Washington Post – by Ben Guarino

On Sunday morning, the South Carolina honey bees began to die in massive numbers.

Death came suddenly to Dorchester County, S.C. Stressed insects tried to flee their nests, only to surrender in little clumps at hive entrances. The dead worker bees littering the farms suggested that colony collapse disorder was not the culprit — in that odd phenomenon, workers vanish as though raptured, leaving a living queen and young bees behind.   Continue reading “‘Like it’s been nuked’: Millions of bees dead after South Carolina sprays for Zika mosquitoes”

Space.com – by Tariq Malik

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and its commercial satellite payload were destroyed by an explosion at their launch pad in Florida early Thursday (Sept. 1) during typically routine test.

The explosion occurred shortly after 9 a.m. EDT (1300 GMT), as SpaceX was preparing to launch the Amos 6 communications satellite for the Israeli company Spacecom on Saturday, Sept. 3. At the time, SpaceX was conducting a static fire engine test on the Falcon 9. Such tests, which typically precede each SpaceX launch, involve firing the Falcon 9 rocket’s first stage engines while the booster remains secured to the launch pad.   Continue reading “Launch Pad Explosion Destroys SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket, Satellite in Florida”

Bloomberg – by Laurel Brubaker Calkins

Lawyers for the federal government have been squirming for more than a year under the threat of punishment from a Texas judge who’s convinced they lied to him about President Obama’s immigration program. They may be uncomfortable a while longer.

When U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen in Brownsville blocked administration plans to shield more than 4 million undocumented immigrants from deportation and give them work permits, he extracted a promise from Justice Department attorneys — in person and in writing — that “nothing would happen” before his order took effect.   Continue reading “Angry Texas Judge Confronts U.S. on Immigration Plan ‘Lies’”

Saul-FoxSaul Fox

Fox Paine & Company is a private equity firm focused on leveraged buyout transactions. Fox Paine & Company, LLC was founded in 1997 by former Kohlberg Kravis Roberts partner Saul A. Fox and former Kohlberg & Co. partner W. Dexter Paine III. In 2007, the firm formalized a year-long separation process, with Saul Fox retaining the firm’s name, while Dexter Paine formed a new firm, Paine & Partners, with the legacy Fox Paine investment team.[1]   Continue reading “Jew Target”

Politico – by Kenneth P Vogel

Bill Clinton’s staff used a decades-old federal government program, originally created to keep former presidents out of the poorhouse, to subsidize his family’s foundation and an associated business, and to support his wife’s private email server, a POLITICO investigation has found.

Taxpayer cash was used to buy IT equipment — including servers — housed at the Clinton Foundation, and also to supplement the pay and benefits of several aides now at the center of the email and cash-for-access scandals dogging Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.   Continue reading “Bill Clinton used tax dollars to subsidize foundation, private email server”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

After years of relentless decline in the Baltic Dry index…   Continue reading “Global Supply Chains Paralyzed After World’s 7th Largest Container Shipper Files Bankruptcy, Assets Frozen”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Judicial Watch announced on its website Tuesday that it has submitted a list of 25 questions to Hillary Clinton regarding her email practices while serving as Secretary of State.  Pursuant to a decision by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, Hillary has 30 days to respond, under oath, to the questions.  Per federal law, Judicial Watch was limited to a total of 25 questions.

All 25 questions are included in their entirety below (we’ve highlighted some of the particularly amusing ones):   Continue reading “Hillary Has Until September 29 To Respond – Under Oath – To These 25 Questions”