Israeli prosecutors have indicted four Jewish extremists in various violent crimes against Palestinians, including a July arson in which an 18-month-old baby was killed along with his parents.

In the high-profile arson killings in the West Bank two people were charged. Amiram Ben-Uliel, a 21-year-old from Jerusalem, is the main suspect in the murder while an unnamed minor was named an accessory.   Continue reading “4 Jewish ultra-nationalists, incl. two minors, charged with violent crimes against Palestinians”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Following the initial halt in CSI-300 Futures at the 5% limit down level, the afternoon session opened to more carnage and amid the worst ‘first day of the year’ in at least 15 years, Chinese stocks collapsed further to a 7% crash. At 1334 local time, stock trading was halted for the rest of the day across all exchanges (at least two hours early).   Continue reading “China Halts Stock Trading For Day After Entire Market Crashes”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

Regardless of whether or you’re a liberal, conservative, libertarian, or something else entirely, the rapid growth of federal laws and regulations is bad news for everybody. We now live in a society that is ruled by so many laws, no single person can keep track of them all. Which means that no matter who you are or what you do, it’s impossible to go about your daily life without breaking some onerous and vague rule. Any one of us could be fined or imprisoned at any time.
Continue reading “Feds Created More Regulations In 2015 Than In Any Previous Year”

Anti-Media – by Claire Bernish

St. Louis, MO — What happens when radioactive byproduct from the Manhattan Project comes into contact with an “underground fire” at a landfill? Surprisingly, no one actually knows for sure; but residents of Bridgeton, Missouri, near the West Lake and Bridgeton Landfills — just northwest of the St. Louis International Airport — may find out sooner than they’d like.

And that conundrum isn’t the only issue for the area. Contradicting reports from both the government and the landfill’s responsible parties, radioactive contamination is actively leaching into the surrounding populated area from the West Lake site — and likely has been for the past 42 years.   Continue reading “The Looming Environmental Disaster in Missouri that Nobody is Talking About”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Is it unreasonable for Gentiles to demand they be allowed to actually arrest and imprison Jewish Bankers who have robbed them of tens of trillions of dollars? Catherine Austin Fitts told Greg Hunter that ‘they’ stole $40 trillion and will steal tens of trillions more. But she  will never name names as that angers the Powers That Be on Wall Street.

A case in point would be mortgage backed securities fraud where the  Jews and Gentile co-conspirators bought one mortgage and sold it five times into different bonds. Those criminals who sold Credit Default Swaps which acted as insurance did not have to set aside any money to pay claims as would fire and auto insurance company. They bribed the rating agencies and bought insurance that could only he paid for by Gentile taxpayers.   Continue reading “Reasonable Demands: If Jews And Gentiles Are To Live Together”

True Activist – by John Vibes

Last week, we reported that homeless people and supporters in Sacramento were protesting a recent ordinance that makes it illegal for them to camp in the city. Many of them were camped out in front of city hall for the past month and are demanding a reversal of the camping ban.

This Friday, police invaded the encampment in riot gear and made several arrests.   Continue reading “Police In Riot Gear Arrest Homeless Protesters For Camping In Front Of City Hall”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Earlier today, as Iranian police struggled to disperse protesters gathered outside the Saudi consulate in Mashhad, we said the following about the rapidly deteriorating situation:

If crude needed an excuse to rally, then surely this is it as it now appears that in addition to the fact that Riyadh and Tehran are squaring off in Syria (where Iran is present and the Saudis fight by proxy) and Yemen (where the Saudis are present and the Iranians fight by proxy), the two countries are on the verge of a historic diplomatic crisis which has the potential to stoke sectarian violence across the Muslim world.

Continue reading “It’s On: Saudi Arabia Severs Diplomatic Ties With Iran, “Does Not Care” If It Has Angered White House”

Alt-Market – by Brandon Smith

Well, there is whole host of things wrong with this situation, which is why I never supported or endorsed “Operation Hammond Freedom” to begin with.  There is a lot of misinformation out there at this time on the debacle in Oregon, and certain alternative media outlets seem to be conveniently overlooking particular facts.  I suspect that some people in the movement simply want to “kick it off” (a second American revolution), and they don’t care if the circumstances of that kick-off are favorable or terrible (I realize “favorable” is relative, but starting this fight from a much stronger position is more than possible).  This attitude was prevalent among some at Bundy Ranch, as certain groups refused to dig in positions for a real fight in the hopes that they would be “martyred” for the cause.  This, in case you were wondering, is idiotic.   Continue reading “Oregon Standoff, A Terrible Plan That We Might Be Stuck With”


Federal Agents arrive in Oregon en masse, prepare to gain tactical advantage over militia with swift, hot, response effort

Update 11:00 p.m. local time: An important side note is that multiple independent reporters on the scene are reporting that, as of now, there is no “stand off” and that the local sheriff who claimed the men want to “overthrow” the government just straight up lied.   Continue reading “FBI en route to Oregon Federal Building occupation”

Food Storage and Survival – by Angela

You may remember that almost five years ago we made these homemade survival bars.  With approximately 2000 calories total, low cost, and long shelf life, these are a fantastic addition to your vehicle emergency kit or 72 hour kit.  But there were some problems.  Holy cow, they were hard to mix.  Then they overcooked a bit and stuck to the pan.  And finally, how in the world are you supposed to eat that brick?  There were lots of suggestions in the comments to alleviate some of these problems, so I did some testing and today I’m sharing the results so you can make your own homemade survival bars even better!   Continue reading “Make Your Own Homemade Survival Bars –Improved Recipe!”

New York Daily News – by Melissa Stumpf

A Mississippi councilman said that he wants people to throw rocks, bricks and bottles at officers chasing suspects wanted for misdemeanor crimes.

Jackson Councilman Kenneth Stokes said he’s had enough and that police pursuits put area residents in danger.   Continue reading “Mississippi Councilman Kenneth Stokes wants people to throw rocks and bricks at cops chasing suspects”

Health Impact News

Mark and Jill Baker of Bakers Green Acres have announced they are closing and selling their 80 acre family farm in Northern Michigan. Their markets for their Mangalitsa Hogs have been “roadblocked at every corner,” according to Mark. Mark says,

There are entities that are working behind the scene that are destroying our market and really running very negative campaigns against us. We’re just a family farm. They’re spending far more money to do it than we would ever make.

Continue reading “Michigan DNR Forces Closure of Family-run Heritage Hog Farm”

NEO – by F. William Engdahl

Over the past approximate quarter century of so-called economic globalization, Wall Street’s ability to be the home of the only dominant “global” rating agencies to bestow ratings on the credit-worthiness of the world has been one of the most effective weapons of financial warfare in the Wall Street arsenal. They rate nations as well as private corporations. Now an answer to the Moody’s-Standard & Poors-Fitch US rating monopoly is coming. Not from the EU, where it is long overdue. It is coming from Russia and China, as so many bold and challenging initiatives of late.   Continue reading “Russia and China: Watch Out Moody’s, Here We Come!”

Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

San Francisco, CA – 47-year-old software engineer, Ian Murdock recently died under suspicious circumstances after he went public about a police encounter that left him hospitalized. On Saturday, December 26, Murdock was unlucky enough to be walking down a street where the police were searching for a robbery suspect.

According to Murdock, he was approached by police after knocking on a neighbors door. The police suspected Murdock of being a burglar and questioned him, but apparently during the conversation, he was not compliant enough with the officers which resulted in him being assaulted and arrested by them.   Continue reading “Millionaire Techie Mysteriously Dies the Day After Dedicating His Life to “Fight Against the Police””

NJ.com – by MaryAnn Spoto

OCEAN TOWNSHIP — An off-duty Deal police captain was killed Saturday morning when he lost control of his car and crashed into a utility pole in Ocean Township, authorities said.

Capt. Earl B. Alexander 4th died from his injuries in the single-car crash at Route 71 near Perrine Avenue at 12:38 a.m., said Ocean Township Detective Lt. Timothy Torchia.   Continue reading “Deal police captain killed in off-duty car crash”

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Investor’s Business Daily

Skirting Congress once again, President Obama seeks to admit another 100,000 foreigners to work here when jobs are few and labor-market participation is low. Whatever this is, it’s not in the interest of U.S. workers.   Continue reading “Obama Floods The U.S. Job Market With Foreign Competition”