Month: December 2016
MRC TV – by Brittany M. Hughes
About 1,574 – that’s how many illegal aliens were apprehended at the U.S. Mexico border per day during the month of November, marking the fifth straight month of escalating illegal immigration into the southwest United States. And now, in addition to the tens of thousands of illegals streaming in from Central America, officials are reporting increased waves of Cubans and Haitians crossing into the United States via Mexico.
CBP reported late last week that they’d caught a total of 47,214 illegal aliens at the border last month, up from the 46,191 they’d apprehended in October. Already, the first two months of FY2017 have seen higher per-month apprehension rates than any month in FY2016, indicating a new wave of illegal immigration that rivals the surge seen during the summer of 2014. Continue reading “1,574 PER DAY: Border Officials Struggle Under Increasing Wave of Illegal Migration”
ALBANY — A federal court judge handed a 30-year prison sentence to Glendon Scott Crawford, the Ku Klux Klan member who plotted to use a mobile radiation-spewing device to annihilate Muslims in the Capital Region.
Senior Judge Gary Sharpe imposed the sentence Monday after Crawford, 52, delivered a rambling statement about physics and government statutes. The judge cut off Crawford’s physics lesson and told him to speak about what he believes his sentence should be. Continue reading “Judge gives 30-year sentence to Crawford in death-ray case”
HONOLULU (AP) – President Barack Obama has pardoned 78 people and shortened the sentence of 153 others convicted of federal crimes, the greatest number of individual clemencies in a single day by any president, the White House said Monday.
Obama has been granting commutations at rapid-fire pace in his final months in office, but he has focused primarily on shortening sentences of those convicted of drug offenses rather than giving pardons. Continue reading “Obama pardons 78, shortens the sentence for 153”
Breitbart – by Warner Todd Huston
A new report estimates that there are up to 820,000 illegal aliens in the U.S. who have escaped deportation under Obama’s regime despite that many of them have been convicted of serious crimes including murder, rape, drug offenses, and other crimes.
While some estimates say there are up to 2 million criminal illegal aliens in the U.S., a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies finds there are at least 820,000 which, as the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard notes, is still larger than the populations of four states: Alaska, North Dakota, Vermont, or Wyoming. Continue reading “Obama Has Refused to Deport 820,000 Illegal Immigrants Guilty of Murder, Rape, Drug Offenses, and Other Crimes”
WASHINGTON (AP) — There were many protesters but few faithless electors as Donald Trump won the Electoral College vote Monday — ensuring he will become America’s 45th president.
An effort by anti-Trump forces to persuade Republican electors to abandon the president-elect came to practically nothing and the process unfolded largely according to its traditions. Trump’s polarizing victory Nov. 8 and the fact Democrat Hillary Clinton had won the national popular vote had stirred an intense lobbying effort, but to no avail. Continue reading “Trump cruises to Electoral College victory despite protests”
A man stormed into a Zurich mosque on Monday evening and opened fire on people praying, injuring three, Swiss police said.
They said they had collected evidence inside the building and would make more details available on Tuesday. They declined to comment on the potential motive. Continue reading “Zurich police search for gunman who wounded 3 at mosque”
A truck plowed into a crowded Christmas market in the German capital Berlin on Monday evening, killing nine people and injuring up to 50 others, police said.
German media, citing police at the scene, said first indications pointed to an attack on the market, situated at the foot of the ruined Kaiser Wilhelm memorial church, which was kept as a bombed-out ruin after World War Two. Continue reading “Truck plows into crowd at Berlin Christmas market, nine dead”
The Baltimore Sun – by Jonathan Pitts
Patapsco United Methodist Church in Dundalk has a long history of looking out for the less fortunate.
The tiny congregation has served hot meals to the poor on Friday nights for 20 years. It opens its food pantry to the needy every week. It’s again running its annual winter blanket and clothing giveaway. Continue reading “Dundalk church faces fine for hosting homeless”
Everyone does their share in this fight, because everyone knows how important it is to our families, our country, and ourselves. Some people have operated under the radar because the truth would cost them their livelihood, but they still made the arguments, circulated the DVDs, and asked the right questions, all so that the light of truth would someday beam down on another American, and help to save this country from those who would destroy it, and kill us all in the process.
We’ve withstood all manner of slander, the loss of friends and lovers, ostracization, false arrest, and even death, all in this endless quest to educate our fellow Americans to the hidden dangers that lurk behind the public consciousness, and are kept hidden there by deceit, and a propaganda machine so refined and comprehensive that it borders on mass mind-control, if it doesn’t define it. Continue reading “Censorship.”
Sent to us by Tax Revolution Institute
Tax Revolution Institute – by Guillermo Jimenez
What once could be criticized as disregard for the American taxpayer can now only be viewed as disdain.
More evidence of the Internal Revenue Service’s frivolous spending continues to be unearthed, and the picture it paints of the agency’s wasteful habits has gone from ludicrous to obscene. Continue reading “Senate Report Finds IRS Agents Living Large on the Public’s Dime”
A Turkish policeman has shot dead Russia’s ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, apparently in protest at Russia’s involvement in Aleppo.
Several other people were reportedly also injured in the attack, a day after protests in Turkey over Russian support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
The killer, who was in civilian clothes, opened fire at point blank range as Mr Karlov made a speech. Continue reading “Russian ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov shot dead in Ankara”
BEIRUT (AP) — The Security Council on Monday approved the deployment of U.N. monitors to Aleppo as the evacuation of fighters and civilians from the last remaining opposition stronghold in the northern city resumed after days of delays.
France said the monitors were needed to prevent “mass atrocities” from being committed by Syrian government forces, especially militias. But thousands have already been evacuated and the operation will likely be over before the observers arrive. Continue reading “UN approves sending monitors to Aleppo as evacuations resume”
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California is installing nearly 1,000 sophisticated metal detectors, scanners and secret security cameras at its prisons in its latest attempt to thwart the smuggling of cellphones, thousands of which continue to flood the prisons despite previous efforts.
Officials say the phones can be used to coordinate everything from attacks in prison to crimes on the street, yet they have thus far been unable to prevent even high-security inmates like cult killer Charles Manson from repeatedly getting the devices that are illegal behind bars. Continue reading “California tries again to thwart prison cellphone smuggling”
BEIJING (AP) — U.S. assertions that China is the top source of the synthetic opioids that have killed thousands of drug users in the U.S. and Canada are unsubstantiated, Chinese officials told the Associated Press.
Both the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy point to China as North America’s main source of fentanyl, related drugs and the chemicals used to make them. Continue reading “Beijing denies US claim that China is synthetic drug king”
A campaign calling for the independence of California from the United States has opened an “embassy” in Moscow.
The movement, Yes California, is hoping for a “Calexit” break from the US. Speaking at a press conference on Sunday, Louis Marinelli, leader of the movement, said the embassy will not deal with diplomatic issues, but will act as more of a cultural center that will educate Russians about California’s history, boost trade ties and promote tourism. Continue reading “‘Calexit’: Yes California movement opens ‘embassy’ in Moscow”
College Fix – by Thomas Columbus
A class to be taught next semester at the University of Wisconsin Madison called “The Problem of Whiteness” aims to “understand how whiteness is socially constructed and experienced in order to help dismantle white supremacy,” the course description states.
“Whites rarely or never questioned what it is to be white,” Assistant Professor Damon Sajnani, who will teach the course, told The College Fix in a telephone interview last week. “So you go through life taking it for granted without ever questioning or critically interrogating it.” Continue reading “University offers class on ‘The Problem of Whiteness’”