AnonHQ – by Vandita

In 2014, an Instagram post of David D. Ovadia, an Israel Defence Forces (IDF) combat soldier bragged about killing 13 Palestinian children in one day, sparking outrage on social media. Posing with a Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle, Ovadia tagged a Palestinian woman Sherrii ElKaderi, and wrote:

“I killed 13 childrens today and ur next f***ing muslims go to hell bitches.”   Continue reading “30 Days Jail Term for Israeli Sniper who “Killed 13 Gaza Children in One Day” to Terrorize Palestinians”

The Organic Prepper

The day after the most deadly gun-related massacre in America, I took my 15-year-old daughter out to shoot guns.

I’m a firm believer in refusing to be a victim, and this philosophy carries over to the way I’ve raised my children. We had planned to take a course together from a new instructor for a while. My daughter, 15, hadn’t ever shot a gun before our class. Since I lived a good part of my adult life in Canada, I’ve only been using guns a couple of years myself.   Continue reading “Today, I Shot Guns with My Teenage Daughter”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

As more and more evidence emerges regarding the mass shooting in an Orlando gay club that resulted in the death of at least 52 people and many more injured, signs are increasingly pointing toward the possibility of a false flag operation.

Already, a number of points lend credence to those who might suggest that intelligence agencies more so than desert-dwelling terrorist organizations are responsible for organizing and directing the attacks. A number of questionable aspects regarding this shooting include:   Continue reading “5 Reasons To Question The Official Story Of The Orlando Shooting”

The Statesman – by Chuck Lindell

Law enforcement can seize private property that was used in the commission of a crime, even if evidence of wrongdoing was illegally obtained by police, the Texas Supreme Court ruled Friday.

Because the process of seizing property takes place in civil court, property owners aren’t protected by criminal court rules that call for evidence to be tossed out if it was obtained in an unconstitutional search or seizure, the unanimous court ruling said.   Continue reading “Court: Illegally obtained evidence doesn’t bar asset seizures”

Washington Post – by Caitlin Dewey

There’s a scene in the dystopian scifi novel “Ready Player One” in which the protagonist glimpses the dossier of personal information a major tech company has gathered on him. It includes his height and weight, his browser history, his address — even several years of his school transcripts.

We’re still several years away from that vision, thankfully, but a new British startup called Score Assured has taken a big step in that direction: The company wants to, in the words of co-founder Steve Thornhill, “take a deep dive into private social media profiles” and sell what it finds there to everyone from prospective dates to employers and landlords.   Continue reading “Creepy startup will help landlords, employers and online dates strip-mine intimate data from your Facebook page”

Gay_flag.svgThe LGBT community or GLBT community, commonly referred to as the gay community, is a loosely defined grouping of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) and LGBT-supportive people, organizations, and subcultures, united by a common culture and social movements. These communities generally celebrate pride, diversity, individuality, and sexuality. LGBT activists and sociologists see LGBT community-building as a counterbalance to heterosexism, homophobia, biphobia,transphobia, sexualism, and conformist pressures that exist in the larger society.    Continue reading “Daily AR15 Target”


Bitcoin is having a fabulous spring after a lackluster winter, hitting its highest level in two years Sunday morning, fueled by what many believe are Chinese investors worried about their country’s economy.

The cryptocurrency hit $660, according to OKCoin, up from $436 on May 19 and 225 percent in the past 12 months.   Continue reading “Bitcoin hits 2 year high following fears about Chinese economy”


Tech billionaire Peter Thiel defended the secretive nature of the Bilderberg conference, taking place in Dresden, Germany this weekend, and compared those who call for transparency to the East German secret police force, the Stasi.

After initially refusing to speak with reporters outside the luxurious, yet heavily-fortified Hotel Taschenbergpalais on Saturday, the PayPal co-founder finally took the bait and launched into a rant about libertarian ideology.
Continue reading “Bilderberg 2016: Libertarianism not synonymous with radical transparency, claims Peter Thiel”

This is pure propagandist garbage!  The fools who believe it would learn
too late what happens when an enemy force in occupation disarms the
populace of a nation.  They also fail to realize that “ISIS” (along with
all the other incarnations thereof) were created by, are supplied by,
and controlled by the very enemy force in occupation that has rooted
itself in the USA.

DENVER (AP) — The deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history has people around the world wondering why mass violence keeps happening in America. For those who have lived through mass shootings, and for the law enforcement officers trying to prevent them, the answer is self-evident.   Continue reading “As mass shootings plague US, survivors mourn lack of change”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Oh, what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive!       Sir Walter Scott

Zbigniew Brzezinski was the first National Security advisor to work with Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Actually, the Carter administration -meaning Brzezinski and his bosses Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and David Rockefeller at the Trilateral Commission – began funding terrorists in Afghanistan to force the Soviets to invade Afghanistan. That was before Osama bin Laden and his Arab friends showed up to repel the Communists that the world’s financial elite had begged to attack the Muslims of Afghanistan.   Continue reading “So Obama, Hillary and Kerry Hopped on the Al Qaeda-ISIS Train To A Gay Nightclub In Orlando.”

Yahoo News

Seddique Mateen—the father of the man police have identified as the suspect in the deadly Orlando nightclub shooting—has hosted a television show in which he shared strong pro-Afghanistan and anti-Pakistan political views.

In one recent video, Mateen, speaking in Dari, appears to be portraying himself as the president of Afghanistan, the Washington Post reports. Mateen also has his own YouTube channel, to which he has posted more than 100 videos, dating back to September 2012.   Continue reading “The Father of the Orlando Shooting Suspect Hosted an Obscure TV Show”

So, while everyone’s attention was focused on the mass queer shooting, this happened.

Now that the gays have been ruthlessly gunned down and the gun grabbers are screaming i’m going to go ahead and guess that this story won’t be getting much airtime.

The Observer – by Austin Bay

Once again Hillary’s been caught lying about her criminal mishandling of classified national security information. Recall that Ms. Clinton swears none of the emails which passed through her off-the-record email server system was ever marked classified.   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton Sent Information Marked Classified”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Punta Gorda, FL — An officer’s dashcam video uploaded to YouTube this week shows a disturbing scene unfold as a police officer stops a man on a bicycle. An unarmed, shirtless, shoeless man is mauled for several minutes by a police K-9.

The reason for the stop, according to the uploader, was the cyclist was riding without a light on his bike.   Continue reading “Horrific Video Shows Cops Allow K9 to Maul Man for Several Minutes Over Riding Bike With No Light”

The Free Thought – by Claire Bernish

Redford Township, MI — In a complete waste of taxpayer dollars, a police SWAT team shut down a neighborhood in an 11-hour standoff with … an empty house.

For 11 hours, a heavily-militarized SWAT team in Redford Township, Michigan, kept an entire neighborhood on lockdown as they negotiated with the unresponsive house, reported.   Continue reading “Cops Fire Tear Gas Canisters, Send in Robots, During 11-Hour Standoff — with an Empty House”

Activist Post – by Paul Philips

If ever there’s a case of heartless self-interest masquerading as we care for you it’s Agenda 21. Essentially, Agenda 21 is a global enslavement plan with coordinated international agendas disguised as unconnected schema for handling local concerns.

The strong push for these hidden international agendas from NGOs (non-governmental organizations), federal agents and various planning groups have caused targeted local government elected representatives to give in to the demands and approve legislation.   Continue reading “6 Falsehoods Making Up Agenda 21”

Gov’t Slaves

(ZERO HEDGE)  In a surprising discovery, the Palm Beach Post first reported that according to state records, Orlando shooter Omar Mateen – who as we reported earlier was licensed as a security guard and also holds a firearms license – was employed by the US subsidiary of G4S plc, a British multinational security services company, whose US-headquarters are located in Jupiter, Fla, and which also happens to be the world’s largest security company by revenue.   Continue reading “Orlando Killer Worked For Company Transporting Illegal Immigrants Inside US; Was Interviewed By FBI 3 Times”


The deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history prompted calls on Sunday by some members of Congress for legislation to tighten control of weapons sales, although there were slim hopes for much change after 50 people were killed at a gay nightclub in Florida.

Democratic Senator Robert Casey said he would announce a bill on Monday that would ban anyone convicted of a misdemeanor hate crime from owning a firearm.   Continue reading “Some lawmakers talk gun control after Florida shooting, scant hope for change”

Common Dreams – by Andrea Germanos

After facing community resistance, bottled beverage giant Nestlé Waters North America this week ditched its plans to extract water from a Monroe County, Penn. spring.

The plan would have seen Nestlé take 200,000 gallons of water per day from the source in Kunkletown, located in Eldred Township, and truck it away daily to a nearby plant where it would have been bottled under its Deer Park brand.   Continue reading “We ‘Slayed the Dragon’: Community Wins as Nestle Drops Water Extraction Plans”