The Truth About Cancer – by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

Dr. Ernest Krebs was a biochemist in the early 1950s whose desire to understand what makes cancer cells work led him to discover a possible key to overcoming the disease. Working on a hunch that cancer is ultimately a metabolic reaction to a poor diet, Krebs began studying the lifestyle habits of the Hunzas whose remote country is hidden near Northern Pakistan.   Continue reading “Apricot Kernels for Cancer: The Real Story”

Health Impact News

A 17 year old boy is dead, and his mother wants answers. The answers that Dawn Van Ballegooyen has been given by the state of South Dakota don’t make sense to her, and her mother’s intuition tells her that somebody is covering up what really happened to her son, Brady Alan Folkens, while he was in state custody.   Continue reading “Healthy 17 Year Old Dies Shortly After South Dakota Takes Custody Away from Mother”

ABC News

The FBI has arrested a 23-year-old Wisconsin man for allegedly plotting a mass shooting at a Masonic center in Milwaukee.

The FBI was alerted to Samy Mohamed Hamzeh in September, when he was formulating a plan to attack Israeli soldiers and citizens living in the West Bank, according to FBI officials. Hamzeh, however, abandoned those plans when he realized it wasn’t practical for him to make the journey. He then shifted his focus to organizing an attack inside the U.S., the FBI said in charging documents.   Continue reading “Feds Thwart Alleged Plot to Attack Masonic Temple in Wisconsin”

Jim Stone Freelance

The zika scam is falling apart, because Brazilians have proven it is not zika causing the birth defects. So the people who caused the problems to begin with are now toe dipping various scenarios in the hope one of them that is not the real truth gains a foothold in the public conscience.   Continue reading “New line: It’s not zika, it is a mosquito Gates released, OOPS, no, it is not that, it is an STD!”

Infowars – by Kit Daniels

All doctors – not just psychiatrists – should screen adults for depression, according to a government task force, a recommendation which opens the door to backdoor gun control.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force said that health workers should ask patients questions to determine if they have symptoms of depression, even if the patients don’t initially bring them up.   Continue reading “Backdoor Gun Control: Doctors – Not Psychologists – to Screen All Adults for Depression”

Fox News

A Colorado homeowner who was tied up and robbed at gunpoint Sunday may face charges for shooting and killing the suspect who was fleeing in a stolen car, Fox 31 reported.

The unidentified homeowner, who managed somehow to untie himself after the robbery, reportedly went outside his home in Littleton and fired shots into the car at the fleeing suspect. The man in the car was reportedly identified as David Martinez, 38, who has a long criminal history of burglary, theft and drugs. Martinez crashed the car about a block later and died.  Continue reading “Colorado homeowner robbed at gunpoint may face charges for killing suspect”


The top Democrats may be running neck and neck in the early primary states, but when it comes to assembling a stable of advisers on the Middle East, Hillary Clinton is way ahead of her chief rival, Bernie Sanders.

The former secretary of state boasts a host of dedicated aides, consultants and confidants advising her on foreign policy issues, and an impressive gallery of former top administration officials offering their views. Sanders, whose lack of interest in world affairs has been apparent throughout the campaign, has so far refrained from setting up any foreign policy team and has no close advisers working with him on the issue.   Continue reading “Who Has Hillary Clinton’s Ear on Israel – and What About Bernie Sanders?”

BATR – by James Hall

The joy of driving was once an important part of the American Dream. Take to the open roads meant freedom and adventure. The utilitarian objective of moving from one place to another just does not seem to possess the same romance. As with all reminiscences of the past, the lingering memories like to keep the good times close and block out the troubles when possible. This same trait can be applied to the distinctly national love affair with the auto. But as with all things, times move on and many in the tech community believe that the next advancement in land travel will come from an AI revolution.   Continue reading “Driverless Vehicles Powered by Artificial Intelligence”

The Free Thought Project – by Andrew Emmet

Winston County, AL – After recording conversations of the sheriff ordering them to steal marijuana, two former deputies have recently filed a lawsuit accusing the sheriff of firing them because they refused to steal drugs from the evidence room. Although the sheriff claims the marijuana was not for personal use, he allegedly harassed his deputies for months ordering them to steal narcotics for him from the evidence room and during drug busts.    Continue reading “Cops Filming Cops – Deputies Hide Camera to Record Sheriff Forcing them to Steal Pot from Evidence”

Breitbart – by Caroline May

Criminal immigration enforcement has declined 22.3 percent in the past year, according to Justice Department data compiled and analyzed by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC).

In November 2015 there were 4,861 new immigration prosecutions, 13.2 percent lower than the month prior and 22.3 percent lower than the number of new immigration prosecutions in November 2014, exactly one year earlier.   Continue reading “Data: Criminal Immigration Prosecutions Decline 22 Percent in One Year”

Natural Blaze – by Heather Callaghan

The uncontained U.S. lab virus is being dubbed “Californian Flu” and is killing Ukraine soldiers 

The U.S. mainstream media has yet to report on a serious situation brewing in Ukraine that reads more like a Stephen King horror story. While the Western media are busy spinning geopolitical narratives, the Donbass International News Agency is alerting the world of claims that a deadly virus experiment has escaped a U.S. military lab located near the city of Kharkov.   Continue reading “U.S. Lab Eyed As Source For Deadly Flu Virus Escape Killing Ukraine Soldiers, Hospitalizing Hundreds”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

There had been an eerie silence at the Comex in recent weeks, where after registered gold tumbled to a record 120K ounces in early December nothing much had changed, an in fact the total amount of physical deliverable aka “registered” gold, had stayed practically unchanged at 275K ounces all throughout January.

Until today, when in the latest update from the Comex vault, we learn that a whopping 201,345 ounces of Registered gold had been de-warranted at the owner’s request, and shifted into the Eligible category, reducing the total mount of Comex Registered gold by 73%, from 275K to just 74K overnight.   Continue reading “Comex Snaps: Gold Dilution Hits Record 542 Oz For Every Ounce Of Physical”

Activist Post – by Michael Boldin

Today, the Virginia House of Delegates passed a bill to authorize the farming, and production of industrial hemp in the state for commercial purposes, setting the foundation to nullify in practice the unconstitutional federal prohibition on the same. The vote was 98-0.

Introduced by Del. Brenda Pogge (R-Norge), House Bill 699 (HB699) would amend current state law on hemp by removing a provision that authorized the licensing of hemp farming only upon approval of the federal government.   Continue reading “Virginia House Votes Unanimously To Legalize Hemp Farming, Nullifying Federal Law”

Anti-Media – by Claire Bernish

Sebring, OH — Residents in Sebring, Ohio, can commiserate with those in Flint, Michigan, considering their water supply has also been contaminated with lead that “exceeds the action level,” according to the state’s EPA. Like Flint, the case of Sebring — involving some 8,100 water customers in Sebring, Beloit, Maple Ridge, and parts of Smith Township — already has the appearance of criminal negligence and a possible cover-up.   Continue reading “Another Town Just Got Caught Covering up Lead Contamination in Its Water Supply”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

Yes, this question is largely rhetorical. Even psychopaths usually try to blend, don’t they?

Here’s Hillary laughing when asked about the FBI investigating her private email server:   Continue reading “Why Does Hillary Clinton Always Cackle with Glee at Violence, Horror, and Death?”

Modern Farmer – by Dan Nosowitz

We’ve been hearing for decades about the complex intelligence of plants; last year’s excellent New Yorker piece is a good place to start, if you want to learn more about the subject. But a new study, conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri, managed to figure out one new important element: plants can tell when they’re being eaten, and they don’t like it.   Continue reading “Plants Can Tell When They’re Being Eaten”

New York Times

Joe Arpaio, the hard-line anti-immigration sheriff from Maricopa County, Ariz., will appear with Donald J. Trump in Iowa on Tuesday and endorse his candidacy, according to Mr. Trump’s campaign.

Mr. Arpaio, who espouses some of the Republican Party’s most conservative views about undocumented immigrants, will appear with Mr. Trump in Marshalltown, a month after appearing with Mr. Trump in Arizona. Mr. Trump has made combating illegal immigration a staple of his candidacy, including a proposal to build a wall at the southern border.   Continue reading “Sheriff Joe Arpaio to Endorse Donald Trump in Iowa”

Blaze – by Chris Enloe

Two key members of the Oregon militia, who continue to hold the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, say Arizona officials took their children from their homes as an act of revenge.

According to a report from the Arizona Republic, Robert “LaVoy” Finicum and Blaine Cooper say federal officials pressured local child protection officials to take custody of their children in retaliation against them for their siege on the wildlife refuge.   Continue reading “Militia Members Accuse Gov’t of Going to Unthinkable Lengths to Pressure Them Into Surrender — Here’s What We Know”