The Newspaper

Beginning on January 1, Pennsylvania motorists will no longer need to place registration stickers on their license plates. The move was intended to give a significant boost to the automated license plate reader (ALPR or ANPR) industry, but it has also kicked off a debate in the General Assembly over whether these stickers are simply a means of generating $29 million in annual citation revenue.

The decision to go tagless was made in a single sentence slipped into Act 89, the massive state transportation funding measure signed into law in 2013.   Continue reading “Pennsylvania Plans On Dumping Auto Registration Stickers”

Zero Hedge – by Eric Zuesse

On May 7th, Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, or German Economic News, headlined, “USA planen mit TTIP Frontal-Angriff auf Gerichte in Europa” or “U.S. Plans Frontal Attack on Europe’s Courts via TTIP,” and reported that, “America’s urgency to sign TTIP with Europe has solid reason: Megabanks must protect themselves from claims by European investors who allege that they were cheated during the debt crisis. … The U.S. Ambassador to Italy has now let the cat out of the bag on this — probably unintentionally.”   Continue reading “Obama: TTIP Necessary So As To Protect Megabanks From Prosecution”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Odessa, TX — On Thursday morning, an Odessa man and his family were rudely awakened by a dozen militarized DEA and SWAT officers with AR-15s at their front door. Instead of cowering to the men who were clearly not authorized to be there, this man stood his ground and sent them on their way.

“We were rudely awakened, they just started banging on the door,” said the man who wishes to remain anonymous in an interview with KEPJ News, “I just didn’t like the way they did it.”   Continue reading “Innocent Man Stands Up to Entire SWAT Team Raiding His Home With No Warrant — He Wins”


The Maine Democratic Party have voted to abolish the influence of superdelegates, a group with the power to choose the party’s presidential nominee irrespective of the voters’ choice.

The rule change was passed by a vote during Saturday’s Democratic Party convention in Portland, followed by chants of “Bernie, Bernie!”   Continue reading “Maine Democrats eliminate power of superdelegates in convention vote”

BEIRUT (AP) — The deputy leader of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group says their candidates and allies won a vast majority of seats in areas where they ran in local elections in eastern Lebanon. Sheikh Naim Kassem said on Monday that Hezbollah and its allies ran in 80 municipalities out of 143 where voting took place the previous day in the Bekaa Valley and won almost all the seats.   Continue reading “Hezbollah, allies win wide areas in east Lebanon vote”

PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — North Korea’s ruling-party congress has bestowed a new title on Kim Jong Un: party chairman. The move highlights how the country’s first congress in 36 years is aimed at bolstering the young leader.   Continue reading “North Korea congress gives Kim Jong Un new title of chairman”

BOSTON (AP) — A former FBI agent accused of lying during Boston gangster James “Whitey” Bulger’s trial is expected to plead guilty to perjury charges. Robert Fitzpatrick is slated to appear Monday afternoon in U.S. District Court in Boston for a change-of-plea hearing.

The now-76-year-old is accused of lying to jurors and overstating his professional accomplishments during Bulger’s 2013 racketeering trial. Fitzpatrick, who had been second-in-command of the FBI’s Boston division during Bulger’s bloody reign in Boston, was the first witness Bulger’s lawyers called during the high-profile trial.   Continue reading “Ex-FBI agent to plead guilty to perjury during Bulger trial”

Daily Mail

Private jet flying could change forever as the world’s first electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft is about to hit the market.

The egg-shaped plane, called Lilium, has been heralded as high up as the European Space Agency (ESA), who highlight its environmental benefits as well as not needing to land at an airport.   Continue reading “The world’s first electric vertical take-off and landing plane that you can fly out of your back garden”

Joseph Story: ‘The Value and Importance of Legal Studies’ in Miscellaneous Writings of Joseph Story, 503, 519 (William L Story ed 1852) (“With us, indeed, who form a part of the Christian community of nations, the law of nature has a higher sanction as it stands supported and illustrated by revelation. Christianity, while with many minds it acquires authority from its coincidences with the law of nature, as deduced from reason, has added strength and dignity to the latter by its positive declarations. Continue reading “Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (1883) by Joseph Story, LL.D.”

Page Six – by Richard Johnson

The Castro brothers — ­Julián and Joaquín (not Fidel and Raúl) — are said to be studying Spanish very hard in the event that either one is picked as Hillary Clinton’s running mate.

Julián, the US Housing and Urban Development Secretary and former mayor of San Antonio, Texas, is on the short list of vice presidential potentials, along with Elizabeth Warren. His twin Joaquín — a congressman — is lower down on the list.   Continue reading “Potential Democratic VPs polish their Spanish” – by Eustace Mullins

The CDL Report
A Publication of the New Christian Crusade Church
Published by the Christian Defense League
P.O. Box 449
Arabi, Louisiana, 70032
Issue 108
July 1988

Why did Charles Lindbergh perjure himself to send an innocent man to the electric chair ?  Would the arrest of the murderers of the Lindbergh child have prevented the entry of the United States into World War II ?  Why did “Editor and Publisher”, the house organ of the journalism industry, note on the Hauptmann trial, “No trial in this century has so degraded the administration of justice.”?   Continue reading “The Lindbergh Murders HAUPTMANN WAS INNOCENT The Prosecution And Defense Combined To Frame Him”

They might pound on your door in the middle of the night, but they’ll probably wait until your daughter is in the shower, and the pounding will be accompanied by a commanding voice. “Let’s go. Open up. We wanna have a look around in there”.

You’ll run to unlock the door because the apartment will be cold for months if they break it down. They don’t need search warrants anymore because that stops them from catching terrorists, and the law now requires that whenever they come, everyone in the apartment is to immediately assemble in the room with the entrance door. Nothing unites a family in one room faster than the global police raiding someone’s apartment, and they do a lot more raiding now that everyone’s been moved into the sustainable, and environmentally-friendly living spaces.   Continue reading “2020 Foresight”

LA Times

He used to wake her up nights, shouting out his terror in the dark, his tattooed biceps continuing their clench-and-spasm dance long after a shift feeding cedar logs into the endless maw of the lumber mill.

In his nightmare, Keven Jones pushed the logs into neat rows, but as he dreamed, the logs started to tumble. They swung down, log after rolling log, bouncing off his rib cage, burying him. He would wake, eyes wide, mouth agape. Only seconds later did he hear himself screaming.   Continue reading “In a down-on-its-luck Oregon mill town, the savior they’re waiting for is Donald Trump”

Daily Caller – by Eric Owens

Speaking at Northeastern University commencement ceremonies on Friday morning, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry advised newly-minted graduates that the world is on its way to becoming “borderless” and that the critical issues of our time are terrorism, poverty and, of course, climate change.

“I am honored this morning to address a university family that thankfully is one very utterly unafraid to look beyond our borders and into the future,” told a Boston Garden crowd of about 25,000, reports The Boston Globe.   Continue reading “John Kerry Advises Fancypants College Grads To Expect ‘BORDERLESS WORLD,’ Hammers Trump”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Following ‘Jade Helm’ last summer, 2016 appears to have seen an escalation in social unrest and domestic terrorisim threat reaction among America’s authorities. FEME undertaking domestic riot training in the south last month, battle-tanks rolling through Houston last week, and now the Department of Homeland Security plans a bioterrorism attack drill next in the NYC Subway.

Last summer the state of Texas was ablaze over concerns surrounding the Jade Helm military drills held across the state prompted some to speculate that the Federal government was preparing for either a local insurrection, secession planning contencies for the Lone Star state or even a “Texas takeover.”   Continue reading “Homeland Security To Conduct Fake “Bioterrorism” Subway Terror Attack In New York City”