The National Interest – by Joshua W. Walker, Hidetoshi Azuma

This year’s G7 summit in Ise-shima, Japan was full of spectacles worthy of arresting headlines, including U.S. President Barack Obama’s historic embrace of atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima on May 27th. Prime Minister Abe as host has enjoyed a considerable boost for his efforts as host and now is confidently heading into an upper house election on July 10th. Like most international summits, however, what lies beyond the headlines are the agreements made among leaders even if not declared in the moment. Much of what the G7 leaders was focused on was the creation of a joint approach to the global rise of revisionism led by China and Russia, who resent not being part of the gathering. The most consequential outcome of the two-day event on Japan’s idyllic island was the emergence of a new phase in the ongoing Sino-Japanese geoeconomic competition. It characterizes a global trend for the world’s leading liberal economies for years to come.   Continue reading “China and Russia Are No Match for World Order”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

Federal taxpayers are on the hook for nearly $20,000 just to settle each refugee and asylum seeker, who are then immediately eligible for cash welfare, food stamps, housing and medical aid, according to a new report on the “refugee industry.”

The report provided federal budget figures showing that the government spends $19,884 on each refugee the U.S. takes in.

And that number is set to jump if President Obama gets his way and brings in an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees in this year.   Continue reading “Feds spend nearly $20,000 to settle every refugee”

Dallas Morning News – by Todd J Gillman

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Ken Paxton today accused the state of Delaware of swiping up to $400 million in unclaimed checks that rightfully belong to Texas and the 48 other states.

Texas’ share, he said, would be about $10 million.   Continue reading “Texas AG Ken Paxton unveils 21-state lawsuit accusing Delaware of swiping $400M in unclaimed checks”


MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) — For the world, the photograph of a Syrian 3-year-old in a red T-shirt and black sneakers, his lifeless body washed up on a Turkish beach, was a horrific symbol of the desperation of hundreds of thousands of refugees.

For Mary Poole, a young mother haunted by “those little shoes … the little face,” it was an inspiration.

She and members of her book club asked: Why not bring a small number of Syrian families to Missoula?   Continue reading “In Montana, neighbor vs neighbor over welcoming refugees”


NEW YORK (AP) — A new power player has emerged among the feuding factions behind Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, one that through the bonds of marriage enjoys a direct line to the Republican billionaire.

Despite limited political experience and some family baggage, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is playing an active role in virtually every aspect of the New York real estate magnate’s presidential bid. And empowered through his marriage to Trump’s trusted daughter Ivanka Trump, the 35-year-old Kushner operates with an extraordinary level of autonomy within an organization now struggling to shift its focus toward the general election.   Continue reading “Trump son-in-law emerges as quiet force”

All Self Sustained – by Allen B. West

President Barack Hussein Obama, on behalf of true Americans, I want to inform you that we will not follow your unconstitutional executive order.

We the American people have no other recourse than to resort to civil disobedience. We have no representatives in Washington DC who will stand and the Supreme Court has failed us as well.   Continue reading “President Obama, before you try that gun grab, I have a WARNING for you… So help me God.”

Fox News – by Malia Zimmerman

After two failed bids to grant voting rights to illegal immigrants, some San Francisco officials believe they have found the man who can make it happen: Donald Trump.

A proposed charter amendment drafted by Board of Supervisors member Eric Mar would give illegal immigrants with kids in the public school system the right to vote in school elections. Voters have rejected two previous ballot proposals, but Mar is betting on anti-Trump sentiment to carry the pro-illegal immigrant proposal if he can get it on the November ballot.   Continue reading “3rd time a charm? San Francisco to try yet again to give illegal immigrants voting rights”

24/7 Wall St – by Michael B. Sauter, Thomas C. Frohlich, Evan Comen and Samuel Stebbins

A diverse array of companies is essential for a state to maintain a stable and healthy labor market. Some companies, however, impact a state’s economy and labor market far more than others.

In almost every case, a state’s government is its largest employer. However, government employment is spread across various organizations. In each state, there is one company or public institution that employs the most people. 24/7 Wall St. reviewed data from a range of sources in order to identify the largest employers in each state.  Continue reading “The Largest Employer in Every State”

Anti-Media – by SM Gibson

(ANTIWARWhile her speech today at the American Jewish Committee Global Forum included some vague criticism of ongoing Israeli settlement expansion, as usual that will have no impact on US policy, as National Security Adviser Susan Rice centered the speech on pledges of a record military aid package being agreed to soon.

The aid package, which Rice reiterated would be the “single largest military assistance package – with any country – in American history,” is expected to be between $37.5 and $40 billion over the next decade, which Rice said proved increasing aid to Israel isn’t a partisan issue in the US, but “an enduring American interest.”   Continue reading “US To Give Israel Largest Military Aid In History”

The Hill – by Sarah Ferris

House GOP leaders on Wednesday announced that they will begin restricting contentious amendments on spending bills, a move that critics say violates the party’s commitment to regular order.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) used most of a conference meeting Wednesday morning to outline the party’s new strategy to unjam the appropriations process. For remaining spending bills, all amendments will be approved by the House Rules Committee before the debate reaches the floor.   Continue reading “Ryan changes rules for spending bills”

My AJC – by Christian Boone and Craig Schneider

A call to 911 reporting gunshots that apparently never occurred led to the shooting of an innocent man early Wednesday morning in Stockbridge.

William Powell, 63, is in serious condition at Atlanta Medical Center after being shot by a Henry County police officer. According to the officers, Powell ignored orders to put down his handgun. One of the officers then fired at the homeowner, striking him in the neck.   Continue reading “GBI: Officers respond to wrong house, shoot homeowner”

Tech Dirt – by Mike Masnick

Yesterday we wrote about an already troubling attempt by Senator John Cornyn to attach adangerous amendment to the Senate’s ECPA reform bill that would massively expand what kinds of electronic communications the FBI has access to (as we noted, the FBI already pretends it has access to this very info, so really this law would be papering over the FBI’s illegal collection of this info). But there’s another amendment, put forth by Senator Jeff Sessions, that is just as, if not more, troubling. It’s basically creating a massive loophole in the 4th Amendment, saying that any and all basic oversight can be tossed out the second the FBI declares the situation to be an “emergency.”   Continue reading “Senator Jeff Sessions Looks To Blast A Giant Hole In The 4th Amendment For ‘Emergency’ Response”

Ready Nutrition – by Jeremiah Johnson

ReadyNutriton Guys and Gals, this article deals with preparation on a different slant: something you may be able to do in your home state to protect you from “Big Daddy” the Federal Government.  Remember, preparation is not only for ELE’s (Extinction Level Events) or an apocalyptic cataclysm.  I would venture to put forth that when one loses their home, this is an apocalyptic event in itself.  One of the things that you may be able to use to prevent this “capture” of your home by the Federal and State government is a Homestead Declaration, and I encourage all of you to pursue this simple avenue if it is available, as I have here in Montana.   Continue reading “Protect Your Property with a Homestead Declaration”

The Newspaper

Residents of Sheridan, Colorado want the public to decide whether or not photo enforcement is used in their community. After being twice denied access to the ballot by city officials, proponents of the referendum decided this time to sue the mayor and city council, accusing them of dirty tricks. .

“We knew we were dealing with people who weren’t dealing from the top of the deck,” initiative sponsor Paul Houston told TheNewspaper. “Which is why we have to go to an Arapahoe County district court judge to get any justice.”   Continue reading “Colorado Residents Fight To Save Anti-Camera Referendum”


Dog owners will often place signs around the property to warn visitors or the poor postman of their pooch’s presence. Most dogs are pretty friendly of course, but that doesn’t stop these creative owners from putting their own twist on the concept of the ‘Beware of the Dog’ sign, with hilarious results! Some of these would definitely be relevant to my home…   Continue reading “‘Beware Dog’ Signs by Funny Owners”