Salt Lake Tribune – by Jennifer Dobner

It reads like a cast of characters for a detective film noir: powerful politicians, shady businessmen, high-ranking law officers and an idealistic, persistent prosecutor.

The plot includes allegations of corruption, cover-ups and the naked exercise of power.

Let’s title this movie “Rogue Runner” — only this story is not fiction. It’s the code name Davis County Attorney Troy Rawlings has given the sprawling probe he has spun off from the investigation that ensnared former Utah Attorneys General Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow.   Continue reading “Utah prosecutor wants grand jury probe of Reid, Lee, others”

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Pennsylvania has been making more than $157 million by selling driver’s license records to private companies and government agencies since 2010, according to an investigative report by NBC10.

The report indicates PennDOT sold personal information and drivers’’ records to customers in every state in the US. The more than 32,000 recipients include car dealerships, insurance companies, and credit agencies. The merchandise includes names, addresses and driver histories.   Continue reading “Privacy Lost: Pennsylvania Makes Millions Selling Residents’ Driver Records”

Press TV

A member of Israel’s Knesset (parliament) has revealed that Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud helped finance the election campaign of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2015.

Citing a massive leak of confidential documents dubbed the “Panama Papers,” Isaac Herzog, who is the chairman of the Israeli Labor party said, “In March 2015, King Salman has deposited eighty million dollars to support Netanyahu’s campaign via a Syrian-Spanish person named Mohamed Eyad Kayali.”   Continue reading “Leaked: Saudi King financed Netanyahu’s 2015 election bid”

Dusk News

You may have heard of the TPP…

…but do you know what’s in it? Right now, the Obama administration and giant corporations are spreading misinformation about the Trans-Pacific Partnership and how it will affect Americans. But if you read it, you’ll see that the TPP threatens to corrupt our democracy by giving corporations control over the government.   Continue reading “Read the TPP”

Superstation 95

After writing a lengthy suicide note exposing terrifying plans the government has for American citizens, a US Customs Agent walked onto a pier in NYC and blew his brains out.

Sources inside the New York City Police Department have revealed to SuperStation95, the contents of a suicide note found on the body and they are utterly frightening.

The note, which says it was written over the course of a full week in advance, outlines why the officer chose to shoot himself:     Continue reading “ICE Agent Commits Suicide in NYC; Leaves Note Revealing Gov’t Plans to Round-up & DISARM Americans During Economic & Bank Collapse”

Natural News – Ethan A Huff

The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) recently released a document called Evidence on the Carcinogenicity of Fluoride and Its Salts that highlights the many health hazards caused by the consumption of fluoride. And the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) recently submitted a compilation of its own to OEHHA, which is soon to make a final decision concerning fluoride’s toxicity, providing additional evidence that fluoride causes cancer.   Continue reading “Undeniable evidence from numerous studies proves that fluoride causes cancer”

The Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Should we be alarmed that the number of job cuts announced by large U.S. companies was 35 percent higher in April than it was in March?  This is definitely a case where the trend is not our friend.  According to Challenger, Gray & Christmas, U.S. firms announced 65,141 job cuts during April, which represented a massive 35 percent increase over the previous month.  And so far this year overall, job cut announcements are running 24 percent higher than for the exact same period in 2015.  Meanwhile, on Thursday we learned that initial claims for unemployment benefits shot up dramatically last week.  In fact, the jump of 17,000 was the largest increase that we have seen in over a year.  Of course the U.S. economy has been slowing down for quite a while now, and many have been wondering when we would begin to see that slowdown reflected in the employment numbers.  Well, that day has now arrived.   Continue reading “The Next Employment Crisis Is Here: Job Cuts At U.S. Companies Jump 35 Percent In April”

The Liberty Beacon

With sweeping executive orders from President Obama slamming down the gauntlet on gun rights, Americans across the U.S. have eyes wide open as to their rights of gun ownership and self-defense.

Many people who have never owned a gun decided now is the time. Seasoned owners started moving to increase their arsenal with additional types of calibers and firearms. This wake-up call has caused Americans to start exercising the 2nd Amendment rights before it is too late.   Continue reading “Sheriff’s Office Overwhelmed with Concealed Carry Permit Applications”


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only”, is just as true today about the true conservative movement as it was back in Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, era.   Continue reading “Fear of America First by GOP Establishment”

Linux Magazine – by Joe Casad

New intrusion technique affects most non-Bluetooth wireless mice.

Researchers at Bastille Networks have discovered a flaw in some keyboard and mouse dongles that could allow an attacker located within 100 meters of the computer to execute commands on the system through the dongle. The computer receives the commands as if they were typed by the user sitting at the system.   Continue reading “Strange New Attack Lets an Intruder Gain Access Through a Mouse Dongle”

Publius Forum – by Warner Todd Huston

A California high school has agreed to allow Hispanic students to wear their “Dump Trump” T-Shirts on campus despite a dress code that seems to prohibit them. The controversy is set against a backdrop of a federal court ruling banning U.S. flag shirts in California schools.

Sean Boulton, the principal of Newport Harbor High School in Newport Beach, a town south of Los Angeles, decided to acquiesce to the request of a group of Hispanic students who wanted to wear their shirts denigrating GOP front runner Donald Trump even as the school’s dress code could be read as prohibiting them.   Continue reading “CA School OKays Hispanic Students Wearing ‘Dump Trump’ Shirts Even as U.S. Flag Shirts Banned”

USA Today – by Karl Baker

WILMINGTON, Del. — A man deported from the United States at least four times since 2000 — each time following an arrest in Delaware — was arrested here again in February, this time with a bag of cash, according to a document made public by the FBI.

Wilmington police suspected that Richard Diaz-Garcia, a citizen of the Dominican Republic, was in the United States illegally after he was arrested Feb. 1 in Newark, Del., about 15 miles away, according to court records.   Continue reading “Man deported 4 times found again in Delaware”

Associated Press

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory’s administration sued the federal government Monday in a fight for a state law that requires transgender people to use the public restroom matching the sex on their birth certificate.

The lawsuit seeks to keep in place the law, which the U.S. Justice Department said last week violated the civil rights of transgender people against sex discrimination on the job and in education. U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch was scheduled to describe the launch of “law enforcement action” against North Carolina later Monday.   Continue reading “North Carolina governor files lawsuit over LGBT rights law”

Natural Blaze – by True Activist

List of companies that use Monsanto products. Note: this does not mean that Monsanto owns the companies in the literal sense. See the main corporate owners at the bottom of this piece.

In light of the recent public anger over the Monsanto Protection Act, here’s a simple, printable list of companies that use Monsanto products.   Continue reading “Printable List Of Monsanto Owned “Food” Producers”

Gov’t Slaves

In his 2016 Mother’s Day proclamation, President Obama included a new class of mothers in his announcement: transgenders.

“On Mother’s Day, we celebrate those who are first to welcome us into the world,” Obama began. “Performing the most important work there is, mothers – biological, foster, or adoptive – are our first role models and earliest motivators. They balance enormous responsibilities and shape who we become as adults, their lessons guiding us through life.”   Continue reading “Obama Embraces Transgender Moms In Mother’s Day Decree”

Gov’t Slaves

Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for being too white and too wealthy.

The scheme involves super-sizing vouchers to help urban poor afford higher rents in pricey areas, such as Westchester County, while assigning them government real-estate agents called “mobility counselors” to secure housing in the exurbs.   Continue reading “Obama’s Last Act Is To Force Suburbs To Be Less White And Less Wealthy”

Liberty Fight

Law enforcement in Idaho has issued a ‘LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE’ internal document known as an “ATL” – attempt to locate – Brian Wood, one of the deputies who killed 62-year-old rancher Jack Yantis on November 1, 2015. has obtained a copy of this three page document.

Brian Wood, pictured below, is an FBI-Trained Sniper, who was previously sued for roughing up a 79-year-old man.    Continue reading “All Hell Breaks Loose In Jack Yantis Case: Idaho Law Enforcement Issues *USE EXTREME CAUTION* Statewide Alert For Deputy Who Killed Jack Yantis”