Yahoo News

CHICAGO (Reuters) – A Chicago doctor and a member of her staff have been charged with falsifying medical documents to help applicants bypass U.S. citizenship tests, prosecutors said on Friday.

Dr. Jasminka Kostic, 59, and Nikki Pozdol, 47, who works in the billing department at Kostic’s office, were each charged with one count of knowingly making false statements in a document submitted to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Illinois said.   Continue reading “Chicago doctor charged with making false diagnosis to help illegal immigrants”

Voice of America – by Pamela Dockins

U.S. President Barack Obama said in his weekly Saturday address “no terrorist group has yet succeeded in obtaining a nuclear device or producing a dirty bomb using radioactive materials,” but al-Qaida has tried.

The president delivered his address from the Nuclear Security Summit where world leaders gathered to discuss what Obama described as “one of the greatest threats to global security – terrorists getting their hands on a weapon of mass destruction.”     Continue reading “Obama Warns of Nuclear Terrorism Threat”

Gov’t Slaves

(Chuck Ross)  The State Department is “pausing” its review of 22 “Top Secret” Hillary Clinton emails while the FBI finishes up its investigation of the former secretary of state’s private email system, an agency spokeswoman announced on Friday.

It is not certain that the review, which was announced on Jan. 29, will continue after the FBI concludes its probe, spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau said.   Continue reading “State Dept. ‘Pauses’ Its Review Of Hillary’s 22 ‘Top Secret’ Emails”

Anti-Media – by Josh Mur

Frisco, TX — After an ongoing FBI investigation revealed incriminating information, Brad Harris, CEO of Novus Health Care Services, is being accused of ordering nurses to hasten the deaths of patients.

Novus Health Care Service is a company based in Frisco, Texas that provides in-house care for terminally ill and elderly patients. The company’s website indicates clearly that Novus prides itself on the quality of care and “improved patient outcomes” as a result of the services its employees provide. However, an affidavit released by the FBI suggests Brad Harris has failed to comply with the principles of his own company.   Continue reading “Healthcare CEO Told Nurses to Fatally Overdose Patients to Increase Profit”

Global Research – by Richard Silverstein

The Yediot Achronot conference attacking BDS has become a veritable carnival of hate.  Everyone from delusional Hollywood celebrities (Roseanne Barr) to cabinet ministers, to the leader of the Opposition have pledged fealty to the cause.

But the apogee same yesterday when Transportation Minister Israel Katz [image left] called for the “civil targeted killing“of BDS leaders like Omar Barghouti.  The phrase he used (sikul ezrahi memukad) derives from the euphemistic Hebrew phrase for the targeted killing of a terrorist (the literal meaning is “targeted thwarting”).  But the added word ” civil” makes it something different.  Katz is saying that we won’t physically murder BDS opponents, but we will do everything short of that.   Continue reading “Israel Minister Calls for “Civil Targeted Killings” of BDS Leaders”


Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says the Trans-Pacific Partnership may well be the worst trade agreement ever negotiated, and he recommends Canada insist on reworking it.

“I think what Canada should do is use its influence to begin a renegotiation of TPP to make it an agreement that advances the interests of Canadian citizens and not just the large corporations,” he said in an interview with CBC’s The Exchange on Thursday.   Continue reading “TPP ‘worst trade deal ever,’ says Nobel-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz”


WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Specifically, the Inspector General said they were unable to verify the accuracy of 72 US Army Central Command ACSA orders valued at more than $202 million “due to a lack of supporting documentation.”

US commanders “do not have assurance that deployed forces are obtaining the [logistics support, supplies and services] necessary to effectively and efficiently sustain US and coalition forces during contingencies and operations,” Assistant Inspector General for Contract Management and Payments Michael Roark said.   Continue reading “Pentagon Cannot Account for $223Mln in Anti-Daesh Operation Orders”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Albuquerque, NM — The city of Albuquerque has paid out a settlement in the amount of $6.5 million this week, to one of their own officers who was repeatedly shot by a fellow cop.

As we previously reported, Officer Jacob Grant was critically wounded after being shot multiple times by Lieutenant Greg Brachle during an undercover drug bust. Both officers were undercover at the time of the shooting.   Continue reading “Horrific Body Cam Footage Shows Cop Gun Down Fellow Officer During a $60 Meth Bust”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This is what we have been talking about. Incrementally they are blaming Iran various issues. We have seen this kick up since the start of the year. They are bringing Iran into the negative spotlight once again. Bloomberg reported the judge mentioned in this article placed a $10.5 billion dollar judgement against Iran citing them as a cause for the 9/11 attacks. Read this line from Bloomberg: “Daniels found that Iran had failed to defend claims that it aided the Sept. 11 hijackers and was therefore liable for damages tied to the attacks.
Continue reading “New York Court Lists Khamenei As The Second Defendant In The September 11 Attacks”

Personal Liberty – by Sam Rolley

Pro-immigration groups have successfully pressured the United States Library of Congress to remove the words “illegal” and “alien” from materials because the words are considered “pejorative” to people who enter the country illegally. The move will affect all U.S. libraries.   Continue reading “Words ‘illegal’ and ‘alien’ banished from public libraries”

Natural Health 365

Chemo as a treatment for cancer has always been controversial, with patients as well as medical professionals doubting its efficacy and safety as a cancer treatment. Bottom line: It seems to have more harmful side effects than healing effects.

Now researchers are admitting that chemotherapy can actually worsen deterioration in cases of late stage cancer who still have the mobility and energy for daily activities. The study, published in JAMA Oncology, also showed that cancer patients with limited or moderate functioning ability feel worse when undergoing chemotherapy.   Continue reading “Researchers admit: Chemo worsens quality of life with no benefit of overall survival in advanced stage cancer”

IB Times – by Mary-Ann Russon

Police in the US are continuing to raid the homes of people who operate exit nodes for the Tor anonymity network, most recently searching the condo belonging to a pair of outspoken privacy activists in Seattle.

On 30 March, Seattle Privacy Coalition cofounders Jan Bultmann and David Robinson were woken up at 6.15am at their condominium by a team of six detectives from the Seattle Police Department with a search warrant looking for child pornography, according to Seattle’s alternative weekly newspaper The Stranger.   Continue reading “Seattle police raid home of privacy activists who maintain Tor anonymity network node”

EFF – by Dave Maass

EFF’s efforts to fix holes in oversight of the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) are paying off.

New data and records released by California Department of Justice (CADOJ) show a steep increase in the number of agencies disclosing cases of abuse of the state’s network of law enforcement databases—a major victory for transparency and law enforcement accountability.    Continue reading “EFF Pressure Results in Increased Disclosure of Abuse of California’s Law Enforcement Databases”