Soy_gm_bean_dna_735Natural Society – by Christina Sarich

In North America, approximately 75 to 89% of the soy beans grown are genetically modified (GM). One may not realize it, but this is concerning news – especially because recent research found that GM soy is toxic to the kidneys, liver, and more.

There isn’t just one smoking gun anymore pointing at GMO toxicology. There is now an entire arsenal of scientific research proving that genetically modified organisms adversely affect the body. In yet another new study conducted by Egyptian researchers, rats given GM soy were found to have deadly amounts of toxicity in their kidneys, liver, testes, sperm, blood and even DNA.   Continue reading “New Study Finds GMO Soy Toxic to Kidneys, Liver, and Reproduction”

Common Dreams – by Bernie Sanders

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disastrous trade agreement designed to protect the interests of the largest multi-national corporations at the expense of workers, consumers, the environment and the foundations of American democracy. It will also negatively impact some of the poorest people in the world.

The TPP is a treaty that has been written behind closed doors by the corporate world. Incredibly, while Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry and major media companies have full knowledge as to what is in this treaty, the American people and members of Congress do not. They have been locked out of the process. Further, all Americans, regardless of political ideology, should be opposed to the “fast track” process which would deny Congress the right to amend the treaty and represent their constituents’ interests.   Continue reading “Ten Reasons Why the TPP Must Be Defeated”

The New American – by Alex Newman

The self-styled “Islamic State,” the gaggle of medieval savages and barbarians often referred to as ISIS or ISIL, is now infamous worldwide for its unrestrained brutality. The al-Qaeda offshoot exploded onto the scene in 2014 amid its gruesome and bloody effort to build an Islamic “Caliphate,” exterminate “apostates,” and overthrow the “apostate” regime of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. America and the West are supposedly next — at least that is what the public is being told.   Continue reading “ISIS: The Best Terror Threat U.S. Tax Money Can Buy”

Common Dreams – by Jon Queally

As a new year begins and the number of U.S. military forces inside Iraq continues to increase, reporting by the Washington Post on Friday shows that despite repeated claims by the Obama administration that American soldiers are not “combat troops,” those stationed on the ground are  coming closer and closer to the edge of battles being waged between Iraqi forces and Islamic State fighters. Continue reading “Civilian Deaths Soar in Iraq as US Soldiers Dig In for ‘Long Haul’”

 A photograph taken by the Icelandic coastguard of the Ezadeen. (Photo: AFP/Getty Images)Common Dreams – by Sarah Lazare

A ship carrying over 450 migrants, most believed to be Syrian refugees, was rescued by Italian vessels from the Mediterranean Sea on Friday after it was abandoned by its crew in rough waters, set on a collision course for the Italian coast.

The incident marks the second time in just four days that a vessel loaded with migrants and refugees has been ditched by its crew in the Mediterranean—a body of water that has become a “graveyard” for those seeking refuge as European countries heighten restrictions while cutting relief for refugees amid skyrocketing displacement. Continue reading “Exemplifying Brutal New Trend, Hundreds of Refugees Cast Adrift Off Italian Coast”

MusketsLegal Insurrection – by Aleister

The ink on 2015 is barely dry, but that hasn’t stopped liberals from continuing their push for increased gun control.

Seizing on the still-raw emotions of the shooting at Sandy Hook, Adam Gopnik of The New Yorker outlined what he calls their “moral work”:   Continue reading “Liberals Waste no Time Pushing Gun Control in 2015”

The Moscow Times

Machine-gun wielding battle robots are going to be tested in Russia’s Astrakhan region for use by the country’s Strategic Missile Forces, the Interfax news agency reported Friday.

Major Dmitry Andreyev, a representative for the Defense Ministry’s Strategic Missile Forces, was cited as saying that preparation for the testing is currently in its final stage.   Continue reading “Russian Battle Robots Near Testing for Military Use”

mobFederal Observer – by Ron Ewart

A long, torturous human history has proven that without discipline, accountability and oversight, a child, an adult, a group of adults, or an institutional entity will slowly increase or exert his, her, or its power over time, even if there are laws or rules that restrict that power. Such is the case in America today. Government, especially the federal government, has far exceeded its constitutional limits. In a long vacuum of accountability and oversight, the federal government has evolved into increasing malfeasance, misfeasance, mis-appropriation of funds, graft, cronyism, nepotism, corruption, racketeering, double-dealing, collusion and improper or illicit personal behavior. It is not a case of what limits government. It has now become a case of whatever government wants to do without limits. No limits on power are the ingredients for corruption, racketeering and eventually a dictatorship.   Continue reading “Ewart: Federal Government IS a Racket, Engaged In Racketeering”

Federal Reserve Vice Chair Stanley Fischer speaks during a CNN Debate on the Global Economy in Washington, DC, October 9, 2014, ahead of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)/World Bank meetings.  AFP PHOTO / Jim WATSON        (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)Politico – by Kate Davidson

Stanley Fischer came to the Federal Reserve in the spring with a higher profile than any vice chairman in the 100-year history of the institution after leading Israel’s central bank and holding top jobs at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

Fed Chair Janet Yellen pushed for him to be her No. 2 in a move that was viewed as a show of confidence and strength as she prepares to lead the Fed through one of it most challenging periods, managing the wind down of massive stimulus programs put in place following the financial crisis.   Continue reading “Top Israeli Central Banker is The Real Power In The Federal Reserve”

Washington Examiner – by Joseph Lawler

Liberal activists upset over the nomination of Antonio Weiss to a top Treasury post aren’t just worried about his investment banking background. They also are raising alarms over the $20 million-plus bonus he would reap from his bank if he took the job.

“That is particularly galling,” said Neil Sroka, a representative for Democracy for America, a progressive political group. The compensation arrangement “shows Wall Street’s direct attempt to buy off someone who’s regulating them,” Sroka said.   Continue reading “$20 million bonus draws fire in Treasury nomination”

Activist Post – by Bernie Suarez

Yet another new year is upon us, and those of us fully awakened can see that the globalist plan to control humanity is rolling forward at superhighway speed as our battle for humanity rages on. So let’s ask the question, what can we do as truth seekers to improve our odds of success against this global cabal of control and oppression? Is there anything worth throwing on the table with the advent of the new year for truth seekers to consider that could actually act as a game-changer in this battle for truth, freedom, and consciousness? Actually there is.    Continue reading “7 Things Truth Seekers Should Stop Doing in 2015”

The UN Small Arms Treaty, that was signed by Obama but not ratified by the Senate, went into effect on Christmas Eve.

The United States Constitution

Download PDF: UN Small Arms Treaty

There is no reasonable doubt that the UN Small Arms Treaty does violate the U S Constitution, and President Obama is absolutely wrong to sign it.   Continue reading “The UN Small Arms Treaty”

obama_ice_010115.jpgFox News

The Obamas are closing out their Hawaii vacation at one of the ritziest joints on Oahu.

President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama dined Thursday night for nearly three hours at Vintage Cave, an exclusive restaurant that charges up to $500,000 for membership.    Continue reading “Obamas eat at restaurant charging up to $500G for membership”

Gilad Atzmon

British press reports today that a woman  claims that Jewish banker Jeffrey Epstein loaned her to rich and powerful friends as an underage “sex slave.” The woman has alleged in a US court document that she was repeatedly forced to have sexual relations with Prince Andrew and Alan Dershowitz.

The woman, who filed the motion anonymously, alleges that between 1999 and 2002 she was repeatedly sexually abused by Epstein who, she also alleges, loaned her out to rich and influential men around the world.   Continue reading “Prince Andrew and Alan Dershowitz named in US lawsuit over underage sex allegations”

Starting Jan. 1, 2015, Seattle will ban food and food waste in garbage. How well do you know Seattle's rules for composting and recycling? Can you compost take-out containers? What about greasy waxed paper? Take our short quiz and find out.  Photo: Dwight Eschliman, Getty Images / (c) Dwight EschlimanSeattle PI – by Vanessa Ho

Starting Jan. 1, it will be illegal to throw food and food waste in the trash in Seattle, when a new ban takes effect to increase recycling and composting in the city.

Currently, Seattle residents are allowed to throw food and food waste – pizza boxes, dirty napkins, soiled paper towels – in the garbage. Residents are required to have a food and yard waste collection service, but they don’t have to use it for food. (Backyard composters are exempt from that requirement.)   Continue reading “New Seattle law: No food in trash”

Jeff Shockey, a lobbyist for defense contractors and Academi. He will soon lead the day to day operations of the House Intelligence Committee.Republic Report – by Lee Fang

After lobbyist-run SuperPACs and big money efforts dominated the last election, legislators are now appointing lobbyists to literally manage the day-to-day affairs of Congress. For the House Intelligence Committee, which oversees government intelligence operations and agencies, the changing of the guard means a lobbyist for Academi, the defense contractor formerly known as Blackwater, is now in charge.

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA), the incoming chairman of the Intelligence Committee when the House reconvenes in January, announced that Jeff Shockey will be the new Staff Director of the committee. As a paid representative of Academi, Shockey and his firm have earned $80,000 this year peddling influence on behalf of Academi.   Continue reading “Blackwater Lobbyist Will Manage the House Intelligence Committee”

AOL – by Frazier Moore

NEW YORK (AP) – Donna Douglas, who played the buxom tomboy Elly May Clampett on the hit 1960s sitcom “The Beverly Hillbillies,” has died.

Her niece says Douglas died Thursday in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, near her hometown of Zachary. The cause of death was pancreatic cancer, Charlene Smith said. Douglas was 81.

She was best known for her role in “The Beverly Hillbillies,” the CBS comedy about a backwoods Ozark family who moved to Beverly Hills after striking it rich from oil discovered on their land.   Continue reading “Donna Douglas, ‘Beverly Hillbillies’ star, is dead”

Russia Insider

Hollywood film producer Oliver Stone has said he wants to make a four-hour documentary telling the “dirty story” of the overthrow of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in what he believes was a “coup” organized with the help of the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency.

“A dirty story through and through, but in the tragic aftermath of this coup, the West has maintained the dominant narrative of ‘Russia in Crimea,’ whereas the true narrative is ‘USA in Ukraine.’ Continue reading “Famous US Director Oliver Stone to Shoot a Documentary on 2014 Ukraine Coup”