
The US Marine Corps has spent years developing multiple unmanned combat robots, and last month it took them for a test drive.

With the advent of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) like the Reaper and Predator drones, it is becoming increasingly clear to many military strategists that wars of the future will be fought primarily by machines. In the US, most of these gadgets have been reserved for the Air Force, but the Marine Corps has been developing its own specialized mechanical units. Continue reading “US Marines Are Getting Land Drones With Heavy Machine Guns and Tiny UAVs”

End of American Dream – by Michael Snyder

So far this week, we have seen the most dangerous volcano in Mexico erupt, and three major volcanoes in Indonesia all erupted within the space of just 72 hours.  Mexico and Indonesia are both considered to be part of “the Ring of Fire”, and all along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean volcanoes are starting to go off like firecrackers right now.  According to Volcano Discovery, 25 volcanoes in areas that are considered to be within the Ring of Fire have erupted recently.  Our planet appears to have entered a time of increased seismic activity, and those the follow my work regularly know that this is a theme that I revisit repeatedly.  Sadly, most Americans are not paying too much attention to this increase in seismic activity, but the truth is that it has very serious implications for the west coast of the United States.   Continue reading “Major Volcanoes Along The Ring Of Fire Are Going Off Like Firecrackers”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

From the very first day Zika hysteria was catapulted into mass awareness, I have correctly called it a massive hoax. My most recently article spells out the real agenda behind the obvious quackery of Zika hysteria. It’s entitled Staged Zika pandemic was engineered by globalist governments to justify the aerial bombardment of awakening populations with toxic chemicals.   Continue reading “ZIKA DOOMSDAY HOAX UNRAVELS: Predicted ‘explosion’ of brain defects didn’t happen… entire scare campaign was manufactured”

Penn Live – by Charles Thompson

It stands to reason that Pennsylvania, rarely the league leader in “hip” or “modern,” wouldn’t be among the first states to tax items bought on-line known as digital downloads.

But, baby, we’ve arrived now.

Among the tax changes signed by Gov. Tom Wolf this week, the state’s 6 percent sales tax will be extended to the purchase of the next big Beyonce hit, a Pokemon Go app, or rights to watch Season Five of Netflix’s “House of Cards.”   Continue reading “Taxes on ‘digital downloads’ arrive in Pa.: What is that going to cost you?”

220px-BarneyfrankBarnett “Barney” Frank (born March 31, 1940) is a former American politician and board member of the New York-based Signature Bank.[1] He previously served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts from 1981 to 2013. As a member of the Democratic Party, he served as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee (2007–2011) and was a leading co-sponsor of the 2010 Dodd–Frank Act, a sweeping reform of the U.S. financial industry. Frank, a resident of Newton, Massachusetts, is considered the most prominent gay politician in the United States.[2]   Continue reading “Jew Pedophile Target”

Think Progress – by Celisa Calacal

New York has become the latest state to introduce a Blue Lives Matter bill, which would classify assaulting an officer as a hate crime. The bill was introduced today by New York Assemblyman Ron Castorina (R), with support from Council Member Joseph C. Borelli (R) and NYPD Sergeant Joe Imperatrice, the president and founder of Blue Lives Matter NYC.

Hate crime legislation currently only applies to attacks based on race, sexual orientation, national origin, and religious affiliation. But this new legislation would classify cops as a protected class, aligning them with ethnic and religious minorities and the LGBT community.   Continue reading “New York’s Blue Lives Matter Bill Would Make Cops a Protected Class”

The Daily Sheeple

We have now entered a new level of cyber-reality where hackers in real life can actually data mine information from our brainwaves by reading our neural signals… using Brain-Computer Interfaces.

Now just think about this tech in the hands of the NSA…   Continue reading “Researchers Warning That Hackers Can Now Steal Info From Our Brains… Remotely”

Tenth Amendment Center – by Mike Maharrey

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. (Aug. 4, 2016) – If you park your car in Newport Beach, police will likely scan your license plate with an automated license plate reader (ALPR). According to police, this automatically makes you the subject of a criminal investigation.

In an effort to find out what police do with all of the data they collect using automatic license plate readers (ALPRs), local activist Mike Glenn filed an open records request. The police refused to release the information.   Continue reading “Police: Parking in Newport Beach Makes You Part of a Criminal Investigation”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

A Mexican woman was arrested by U.S. Border Patrol agents after entering the United States illegally from Canada. A Canadian citizen was also arrested for allegedly helping smuggle the woman across the border.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers became suspicious of a Canadian citizen who was crossing the border at the Port of Mooers, New York, port of entry. Lukasz Kabata, 20, was crossing from Canada into New York by himself. Officers conducting a secondary inspection observed a large number of women’s clothes and another person’s immigration documents in the vehicle and became suspicious.   Continue reading “Mexican National Busted After Illegally Crossing Border–From Canada”

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The Marshall Report

Proof Hillary lied and gun running was taking place!  READ WIKILEAKS DETAILS HERE   Continue reading “WIKILEAKS – Hillary Supplied Cash, Weapons & Tanks to Al-Qaeda to Kill Gaddafi & Ship Weapons for Terror”

American Mirror – by Kyle Olson

There was a distinct look of fear on Hillary Clinton’s face as animal rights protesters held up a large banner and yelled near her rally stage in Las Vegas today while the candidate spoke.

Secret Service agents sprang into action, with one putting his arm around Clinton.   Continue reading “Hillary panics after protesters shout near Las Vegas rally stage”


Hackers have stolen bitcoins worth about $65 million after attacking a major digital currency exchange.

The exchange, Bitfinex, responded by halting trading, deposits and withdrawals, prompting a plunge in the Bitcoin price.   Continue reading “Hackers steal bitcoins worth millions in attack on exchange”

Liberty Fight

It’s so very sad when there are so many of these damn trigger-happy cops murdering people that I cant even keep track of them anymore. The latest case, a travesty of justice is a cop in Winslow Arizona who killed a beautiful 27-year old woman, Loreal Tsingine. Police had been called with claims that the native American woman and mother had stolen beer from a Circle K convenience store. They responded by summarily executing her on the street, shooting her four times.   Continue reading “Another Cop gets Away With State-Sanctioned Killing: 27 Year-Old Native American Woman in Winslow Arizona”

The Anti-Media – by Carey Wedler

Last week, President Barack Obama signed legislation requiring manufacturers of genetically modified (GM) food to provide labeling on their products. But there’s just one problem — err, a couple problems . . . actually a lot of problems. There are a lot of problems with this bill.

The new law originated in the Senate as S. 764, “A bill to reauthorize and amend the National Sea Grant College Program Act, and for other purposes.” Lawmakers commonly insert policies on controversial issues into other, more amenable bills to keep them hidden and ensure their passage.   Continue reading “Obama Just Signed a GMO Labeling Law: Here’s What You’re Not Being Told”