a mask, hood or covering during the commission of a crime or to intentionally conceal a person’s identity in a public place.” The reasoning behind the bill is to cut down the number of masked robberies and crimes. Continue reading “Oklahoma lawmakers want to ban hoodies”
As a plane crashed in Kentucky, killing 4 people, a 7-year-old girl managed not only to survive the accident – she walked away from the wreckage and reported the accident to a local resident.
The accident happened when a small Piper PA-34-200T aircraft reported engine trouble and lost contact with air traffic controllers while flying over southwestern Kentucky, the Federal Aviation Administration said. Continue reading “7yo ‘miracle girl’ walks away from plane crash that killed 4”
CAIRO (AP) — Fifteen years after allegedly helping al-Qaida plot the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, Abu Anas al-Libi parked his car on a quiet street in Libya’s capital.
Within moments, soldiers from the U.S. Army’s elite Delta Force forced him at gunpoint into a van and sped away. They’d fly him to a naval ship in the Mediterranean Sea before finally bringing him to New York to stand trial on charges of helping kill 224 people, including a dozen Americans, and wound more than 4,500. Continue reading “Libyan charged in 1998 US embassy bombings dies”
PANGKALAN BUN, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian officials said Saturday that they were confident wreckage of AirAsia Flight 8501 had been located after sonar equipment detected four massive objects on the ocean floor.
The biggest piece, measuring 18 meters (59 feet) long and 5.4 meters (18 feet) wide, appeared to be part of the jet’s body, said Henry Bambang Soelistyo, chief of the National Search and Rescue Agency. Continue reading “4 large objects detected in AirAsia wreckage hunt”
Don’t mess with momma.
A pregnant woman and her fiance fought for their lives against a pair of armed home invaders in Indianapolis earlier this week, leaving one of the criminals dead of multiple gunshot wounds at the scene, and his partner on the run.
Home invasion suspect Dequan Cummings was DRT (dead right there) when Indianapolis police arrived. Cummings had forced his way into a residence Sunday evening and struggled with the couple over the control of a firearm kept in the home. Continue reading “Indy Home Invader Killed By Armed Man & Pregnant Fiance Who Refused To Be Victims”
The Russian Government’s Tass ‘news’ agency is alleging that “The US private military company Academi (formerly known as Blackwater) … has confirmed to the Kiev authorities its readiness to start training an experimental battalion of 550 men as of January at the request of Ukraine’s General Staff,” according to an unnamed source, which source is probably one of the few remaining anti-nazi bureaucrats still remaining in the Ukrainian Government. The reported price of this Blackwater (a.k.a. “Xe,” a.k.a. “Academi”) training contract is $3.5 million. Continue reading “Russia Says Ukrainian Nazis Pay Blackwater for Training”
It could not have happened to a nastier person.
On New Year’s day, in an unfortunate, home “exercise” accident, USSA Senator, Harry Reid (D-NV) smashed his face, resulting in broken facial bones, as well as broken ribs and a very black eye.
Reid also previously dislocated his shoulder, bumped his head and got a black eye, while “jogging” in 2011. Continue reading “Happy New Year, Harry Reid!”