The Washington Post – by  Dan Morse

A 28-year-old gang member charged in the brutal stabbing death of a Maryland teenager had been deported twice to El Salvador in the past two years, according to U.S. immigration officials.

Oscar Delgado-Perez is expected to make his first appearance in Montgomery County court on Friday afternoon in a killing detectives suspect was over gang bragging rights.   Continue reading “Immigration officials: Suspect in Maryland gang murder had been deported twice”

Breitbart – by Aaron Klein

NEW YORK – George Soros’s Open Society Foundations is seeking to expand the use of electronic and online voting systems nationwide, according to a leaked Foundations document reviewed by Breitbart News.

While the directive was issued two years ago, the issue of electronic voting has become a hot button topic in this year’s presidential election amid fears digital voting systems can be compromised.   Continue reading “Leaked Memo: George Soros Foundation Seeking to Expand U.S. Online Voting”


Israel’s Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan is in London this week meeting British officials hoping to agree on a joint plan to tackle Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activism in the UK.

The Likud politician has recently been made responsible for a new task force launched to tackle the movement, which calls for the boycott of Israeli goods in protest against the illegal settlement of Palestinian land.   Continue reading “HomeUK Israeli minister says Brits will ‘pay the price’ for ‘anti-Semitic’ boycotts”

U.S. Constitution

On June 8, 1789, James Madison rose in the House of Representatives and read his thoughts about amendments to the Constitution. Based on the recommendations of several ratifying conventions and the fears expressed by the Anti-Federalists, his suggestions would insert many rights of the people into the Constitution.

Not everyone was in support of a Bill of Rights, and much debate ensued. Many of Madison’s proposals were accepted, and some were rejected. The legislative process had to take place, with formal bills being introduced in the House, being voted on and approved, then sent to the Senate where they were debated and modified, and with both Houses eventually coming to agreement on twelve articles of amendment.   Continue reading “First Twelve Articles of Amendment”


Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a virus primarily transmitted to people from ticks and animals. While it might not be a commonly-discussed disease, CCHF outbreaks – which causes severe viral haemorrhagic fever outbreaks – have a fatality rate of up to 40 per cent, according to the World Health Organisation.

Worryingly the virus is primarily transmitted to people from ticks and livestock animals – but human-to-human transmission can occur after close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected persons.    Continue reading “Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever: New terrifying VIRUS sweeps Europe…and there’s no vaccine”

The Jerusalem Post

Citing Israel’s preeminence in counter-terrorism – and the fact that it is the only country outside the United State to have a 9/11 memorial honoring every victim – a US police delegation said it wanted to visit the country on the 15th anniversary of the attack.

Fifty-two officers from seven states arrived on Wednesday for one week to train with multiple units, visit the new state-of-the-art police academy in Beit Shemesh, and hold a ceremony at Jerusalem’s 9/11 memorial on Sunday.   Continue reading “US police delegation visits Israel to learn counter-terrorism techniques, hold 9/11 ceremony”

Secretary Jeh JohnsonSecretary Jeh Charles Johnson

Jeh Johnson is the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.  As such, he leads the third largest Department of the U.S. government, with a workforce of 229,000 employees and 22 components including TSA, Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, FEMA, the Coast Guard and the Secret Service.  Under Secretary Johnson’s leadership, DHS is responsible for counterterrorism, cybersecurity, aviation security, border security, port security, maritime security, administration and enforcement of our immigration laws, protection of our national leaders, protection of critical infrastructure, detection of and protection against chemical, biological and nuclear threats to the homeland, and response to disasters. Continue reading “Joe from MassPrivateI’s Judgement Target”

ABC News

A man who was arrested on drug charges with $171 in his pocket has been told he’ll have to pay a $175 filing fee to try to get the money back.

The Hudson County prosecutor’s office included Jermaine Mitchell in a civil action against 21 defendants charged with similar crimes to go after the money through civil forfeiture, reported ( ). Prosecutors have said the money was either the proceeds of a criminal enterprise or would soon be used in one.   Continue reading “Drug Suspect Must Pay $175 to Get Back $171 Seized by Police”

Fox News

The Department of Justice reportedly gave immunity to a computer expert who deleted Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s emails during its investigation into her private email server despite being ordered by Congress to keep them.

The New York Times reported Thursday that the Justice Department’s immunity deal with Paul Combetta likely means that Republican lawmakers’ calls for federal authorities to investigate his deletions will go unheard.   Continue reading “DOJ reportedly granted immunity to computer expert who deleted Clinton emails”


North Dakota’s governor activated 100 National Guard troops on Thursday ahead of an expected ruling by a federal judge on a Native American tribe’s request to halt construction of a crude oil pipeline that has drawn fierce opposition and protests.

The $3.7 billion, 1,100-mile (1,770 km) Dakota Access pipeline would carry oil from just north of land owned by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to Illinois, where it would hook up to an existing pipeline and route crude directly to refineries in the U.S. Gulf Coast.   Continue reading “North Dakota governor calls in National Guard ahead of pipeline ruling”

Natural News – by JD Heyes

As experts and Americans familiar with smart meters know, they represent a huge privacy violation. They are also inherently unsafe, yet you won’t hear much about that in the mainstream media.

Smart meters began to spread to homes and businesses some years ago, with power companies claiming that they were much more efficient, despite the fact that they monitor electric usage and send it via wireless transmission multiple times an hour to power companies. More on that in a moment.   Continue reading “Smart meters causing fires across America; facts swept under the rug by dishonest media”

Daily Mail

Driving holidays are one of the most popular types of vacation in the United States, with numerous Hollywood films centred around the fabled American road trip. 

But anyone planning a journey across the country’s road network might want to brush up on their legal knowledge first.

The US has a baffling number of laws that are related to different states.    Continue reading “The most bizarre US driving laws revealed”

The Daily Signal – by Sen. Ted Cruz

This is a portion of remarks Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, delivered on the Senate floor on Thursday.

The Obama administration’s proposal to give away control of the internet poses a significant threat to our freedom, and it’s one that many Americans don’t know about. It is scheduled to go into effect on Sept. 30, 2016.  Twenty-two days away. Just over three weeks.   Continue reading “Obama’s Radical Proposal Could Result in Censorship Online”

Blog of Staś

Back on Aug 4th 2016  the headlines read “ Feds indict 46 in mob sweep ,including reputed Philly boss.”   Glad the FBI is bringing down the bad guys to be sure. However, the group of about 39 men that were busted by the feds seem to be a bunch of old men. Just not what they used to be.

As journalist  Hank Messick  and Michel Collins Piper wrote it is a myth that the underworld is completely Italian or  Sicilian . This is a very important myth. Both Piper and Messick did a lot to dispel this myth. But because of Hollywood and popular culture or the controlled media. People think the mafia is Italian and now “Russian” Just do a brief google search and you find how many sites attempt to vilify the work of Piper. When common sense and a little researcher for oneself prove his book Final Judgment  to be not only correct about the Mossad connection to the JFK hit but also how major organized crime worked in the real world.   Continue reading “The Jewish Mafia is the “Mafia””


Iraq’s armed forces operating in the liberated areas of Anbar province uncovered documents confirming that Daesh militants were marrying underage girls.

The documents were found in the vicinity of Al-Khalidiya, which was recently freed from the clutches of Daesh (ISIL/ISIS). The so called ‘marriage certificates’ – all of them signed in 2015 – contain information about the terrorists’ ‘wives’ and the children they’ve given birth to.

Continue reading “Documents Revealed: Daesh Militants Marrying Kids Because of Monetary Incentives”