Lew Rockwell – by Jack Perry

My last two articles, judging from the volume of email I got, were very well received. People want to know how history, like the seasons, tends to happen in cycles and patterns that are somewhat predictable. When it comes to the United States government repeating history, that is easier to predict than the weather. One thing I touched on in a previous article is the fact that the West, and the United States government who pulls the entire West along like a child pulls a toy wagon, is unable to understand the concept of tribal violence. In truth, tribal and clan violence has not changed, as far as motivations for it go, in several thousands of years.   Continue reading “The Middle East: Great Going, Great Father!”

Counter Current News – by Jeremiah Jones

Yet another law enforcer is charged with multiple counts rape. Why are people like this allowed to be in positions of authority?

According to John Harper of cleveland.com, A former Wayne County probation officer and former Montville police officer was indicted this week on charges of raping a 7-year-old girl while at University Hospital.   Continue reading “Cop Charged In Rape of 7-Year-Old Girl at University Hospital”

To Be Free – by Jeff

At ToBeFree, I’ve focused mainly on the Rockefellers, key kingpins in the US, which apparently are secretly worth more than $10 trillion. But the Rothschilds are far more wealthier, and are by many considered the greatest controlling factor worldwide — the kingpins of the world!

In the late ’90s, I attended an event in which Gaylon Ross was lecturing. He laid out the big picture for me that has continued to prove true. In addition to speaking about these two families, he laid out the elite’s plan to create unions within the continents, and then merge all 5 continents into the one-world government which they control.   Continue reading “The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…”

Washington Post – by Eugene Volokh

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, among its other functions, decides “hostile work environment” harassment claims brought against federal agencies. In doing so, it applies the same legal rules that courts apply to private employers, and that the EEOC follows in deciding whether to sue private employers. The EEOC has already ruled that coworkers’ wearing Confederate flag T-shirts can be punishable harassment (a decision that I think is incorrect); and, unsurprisingly, this is extending to other political speech as well. Here’s an excerpt from Shelton D. [pseudonym] v. Brennan, 2016 WL 3361228, decided by the EEOC two months ago:   Continue reading “Wearing ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ insignia could be punishable racial harassment”

PoliZette – by Robert Romano

“The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice has provided oversight and recommendations for improvement of police services in a number of cities with consent decrees. This is one of the most effective ways to reduce discrimination in law enforcement and it needs to be beefed up and increased to cover as many of the 18,000-plus local law enforcement jurisdictions.”   Continue reading “UN Backs Secret Obama Takeover of Police”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

If you asked a typical American about conspiracy theories, he or she probably wouldn’t have any trouble rattling off an extensive list theories ranging from the Kennedy assassination to 9/11. But if there’s one potential conspiracy that most Americans are totally unaware of, it’s the supposed CIA plot to kill UN Secretary General Dag HammarskjöldContinue reading “Recently Found Document Suggests That CIA Murdered Former U.N. Head”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

An Israeli cop has been suspended after a heartbreaking video was posted online showing two officers terrorize an innocent 8-year-old Palestinian girl.

The video, which was taken last week and surfaced on Tuesday, shows two Israeli border officers confronting a terrified 8-year-old Palestinian girl, Anwar Burqan, on Hebron’s al-Ibrahimi St., demanding she stop on the roadside. When the first officer confronts the girl he stomps on her bike and berates her until she runs away screaming and crying.   Continue reading “Horrific Video Shows Israeli Border Police Terrorize 8-yo Palestinian Girl and Steal Her Bike”

Reported North Vietnamese PT boat attacks result in retaliation strikes

At 8 p.m., the destroyers USS Maddox and USS C. Turner Joy, operating in the Gulf of Tonkin, intercept radio messages from the North Vietnamese that give Captain John Herrick of the Maddox the “impression” that Communist patrol boats are planning an attack against the American ships, prompting him to call for air support from the carrier USS Ticonderoga.   Continue reading “On this day in history…”


A Maryland jury convicted a Baltimore police officer on Thursday of first-degree assault in the 2014 shooting of an unarmed and already subdued burglary suspect, a court spokeswoman said.

The Baltimore City Circuit Court jury acquitted Officer Wesley Cagle of charges of attempted first- and second-degree murder in the shooting of Michael Johansen, the spokeswoman said.   Continue reading “Baltimore officer convicted of shooting unarmed suspect”

Breitbart – by Joel B. Pollak

Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA) has launched an online petition to force the Republican Party to submit presidential nominee Donald Trump to a psychiatric evaluation.

The petition at Change.org reads, in part:   Continue reading “CA Dem Launches Petition to Force Donald Trump Psychiatric Exam”

The Organic Prepper

Not only is Hillary Clinton a liar, a fraud, a scam artist, and an all-around mean and nasty individual, there are growing signs that she might be seriously unwell, and as the stress of the campaign grows, those signs are becoming more obvious to everyone.

By now, you’ve probably seen the funny memes about Hillary Clinton’s bizarre facial tick and coughing fits. You may have also wondered about her strange bouts of hysterical laughter.   Continue reading “What is Going On with Hillary Clinton’s Health?”

Fix This Nation

The Supreme Court, perhaps signaling that they will take up the issue of President Obama’s transgender directive in the next term, blocked a lower court’s ruling this week regarding a transgender student in southeastern Virginia.

A trial judge has ordered Gloucester High School to allow transgender senior Gavin Grimm to use the boys’ bathroom, despite the fact that Grimm was born female. The Supreme Court’s ruling temporarily puts that ruling on hold, meaning that Grimm will either have to use the girls’ facilities or a private bathroom until such time that the case can be addressed in Washington.   Continue reading “Supreme Court to School: Trans Student Must Use Correct Bathroom”

Underground Reporter – by James Holbrooks

New England — On Friday, the United States District Court in New Hampshire dismissed a lawsuit filed by New England fishermen accusing the federal government of overreach. The suit pertains to recent rules set by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which force fisherman to absorb the cost of on-board, at-sea monitors whose job is to ensure compliance with federal regulations.

Previously, the government has paid for these third party observers, who accompany fishermen on trips and — in addition to making certain vessels adhere to catch quotas — are there as part of a NOAA program to monitor the overall health of fish populations.    Continue reading “Small-Time Fishermen May Soon Be History Thanks To Nanny State Government”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

The exiting Obama administration gave animal rights groups a major victory Wednesday, ending predator hunts over 76 million acres of Alaska wildlife refuges and handing hunters, the National Rifle Association and the state’s own Board of Game a huge defeat.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ruled an end to aggressive hunts of predators like bears and wolves, nixing hunting by plane and helicopter, baiting, killing mother bears with their cubs and wolves and wolf pups in their dens.   Continue reading “Feds reclaim control of Alaska gamelands, ban bear, wolf hunts by air”

Brietbart – by Caroline May

A previously deported illegal immigrant from Mexico — who was released from local custody last year after officials ignored a federal immigration request to hold him — has been charged with raping a child under the age of 13.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement says it has filed a detainer with Philadelphia authorities against 45-year-old Ramon Aguirre-Ochoa, a Mexican national who was previously deported in May 2009 and is now is charged with involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, unlawful contact with a minor, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, indecent assault on person less than 13, indecent exposure, and simple assault.   Continue reading “Previously Deported Illegal Immigrant Charged with Raping Child Under 13”


Phoenix police say that a serial shooter has struck for the ninth time.

The Phoenix Police Department have connected a spate of mysterious shootings that have killed seven people and wounded two, to a suspect they call the “Serial Street Shooter.”   Continue reading “Phoenix police say ‘serial street shooter’ now connected to 9 shootings”


The Orlando nightclub where 49 people were massacred in the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history should be a preserved as a place to honor their lives, the city’s mayor says.

In a local radio interview that aired Wednesday, Mayor Buddy Dyer said the city should purchase the site, “then make some determination, with a lot of input, on what a permanent memorial might look like.”   Continue reading “Orlando Mayor Wants Pulse Nightclub Turned Into Memorial”

The Daily Caller – by Chuck Ross

President Barack Obama announced on Wednesday that he is shortening prison sentences for 214 federal prisoners, 56 of whom have firearms related convictions on their records.

The mass commutation is the largest ever issued in a single day U.S. history, the White House said in a press release.   Continue reading “Obama Shortens Sentences For 56 Federal Prisoners With Gun Convictions”


DHS, has turned America into a Police State and now they want to take control of our elections!

According to a NY Times article, the Obama administration wants DHS to run our electronic ballot casting system. DHS wants to classify our election process as “critical infrastructure.”   Continue reading “DHS to run elections, wants voting classified as “critical infrastructure””