Survived surgery, being help captive, should be fishing.
Month: June 2016
Two Palestinian gunmen opened fire in central Tel Aviv Wednesday night, killing three people and wounding at least five others, Israel police said.
Tel Aviv district police commander Moshe Edri said there was shooting in two locations close to the popular open-air Sharona market Continue reading “Palestinian Gunmen Kill 3 in Tel Aviv, 5 Wounded”
A federal judge Tuesday agreed to stay his order that the Obama administration turn over immigration records of over 50,000 people and require Justice Department lawyers attend ethics courses.
In a one-page order, Judge Andrew Hanen of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas said he will hear a challenge to his controversial order on August 22.
Continue reading “Judge postpones order to turn over immigration records”
When the US government steps outside of the apple pie and baseball narrative of the American dream and issues warnings to prep, you’d better pay strict attention and start upping your preparedness game. (Whether you believe that the threat to prep for is manufactured to engineer consent or not is, while an interesting debate, entirely beside the point of this article.) Continue reading “The US Government Has Recently Issued 2 Alarming Warnings to Prep…But Is Anybody Listening?”
(OKLAHOMA CITY) You may have heard of civil asset forfeiture.
That’s where police can seize your property and cash without first proving you committed a crime; without a warrant and without arresting you, as long as they suspect that your property is somehow tied to a crime.
Now, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol has a device that also allows them to seize money in your bank account or on prepaid cards. Continue reading “Civil Forfeiture in Oklahoma now allows bank seizure using your credit cards”
A simulated “large-scale terrorist attack” will be staged at Fenway Park this weekend.
On Sunday, the Boston Police Department, in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security, the US Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center and Fenway Park will practice and prepare for an active shooter situation. Continue reading “Fenway wants volunteers for mock ‘wide-scale’ terror attack”
WASHINGTON (AP) — The former aide to Hillary Clinton who set up her private email server confirmed in a court filing Tuesday that the Justice Department had granted him limited immunity from prosecution, but filed copies of the deal under seal and asked a judge to keep them out of public view.
The filing from Bryan Pagliano came in response to a judge’s directive to disclose details of the immunity agreement, which Pagliano said he entered into after cooperating in December with the Justice Department’s ongoing investigation into Clinton’s server. Continue reading “Ex-Clinton staffer files immunity agreements under seal”
A group of companies and gun-rights advocates say Facebook is “actively suppressing their posts,” thereby diminishing their visibility in Americans’ social media networks.
“Content that would normally reach our nearly one million followers has steadily dropped to a fraction of what it once was, despite our page’s continual growth of new followers,” said a statement from Rob Russo, the social media manager for Alien Gear Holsters, one of the companies now pushing back against Facebook. Continue reading “Facebook Suppressing Pro-Gun Postings, Say Gun Rights Advocates”
Courthouse News – by Emma Gannon
LITTLETON, Colo. (CN) — After a Wal-Mart shoplifter fled into stranger’s home to avoid arrest, police in suburban Denver destroyed the house in a 19-hour attack with tear gas, flash-bangs and 72 chemical bombs, leaving it “a mass of debris and destroyed belongings,” the family says in a lawsuit against the police.
Leo Lech and his family sued Greenwood Village, its Police Chief John Jackson and his entire force, particularly the SWAT team, on June 3 in Arapahoe County Court. Continue reading “Home Leveled in Police Siege on a Shoplifter”
New York Daily News – by Meg Wagner
An Ohio man who was beaten by a drunk cop and left locked in a closet for four days without food, water or access to a bathroom was awarded $22 million in court.
Arnold Black sued East Cleveland police over his 2012 detainment, saying a pair of officers mixed up his car with that of a suspected drug dealer and wrongfully took him into custody. One of the cops reeked of alcohol — and punched Black for “messing up” his night at the bar, according to the lawsuit. Continue reading “Wrongfully arrested Ohio man gets $22 million after drunk cop beats him, locks him in closet for 4 days”
Investment Watchdog, June 7, 2016
Starting today, it appears the US military will be testing a device or devices that will potentially jam GPS signals for six hours each day. We say “appears” because officially the tests were announced by the FAA but are centered near the US Navy’s largest installation in the Mojave Desert. And the Navy won’t tell us much about what’s going on.
The FAA issued an advisory warning pilots on Saturday that global positioning systems (GPS) could be unreliable during six different days this month, primarily in the Southwestern United States. On June 7, 9, 21, 23, 28, and 30th the GPS interference testing will be taking place between 9:30am and 3:30pm Pacific time. But if you’re on the ground, you probably won’t notice interference. Continue reading “FAA Warns of GPS Outages This Month During Mysterious Tests on the West Coast… Massive EQ Drill & Mysterious Military test beginning June 7th”
I can sense Bilderberg goals by who is being invited and by who is not being invited back. Fortunately, the crazy warmongers like Richard Perle were not invited back this time. I also noticed a shift in the Turkish delegation. I think Bilderberg has a new initiative on that front. Maybe to do with refugees and the prospect for war and peace in Syria and Iraq. We will have to read headlines about Turkey after the Bilderberg participants reach a consensus and issue orders through the press and the governments involved.
I noted Peggy Noonan’s attendance with interest. She wrote of Donald Trump that ‘he is the spark and not the fire.’ They also invited Lindsey Graham because he is anti-Trump. That was a waste of time. He knows nothing. They did invite a couple of people who have studied the declining wages of white American workers. That is the source of Trump’s support but many of those men and women voted for Sanders. They also invited a spokesman for the UMP Presidential candidate against Marine Le Pen. And they have invited several Muslim-European politicians together with supporters of Muslim immigration. Continue reading “Bilderberg 2016 Annotated Members List”
Ars Technica – by David Kravets
A federal judge on Monday unsealed disturbing dashcam footage of a suburban Kansas City, Missouri, police officer tasering a 17-year-old motorist who became brain damaged after what was billed as a routine traffic stop. That stop subsequently turned into an event of excessive force—resulting in a four-year prison sentence for Officer Timothy Runnels of the Independence Police Department. Continue reading “Dashcam footage of cop tasing, dragging, and dropping teen is unsealed”
Facts mean very little in any debate about immigration north of the Rio Grande. One such example comes from a bastion of journalism, the Daily Beast. Arian Campo-Flores in an article, Why Americans Think (Wrongly) That Illegal Immigrants Hurt the Economy, cites an economist, Gordon Hanson in a 2005 paper.
“Hanson analyzed how the size of the undocumented population and its use of public assistance affected attitudes toward immigration. He found that among low-skilled workers, opposition to immigration stemmed mainly from the competitive threat posed by the newcomers. Among high-skilled, better-educated employees, however, opposition was strongest in states with both high numbers of immigrants and relatively generous social services. What worried them most, in other words, was the fiscal burden of immigration.” Continue reading “Immigration Hurts American Employment”
Free Beacon – by Elizabeth Harrington
Taxpayers were billed more than $300,000 for costs associated with President Barack Obama’s visit to Hiroshima, Japan, to deliver a speech calling for a “world without nuclear weapons” at the site of the atomic bomb attack that ended the Second World War.
The tab includes $134,569 for accommodations for a foreign ministers meeting for the G7 summit in Hiroshima,$5,487 to rent a conference room, and $7,002 for “POTUS working space” in the Grand Prince Hotel. Continue reading “Taxpayers Billed $313,804 for Obama’s Hiroshima Speech”
The State Department said it would take 75 years for the release of emails from top aides to Hillary Clinton from during her time as secretary of State.
Lawyers said it would take that long to compile the 450,000 pages of records from former Clinton aides Cheryl Mills, Jacob Sullivan and Patrick Kennedy, according to a court filing from last week, which was first reported by CNN. Continue reading “State would need 75 years to compile Clinton emails”