Fox 10 News

 – Deputies are looking for suspects after an 83-year-old woman was attacked in her own home and left for dead.

The Gila County Sheriff’s Office says the woman was doing dishes when someone tapped her on the shoulder, and when she turned around, she saw a man wearing a white ski mask. She pushed him, but was struck from behind by another person.   Continue reading “GCSO: Arizona woman was attacked in her home and left for dead”

SAN ANTONIO (AP) – Investigators believe a truck driver accused in the deaths of 10 people found inside a packed, sweltering tractor-trailer is part of a larger organization involved in human smuggling that authorities are trying to identify and dismantle, a U.S. immigration official said.

Some of the 29 identified survivors told authorities they hired smugglers who brought them across the U.S. border, loaded them onto trucks that took them to the tractor-trailer, and marked them with different colored tape to identify them to various smugglers who would be picking them up after the tractor-trailer reached its destination.  Continue reading “Investigator: Driver part of larger human-smuggling scheme”

UPI – by Ray Downs

July 26 (UPI) — Close to midnight on Sunday, Southaven, Miss., police arrived at the wrong house to serve an arrest warrant and shot a man dead in his own home, according to reports.

Ismael Lopez, 41, was shot dead late Sunday night after he checked to see who was at his front door. But the police were supposed to be across the street to serve an arrest warrant for Samuel Pearman, who was wanted on an assault charge, reported WREGContinue reading “Mississippi police kill man while serving warrant at wrong house”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: These people have lost their minds. As a parent do what you feel is right as long as it aligns with our Father’s Word. I for one can tell you this is not a topic on little children’s minds. Instead their concerns are about playing outside, bugs, anything gross and of course mud. That is what a life of a child is like. The truth of the matter is the globalists and wicked people behind the scenes know if they can manipulate the children it will make their job at manipulating the world that much easier. If you can be conditioned from a child, the work later on will be that much easier. No wonder they want to call home schooling a bad idea. Keep them in their indoctrination centers and everything will be okay is what they tell us.

Continue reading “Planned Parenthood Issues Shocking New Information On How To Talk To Pre-Schoolers About Sex”

The Great Recession

The Great Recession was so great for the only people who matter that it is time to do it all again. Time to shed those bulky new regulations that are like clod-hoppers on our heals and dance the light fantastic with your friendly bankster. Shed the encumbrances and get ready for the new roaring twenties.

The banks need to be able to entice more people into debt because potential borrowers with good credit and easy access to financing are showing no interest in taking the banks’ current enticements toward greater debt. That could indicate the average person is smarter than the banks and apparently recognizes they are at their peak comfort levels with debt. The banks, on the other hand, want to reduce capital-reserve requirements in order to leverage up more.   Continue reading “Bank Deregulation Back in Vogue: It’s time to dance the last fandango!”

Click on Detroit

NORTHVILLE, Mich. – The Michigan Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that sitting in a car in your own driveway while drunk constitutes drunken driving.

A Northville man questioned whether he could be ticketed for a DUI in his own driveway after he was found behind the wheel and going in and out of his garage, but not off his property.   Continue reading “Michigan Supreme Court Ruled: You can be charged with DUI for drunken driving in own driveway”

Gizmodo – by Rhett Jones

The Roomba is generally regarded as a cute little robot friend that no one but dogs would consider to be a potential menace. But for the last couple of years, the robovacs have been quietly mapping homes to maximize efficiency. Now, the device’s makers plan to sell that data to smart home device manufacturers, turning the friendly robot into a creeping, creepy little spy.

While it may seem like the information that a Roomba could gather is minimal, there’s a lot to be gleaned from the maps it’s constantly updating. It knows the floor plan of your home, the basic shape of everything on your floor, what areas require the most maintenance, and how often you require cleaning cycles, along with many other data points. And, according to Reuters, that data is the future of its business strategy:  Continue reading “Roomba’s Next Big Step Is Selling Maps of Your Home to the Highest Bidder”

The Daily Caller – by Kevin Daley

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit entered an injunction Tuesday against a Washington D.C. law limiting the right to carry firearms outside the home, concluding that it may violate the Second Amendment.

The ruling is at odds with other federal courts that have generally limited the right to gun possession outside the home.

The law is third gun control regulation promulgated by the D.C. Council that has struggled in the courts. In its latest iteration, the D.C. law strictly proscribed the circumstances under which concealed-carry licenses may be issued. The court concluded these provisions may be unconstitutional.   Continue reading “Court Rules That Concealed Carry Is Permissible On Streets Of DC”

The Organic Prepper

We all like to scoff at that crazy little dictator, Kim Jong Un, who is a walking caricature, putting himself on the cover of a magazine as the sexiest man alive and talking smack like a WWF champ. But, in all seriousness, is North Korea actually a threat?

Unfortunately, it looks like the answer to that question is yes…and they’re turning into a bigger one each year.   Continue reading “How Much of a Nuclear Threat is North Korea Really?”

Anti-Media – by Shaun Bradley

Visa recently announced its new Cashless Challenge program, which offers $10,000 to restaurants willing to transition into accepting only digital payments.  As the largest credit card processor in the U.S., it’s no surprise Visa is spearheading this campaign. Under the guise of increasing transparency and efficiency, they’ve partnered with governments around the world to help convert financial systems into cashless models, but their real incentive is the billions of dollars in extra transaction fees it would generate.

“We are declaring war on cash,” Visa spokesman Andy Gerlt proudly proclaimed after the program was announced.   Continue reading “Banks Are Scheming to Dominate a Future Cashless Society”

The Hill – by John Solomon

The National Security Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation violated specific civil liberty protections during the Obama years by improperly searching and disseminating raw intelligence on Americans or failing to promptly delete unauthorized intercepts, according to newly declassified memos that provide some of the richest detail to date on the spy agencies’ ability to obey their own rules.

The memos reviewed by The Hill were publicly released on July 11 through Freedom of Information Act litigation by the American Civil Liberties Union.  Continue reading “Newly declassified memos detail extent of improper Obama-era NSA spying”

Business Insider – by Kate Taylor

Ben & Jerry’s — a brand famous for its quality and eco-friendly practices — is under fire after a test uncovered a controversial ingredient in its ice cream.

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) found glyphosate, the main ingredient in weedkillers like Roundup, in 10 out of 11 samples of the company’s ice cream flavors, the New York Times reported on Tuesday.
Continue reading “Ben and Jerry’s faces boycott threats after a new study uncovers a major ingredient in weedkillers in ice cream”

Fox News

A House IT staffer at the center of a congressional computer equipment scandal has been arrested by federal officials and charged with bank fraud, Fox News has learned.

Fox News is told officers and agents from the U.S. Capitol Police, the FBI and Customs and Border Protection were involved in the arrest of Imran Awan at Dulles International Airport.    Continue reading “Feds arrest IT staffer for Wasserman Schultz trying to leave country”

Anti-Media – by Carey Wedler

Washington, D.C.— The House Appropriations Committee voted last week to allow the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to begin euthanizing wild horses, whose large, mostly unchecked population has reportedly created problems for both government and private businesses. Though advocates of the approved amendment claim this euthanasia is the most humane solution, horse and animal advocates object and blame the BLM and government directly.

This is not a new issue. Last year the BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board suggested reversing the government’s ban on euthanasia to deal with the population problem, but the recommendation was quickly shelved amid outcry from the public. So was an effort to sterilize mares.   Continue reading “House Committee Votes to Allow Feds to Kill Thousands of Wild Horses”

Anti-Media – by Darius Shahtahmasebi

According to the Independent, government sources say a British team is set to travel to Israel in the near future to learn Israeli counterterrorism enforcement strategies. The proposed move comes amid a spate of terrorist activity in the United Kingdom, as well as concerns about the British authorities’ response time and ability to counter terrorist attacks.

However, as the Independent notes:   Continue reading “UK Is Sending Its Police to Train in Israel: Here’s Why It Should Bother You”

Yahoo News – by Christopher Wilson

The ever-evolving vision for the wall President Trump wants to build along the border with Mexico got some new details earlier this month, the latest in the growing list of specifications for meeting Trump’s signature campaign promise — which is still in need of a source of funding.

“One of the things with the wall is you need transparency,” said Trump, referring to the physical construction, not the political process by which it is authorized, designed and paid for. “You have to be able to see through it. In other words, if you can’t see through that wall — so it could be a steel wall with openings, but you have to have openings because you have to see what’s on the other side of the wall.”   Continue reading “Imagining Trump’s big, beautiful wall. You might have to.”

Business Insider – by Kate Taylor

Last week news broke that Chipotle had closed a restaurant in Sterling, Virginia, following multiple reports of customers getting sick after eating there. The news caused Chipotle’s stock to fall.

While food-poisoning expert Bill Marler told Business Insider that it seemed the chain was likely just unlucky, some employees are saying that a lax sick-leave policy that forces workers to prepare food while “dripping snot” or feeling ready to vomit is to blame.   Continue reading “Chipotle workers say they’ve been forced to work while ‘dripping snot’ — and it could be linked to the latest food poisoning outbreak”