Jon Rappoport

The EU and its associated financial institutions were built on the premise that no one would escape. That’s the long and short of it.

But of course, nations could get out if they decided to.

Which is what just happened in Britain.   Continue reading “Brexit and the Matrix – Elites: “how horribly stupid Brexit people are””

US Observer – by Lawyer Michael Minns

Federal grand jury indicts Judge Diane Kroupa and husband Robert Fackler on charges of tax evasion, obstruction of a tax audit, conspiracy and making and subscribing false tax returns.

USA – It doesn’t get any more blue-blooded, mixed with legal aristocracy than the 500 Lawyer firm of Faegre & Benson in Minneapolis. If you want legal work done, if money is no object, and perhaps you want a lawyer connected with the Republican Establishment… look no further. Faberge and Benson is the largest law firm in Minneapolis. Now, if you found yourself in the crosshairs of the IRS from 1995 to 2001, you would have sought out the top Tax Lawyer in the firm, Diane Kroupa.   Continue reading “Tax Court Judge Diane Kroupa Indicted for Tax Evasion”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

Other than politicians and the media, there is no other force in our society that is hated more and trusted less than the big banks. Between the bailouts that followed the crash of 2008, and the wealth confiscations that occurred in Cyprus a few years later, it’s become abundantly clear to everyone that the banks are run by criminals, and you can’t trust them to hold onto your savings.   Continue reading “NY Couple Loses $25k Because Their Bank Doesn’t Keep Records”

AlJazeera – by Ali Younes & Mark Mazzetti

Amman, Jordan – Weapons shipped into Jordan by the Central Intelligence Agency and Saudi Arabia intended for Syrian rebels have been systematically stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives and sold to arms merchants on the black market, according to American and Jordanian officials.

Some of the stolen weapons were used in a shooting in November that killed two Americans and three others at a police training facility in Amman, FBI officials believe after months of investigating the attack, according to people familiar with the investigation.   Continue reading “Weapons for Syrian rebels sold on Jordan’s black market”


Israel and Turkey have reached an agreement to normalize ties, a senior Israeli official told reporters, according to Reuters. This will end bitter rift over the Israeli Navy’s killing of nine Turkish citizens during a Gaza flotilla raid in 2010.

The agreement, which took three years to reach, is expected to be officially announced on Monday, said the official traveling with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is currently in Rome.   Continue reading “Israel, Turkey reach agreement to normalize ties – Israeli official”

The Gazette

LA JUNTA — A jury in southeast Colorado convicted a former Rocky Ford police officer Thursday of second-degree murder for shooting a man he followed into a home.

Jurors deliberated for about 11 hours Wednesday and Thursday before finding James Ashby, 33, guilty in the Oct. 12, 2014, death of Jack Jacquez, 27. Ashby is the first Colorado police officer to face charges for an on-duty shooting in more than 20 years.
Continue reading “Jury convicts Colorado officer who killed unarmed man”

Red State – by Dan Spencer

A special United Nations commission on critical medicines—that is, everything from simple ibuprofen to the lifesaving drug cocktail to treat HIV, is expected to release within days a long-awaited report about how the global community might best alleviate barriers to access to medicine in the developing world.

It’s estimated that upwards of 2 billion people across the globe lack access to critical medicines. But the UN report won’t bring those people any closer to accessing those drugs, because, as I write in a new column for Real Clear, we know exactly the non-starter it will propose: erase intellectual property in health care:   Continue reading “U.N. Set To Erode Drug Patent Rights”

Veterans Today – by GPD

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has backtracked from his neutral position on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and is now “committed” to supporting Israeli settlement expansion on territories it has seized illegally, according to an advisor.

David M. Friedman, a real-estate attorney serving as Trump’s main advisor on Israel, said the Republican presidential candidate and reality television star would not support the recognition of the Palestinian state without “the approval of the Israelis.” Friedman also remarked that Trump was unconcerned with the inhabitants of the West Bank, because “nobody really knows how many Palestinians live there.”

Continue reading “Trump Will Not Recognize Palestinian Statehood if Elected President”

The Boston Globe – by Jeff Jacoby

AMERICA’S GUN CULTURE has been a subject of intense interest and controversy for years, with concerns frequently raised about shadowy militias, paramilitaryextremists, and unstable zealots in possession of alarming quantities of explosives and firearms.

Amid the current din over assault weapons and body armor, consider one domestic organization’s fearsome arsenal of military-style equipment.   Continue reading “The FDA is stockpiling military weapons — and it’s not alone”

ABC News

A planned protest by the Traditionalist Worker Party at the California state capitol in Sacramento turned violent today after counter-protesters showed up, officials said.

It was unclear what triggered the violence at the rally by the group, which had received a permit to hold the event, police said.   Continue reading “Right-Wing Group’s Rally Turns Violent in Sacramento”

The Last Refuge – by Sundance

There is a considerable amount of media banter about a petition being submitted to the U.K. Parliament requesting a second EU Referendum.  –SEE HERE

The petition is being pushed by disgruntled left-wing activists who voted to “REMAIN” in the European Union and lost the original referendum by over 1.3 million votes to the larger majority who wanted to LEAVE.   Continue reading “Whoopsie – 70% Of British Parliament Petition Signatures Demanding Another EU Referendum Don’t Live In The U.K….”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

In the midst of reports circulating around an uptick in U.S. military movement inside the United States, a recent sighting of U.N. vehicles being carried on flatbed trucks is now making its rounds on the Internet and alternative media networks.

The U.N. vehicles were spotted near I-81 near Lexington, VA and were being carried by flatbed, two to a trailer.   Continue reading “U.N. Vehicles, Mysterious Troop Movement Spotted In VA, NC, W.VA, Ohio”

Charles_B._Rangel_113th_CongressCharles Bernard “Charlie” Rangel (/ˈræŋɡəl/;[3] born June 11, 1930) is the U.S. Representative for New York’s 13th congressional district. A member of the Democratic Party, he is the second-longest currently serving member of the House of Representatives, serving continuously since 1971. As its most senior member, he is also the Dean of New York’s congressional delegation. Rangel was the first African-American Chair of the influential House Ways and Means Committee. He is also a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus.   Continue reading ““JUS CAUSE” Target”

Washiungton Post – by Michael Laris

A group of East Coast states wants to help overhaul the way America pays for its decaying roads, and it’s starting with Monopoly money.

Delaware, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New Hampshire are proposing pilots to figure out how they might charge motorists a fee for the miles they travel — rather than taxing their gas, as state and federal officials do today.   Continue reading “East Coast states want to tax drivers’ travel, not their gas”

Breitbart – by Patrick Howley

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Republican California Rep. Darrell Issa said that there is enough evidence to indict Hillary Clinton for mishandling national security information on her private email server.

“There is more than enough for an indictment,” Issa, the former House Oversight Committee chairman, told Breitbart News Saturday on Sirius/XM Patriot Channel 125. Issa explained:   Continue reading “Darrell Issa: There Is Enough Evidence to Indict Hillary Clinton”

PJ Media – by Tom Knighton

Democrat Rep. Charlie Rangel has found himself in a bit of a pickle. After years of allegedly thumbing his nose at pesky things like rules, his supposed misdeeds may be coming back to bite him on the proverbial hind quarter.

A House ethics committee subpanel today found Democratic Rep. Charlie Rangel guilty of 11 of the 13 charges of ethics violations against him.The panel, composed of four Democrats and four Republicans, emerged after private deliberation to announce their findings.
Continue reading “Charlie Rangel Found Guilty on 11 of 13 Ethics Violations”

Video Rebel’s Blog

A British officer told Paul Craig Roberts that 90% of the soldiers in his command voted for Leave because they were tired of fighting wars for America. Of course Americans know that our wars are for Israel and the Banks. We have as much anger as the British and others around the world do against our government. That is because Americans are beginning to realize we are an occupied nation.

The goal of this essay is to outline escape routes from the European Union, Banker Occupation and never ending wars.   Continue reading “After Brexit: A Northern Union And A Revolt Against Banker Occupation…”