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Anna Von Reitz

Although it may come as a surprise to many Americans we have been mischaracterized and misidentified as British Crown Subjects for the better part of a hundred years. This travesty has never been corrected; instead, the British Crown, a commercial investment organization, has kidnapped and press-ganged American land assets into the international jurisdiction of the sea and has pillaged our labor and our resources without mercy in criminal conspiracy and contempt of our Constitution. They have been aided and abetted in this activity by members of the American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service acting as licensed privateers.   Continue reading “Regarding the Take Over of BLM Facilities in the Western States”

Daily Mail

Thousands of Cubans are caught in a new refugee crisis triggered by President Obama‘s moves towards ending the embargo on the country, Daily Mail Online can reveal.

As many as 8,000 are living in squalor in Costa Rica where their attempts to reach the United States have stalled, with the central American country facing a growing humanitarian crisis over their presence.   Continue reading “Thousands of Cubans flee Castro over fears US open-door policy will end”


NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) – Nashville’s stunning growth of 80 people a day is matched by an important group within that group.

The latest figures show that 12 percent of Nashville residents are foreign born.

With that in mind, an Office of New Americans was established in Nashville.   Continue reading “Metro’s Office of New Americans to help foreign-born residents”

Huffington Post

WASHINGTON — As many as a million Americans will be kicked off food stamps this year thanks to the return of federal rules targeting unemployed adults without children.

That’s according to a new analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal Washington, D.C. think tank, which finds that no fewer than 500,000 people will lose benefits.    Continue reading “Don’t Expect Food Stamps If You’re Unemployed And Childless”

Fox News

One of six Baltimore police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray is asking a judge to quash a subpoena for his testimony in the upcoming trial of a fellow officer.

William Porter’s attorneys filed the motion on Monday saying that he plans to invoke his Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination and decline to testify in the trials of Caesar Goodson and Sgt. Alicia White.   Continue reading “Baltimore cop says he won’t testify against colleague in Freddie Gray case”


Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon (CNN)A leader of the armed group occupying a federal building in Oregon said Wednesday that the time will come for protesters to go home, but they don’t believe that time is now.

Ammon Bundy spoke outside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, where he and others have been holed up since the weekend.   Continue reading “Oregon protest leader: ‘There is a time to go home’”

Sword at the Ready

Obama thinks he’s clever.  He’s not.  He’s a totalitarian maniac establishing a Soviet-style police state.   His DECREE from HIS PEN to “close” the phantom “gunshot loophole” today, was defacto gun registration and firearms ban and sets the establishment of the same kind of climate of fear crap that Josef Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, Pol Pot and the other assorted genocidal maniacs established upon their citizens.   Continue reading “Obama’s Illegal Gun Ban: DO NOT COMPLY – REFUSE. RESIST.”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

The new surge of illegal immigrant youths has forced the federal government to look at an emergency plan to house them at six military bases at at least two federal worker centers, according to the administration.

The Pentagon is beginning “site assessments” at bases as far north as North Dakota and Massachusetts.   Continue reading “Obama eyes 6 military bases to house surge of illegal immigrants”

Some info about the US corp Bankruptcy in 1933 and why your federal reserve notes (money of account) are public liability(public debt). Why money of account is created by your signature. And why holding a FRN makes you a criminal and why you can’t PAY anything. When you try you commit Securities fraud.
Continue reading “The Bankruptcy of America – 1933”

Organic Prepper

What would it mean to you if you had an unexpected trip to the emergency room? If your car required an expensive repair? What if your income was interrupted for a week, or two weeks, or even longer? Do you have an emergency fund built into your budget to see you through these everyday calamities, or are you only one missed paycheck from disaster?

According to a recent survey released by Bankrate, 63% of Americans do not have the emergency savings to take care of a crisis that costs $1000 or more. How do people handle unexpected expenses? According to the survey:   Continue reading “Without an Emergency Fund You Are One Missed Paycheck From Disaster”

Oregon Live – by Denis C. Theriault

Gov. Kate Brown on Tuesday announced a shakeup atop the state’s Employment Department, replacing the agency’s director just days after a state audit raised concerns about security lapses and tax troubles involving the department’s aging computer systems.

Kay Erickson, the state’s budget manager, will serve as the department’s acting boss while Brown’s office looks for a permanent hire. Erickson, whose appointment “is effective immediately,” replaces Lisa Nisenfeld.   Continue reading “Kate Brown ousts Employment Department head after scathing audit”

NBC San Diego

A young girl’s family is speaking out after a TSA agent patted her down for nearly two minutes at an airport over the holiday break, leaving the girl feeling like screaming.

Her father shot video of the incident at an airport in North Carolina, for a flight back to San Diego. Kevin Payne told NBC San Diego he’s all for airport security and making sure people have a safe trip, but he and his daughter feel the pat-down was uncomfortable, long and inappropriate.   Continue reading “Video Shows TSA Agent Pat Down 10-Year-Old Girl ‘Over and Over’”

Activist Post – by Nicholas West

By now, nearly everyone is familiar with just how massive the State surveillance apparatus has become. The question is no longer about whether or not we are under surveillance, but how much further will the intrusion expand.

As facial recognition technology becomes more sophisticated, and the ease of camera and sensor installation makes all barriers to entry a non-issue, we are beginning to see the advent of real-time tracking that is looking for emotion as well as our data.   Continue reading ““The Creepy Study” – Surveillance Cameras Analyze Emotions”

The Daily Mail

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been accused of treating the announcement of the new head of his spy agency like the unveiling of a reality TV show winner.

The country’s media were full of praise for the appointment of Yossi Cohen to lead the once-secretive Mossad.

However, the circus that surrounded the whole announcement has been criticised by the Israeli press.   Continue reading “Israeli PM treated spy chief announcement ‘like a reality TV show’”

The Daily Bell

Obama wipes away tears as he calls for new gun measures … The president gets emotional as he remembers Sandy Hook victims and fiercely calls for more rights for those vulnerable to gun violence. – Politico

Dominant Social Theme: Once we get guns out of the hands of the people we can worry about knives … and fists.   Continue reading “Real Reason for Gun Control”

NBC News

One of the armed protesters occupying a federal wildlife refuge in rural Oregon said he would rather die defending the building than be arrested by the FBI.

The occupation at the remote headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, 250 miles from Portland, entered its fifth day Wednesday.

While law enforcement has not attempted to recapture the outpost, the FBI is leading efforts to resolve the impasse and several of the occupiers said they believe there are arrest warrants against them.   Continue reading “Oregon Occupier LaVoy Finicum Warns FBI He’d Take Death Over Jail”