Fox News

A Mississippi gun shop owner and his 17-year-old son were shot and killed Saturday during an altercation with two customers, WLOX reported.

Jason McLemore, 44, who owned McLemore Gun Shop, and his 17-year old son Jacob, were killed after a disagreement with two customers, Pearl River County Sheriff David Allison told the station. Both were pronounced dead at the scene.   Continue reading “Gun shop owner, son killed over $25 firearm repair fee, sheriff says”

DNI News

More than 20 Ukrainian soldiers have died and over 200 soldiers are hospitalized in a short period of time because of new and deadly virus, which is immune to all medicines. Donetsk People’s Republic intelligence has reported that Californian Flu is leaked from the same place where research of this virus has been carried out. The laboratory is located near the city of Kharkov and its base for US military experts. Information from threatening epidemic is announced by Vice-Commander of Donetsk Army, Eduard Basurin.
Continue reading “Deadly virus leaked from US laboratory in Donbass – DPR Army and Intelligence”

Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

Flint, MI – As the water crisis in Flint deepens, it is becoming apparent that the effects of the lead-infested water are not just a health hazard, but the situation has the potential of ruining many more lives outside of the poison issue. There is no denying that the water in Flint is undrinkable and that it is contaminated with lead and other substances, and it is clear that the government of Flint is responsible for the problem.   Continue reading “Flint Residents Told That Their Children Could Be Taken Away If They Don’t Pay For City’s Poison Water”

Daily Caller – by Jonah Bennett

The USS Fort Worth, a Navy littoral combat ship,has suffered extensive gear damage while docked at a port in Singapore. The Navy is blaming the incident on a crew error.

According to reports, the crew failed to use sufficient lube oil, leading to excessively high temperatures on the gears. Debris also found its way into the lubrication system, which also contributed to failure, Defense News reports. The crew did not follow standard operating procedures.   Continue reading “Second Navy Combat Ship Goes Down Because Someone Forgot To Check The Oil”

Sent to us by the author.

Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.” John F. Kennedy, shortly before his assassination. broke the story last week, that Harney County, Oregon Commissioner Steve Grasty, who claims he is charging the militia $75,000 per day while they occupy the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, is an admitted Freemason.   Continue reading “Freemason ‘Judge’ Steve Grasty Changes All Public Town Hall Meetings To ‘Invitation Only,’ Bans Guns”

ABC News

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake knocked items off shelves and walls in south-central Alaska and jolted the nerves of residents in this earthquake prone region, but there were no immediate reports of injuries.

The earthquake struck about 1:30 a.m. Alaska time and was centered 53 miles west of Anchor Point and 160 miles southwest of Anchorage, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. In its initial report, the agency had classified the earthquake as a magnitude-7.1 event.   Continue reading “Federal Agency: Magnitude-6.8 Earthquake Hit Southern Alaska”

Anti-Media – by Carey Wedler

Flint, MI — The water crisis in Flint, Michigan has inspired an unlikely partnership: a local militia group is coordinating with outspoken liberal filmmaker Michael Moore to demand accountability and clean water for residents.

Moore, a Flint native who first gained notoriety for his his documentary on the town’s economic hardships, has spoken out against the state and local government’s negligent handling of the disaster. The high volume of lead in public water supplies has contaminated children’s blood and led Flint’s mayor to declare a state of emergency.   Continue reading “People Over Politics: Michigan Militia Joins Michael Moore to Protest Flint Water Crisis”

Sent to us by the author.

Educate Yourself – by Ken Adachi

I posted a link on November 15 to Janet Phalen’s article describing the outrageous attempt to mandate vaccinations for any veteran who wishes to receive medical services from the Veterans Administration. I had expected this story to be front page news on alternative news web sites, but so far, I see relatively little reaction from the public, veterans especially, to bring pressure on congressmen to kill this bill in the House (hopefully while there is still time before the sellouts in the House rubber stamp it and send it to the Indonesian Usurper -which might occur in a matter of weeks). This bill is a blatant violation of a verteran’s right to decide (informed consent), and violates more than one provision of the 10 point Nuremberg code – which specifically prohibits any form of coersion or mandatory imposition for any type of medical treatment, including vaccinations, without the willing consent and voluntary desire of the patient.   Continue reading “Analysis and Overview of House Bill S.1203 Requiring Mandatory Immunization for All Veterans Receiving Medical Services”

By Maj. L. Caudill USMC (Ret.)

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that’s it.

In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion. Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some.   Continue reading “The Gun Is Civilization”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: The increase in die-offs around the globe is staggaring to say the least. In the second article at the bottom of this post the quote by the scientist is very telling. He states, “no pathogen has ever wiped out its host population without being pushed significantly by some otherenvironmental factor.” What happened in this region of the world several years ago? The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and it surly cannot be helping the situation. Another article today that stated, ‘thousands of birds have died on the shoreline of Alaska‘.  

Continue reading “Scientists: Star Fish Die-Off Is “One Of The Biggest Wildlife Die-Offs That Have Ever Been Recorded, And We’re Not Just Talking Marine Die-Offs””


BURNS, Ore. (AP) — The leader of an armed group occupying a national wildlife refuge in Oregon plans to have a ceremony Saturday for ranchers to renounce federal ownership of public land and tear up their federal grazing contracts.

Midday on Saturday, a small counter-protest gathered on an overlook about five miles from the refuge, chanting for the group to go home.   Continue reading “Armed group plans event to renounce federal land policy”

Fox News

The giant snowstorm pummeling the East Coast caused 17 deaths Saturday and forced New York’s governor to issue a road travel ban and to halt suburban trains and some city subway lines.

Three people in New York City died while shoveling snow in different parts of town, NYPD Chief of Department James O’Neill said Saturday afternoon.   Continue reading “17 dead in northeast as NY gov imposes travel ban, mass transit shutdowns due to blizzard”


The gunman suspected of killing four people and injuring several others in Canada’s worst school violence in a decade first shot his two brothers at home before opening fire at the remote community high school, a family friend and the town’s acting mayor said on Friday.

Police said a suspect was arrested after the shooting in La Loche, Saskatchewan, an impoverished community about 600 km (375 miles) north of the city of Saskatoon.   Continue reading “Four dead in worst Canada school shooting in decade, suspect caught”

Intellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

PRINCETON, Ore. (INTELLIHUB) — As it turns out there’s a lot more to the story behind the Malheur Wildlife Refuge–a whole lot more–and this article is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

As you may or may not know, Intellihub reported on Jan. 4, that the Hammond’s ranch and other ranch-lands surrounding the refuge sit atop a vast swath of precious metals, minerals, and uranium that’s heavily desired by not only the federal government, but foreign entities as well.   Continue reading “Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to Russian’s along with one-fifth of our uranium ore”


Up to 85 million people are in the path of a worsening winter storm that’s iced up much of the East Coast and Mid-Atlantic.

Snow is coming down, but when the storm goes into the Atlantic Ocean on Saturday morning, it will supercharge, CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers said.

“The fuse was just lit,” Myers said. Once it gets to the Gulf Stream, “that’s when the firecracker goes off.”   Continue reading “Blizzard strikes East Coast; motorists stranded for hours in Kentucky”

KTNV 13 News – by Rebecca Lewis

LAS VEGAS, NV (KTNV) — – The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department confirm that a officer-involved shooting took place in front of the Bellagio Las Vegas.

It happened around 7:15 p.m. on Friday.

Investigators say LVMPD observed a male suspect waiving a gun at people. Police demanded the suspect to drop the gun, but he did not oblige. Police then fired rounds at the suspect.   Continue reading “Police fire shots at suspect on Las Vegas Strip”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

Whether it was the carrot of the promise of their own Syrian Kurdistan or the stick of the threat to work with Turkey to start bombing and killing the YPG forces if they did not cooperate with NATO, the United States has apparently brought the YPG around to its way of thinking.

According to reports from a number of media outlets, most notably Al Jazeera and Foreign Policy, the United States has now taken control over the Rmeilan Airbase in Northeastern Syria, in the Hasakah Province.   Continue reading “U.S. Takes Over Rmeilan Airbase In Syria, Violates International Law”