I didn’t bother to look into the details of the Vegas shooting because I knew the evidence of another psy-op would be pouring in within hours, and sure enough, we have a taxi driver’s video of a machine gunner shooting from a window on a lower floor. I don’t believe that common people, sane or crazy, ever carry out attacks on large numbers of people, and supporting that belief is the fact that the hidden hand of state sponsorship is always visible before too long whenever mass shootings or terrorist attacks occur. That alone should tell you where the real problem lies.

It’s very possible that similar acts of carnage will start occurring on a weekly, or even a daily basis soon, because our enemy is desperate, and running out of time. We may see enough mass shootings to make all of us sick, and you can also expect that a white, American male will be blamed for every one of them.   Continue reading “Monsters of Las Vegas”


TRENTON — Mercer County prosecutors have filed a motion to bar Edward “NJ Weedman” Forchion from discussing the testimony and evidence of his other, ongoing cases when he goes to trial for witness tampering this month.

At a status conference hearing Wednesday, assistant prosecutors John Boyle and Stephanie Katz argued that Forchion should not be allowed to discuss evidence and testimony related to the charges that stem from the April 2016 raid on his shuttered restaurant.   Continue reading “Prosecutors seek to stop NJ Weedman’s jury nullification argument”


Are you looking forward to the holiday season?

Do you want the latest in corporate advertised surveillance?

Then hurry up and be the first one in your family to purchase a $249.00 Google Clips camera, that automatically identifies you and your pets.   Continue reading “Google Clips automatically identifies everyone including your pets”


Officials evacuated a Baltimore school Thursday afternoon after hazardous materials crews were called for a strange odor.

Fire and hazmat crews were called around 2:30 p.m. to Cristo Rey Jesuit High School. The school was evacuated and Eastern Avenue was closed near Chester Street, SkyTeam 11 reported.

Officials said two students and three adults were taken to hospitals with unknown injuries. One of the adults suffered an issue not related to the incident.   Continue reading “Pumpkin spice air freshener prompts school evacuation, fire officials say”

By Brain Busters

No real blood (except few incidents that seem faked blood) : few ambulances in any TV footage or allowed Internet material : MSM statistics change drastically about how many died and were wounded, and how many guns were supposedly found in killer’s hotel room : people interviewed by MSM do not seem truly traumatized : and no serious screaming after “hundreds” of gun shot wounds. Complete lies (and very mediocre acting by bad “crisis actors”).

Just like the faked Gay Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting event was completely faked—so too was this latest contrived event by the deep state. And almost immediately the MSM and politicians are back to demanding more gun laws.   Continue reading “Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Mass Shooting Was Another Faked Event—and Why These Deceit Events Matter”


The Food and Drug Administration issued a stern warning letter to a Massachusetts bakery for, among other things, listing “love” as an ingredient in their granola.

The FDA warned the Nashoba Brook Bakery that the labelled ingredient “love” in their Nashoba Granola “is not a common or usual name of an ingredient, and is considered to be intervening material because it is not part of the common or usual name of the ingredient”.   Continue reading “FDA issues warning to bakery for including ‘love’ as an ingredient”

Rense.com – by Jeff Rense

Paddock’s arms are both DOWN at his sides but the ‘suicide’ gun is perfectly placed about 3′ above his head.

Continue reading “‘Lee Harvey’ Paddock…Another ‘Lone Gunman’ LIE Worst ‘Suicide’ Set-Up Of A Patsy Ever?”

Bored Panda – by Stella

Fall is a season of harvesting, and festivals to celebrate it are currently taking place all over the world. In Northern Japan, the Wara Art Festival recently rang in the September-October rice season, and it’s a wildly inventive and fun way to repurpose rice straw left over from the harvest.

Wara Art Festival has been taking place in Niigata City since 2008, where it began as a creative collaboration between the city’s tourism division and the Musashino Art University. Rice straw was once widely used in Japan to produce various goods, such as tatami mats, but has now been replaced by wood and plastic in most instances. The students of Musashino worked together to fill the fields of Niigata with giant animal sculptures made of bound rice straw, and they’ve been doing it every year since then.
Continue reading “Giant Straw Animals Invade Japanese Fields After Rice Harvest And They Are Absolutely Badass”


SAN JOSE (Reuters) – Tropical Storm Nate killed at least 10 people in Central America on Thursday as it pummeled the region with heavy rain while heading toward Mexico’s Caribbean resorts and the U.S. Gulf Coast where it could strike as a hurricane this weekend.

Emergency officials in Costa Rica reported that at least six people were killed due to the lashing rain, including two children. The government declared a state of emergency, closing schools and all other non-essential services.   Continue reading “Tropical Storm Nate kills 10 in Central America, heads for U.S.”

Fox News

Three U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers were killed and two others were wounded Wednesday in an ambush in the west African country of Niger.

Of the two Green Berets wounded, “both are expected to pull through,” a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the atack told Fox News.

One of the wounded had “life-threatening” injuries at one time, but has since stabilized. The other had serious injuries.   Continue reading “Three Green Berets killed, two wounded in Niger ambush”

Bearing Arms – by Tom Knighton

You’d think the anti-gunners would get the picture. Every time they try to ban something, they simply encourage people to buy more of them. Every. Single. Time.

This time is no different, as it seems people are buying bump-fire stocks at an unprecedented rate.   Continue reading “Bump-Fire Stock Sales Are Through The Roof, Which Means Banning Them Is Pointless”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Las Vegas, NV — As online trolls shout down everyone who questions the official narrative on the tragic shooting in Las Vegas, massive revelations from the lead investigators in the case have come out confirming what many have suspected. In a press conference, Sheriff Joseph Lombardo of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police mentioned that Stephen Paddock likely had an accomplice and help. Authorities also admitted the killer left a note and stated they were looking for a woman seen with Paddock prior to the shooting.

According to the most recent information released by police, they claim Paddock fully intended to get away with the shooting. However, they claim that plan backfired and instead he left a note and killed himself.
Continue reading “Vegas Police Reveal 3 Major Facts: Admit Gunman Had Help—He Left Note—Confirm ‘Mystery Woman’”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Following the tragic events in Las Vegas, which were seemingly made even worse by a product that most people didn’t even know existed a couple of days ago, and ramped-up calls for new gun restrictions from Democrats, the National Rifle Association has just caved and called for “additional regulations” on “bump fire stocks” which effectively serve to allow semi-automatic weapons to function as fully-automatic. 

Here is the full statement from the NRAContinue reading “NRA Caves On “Bump Fire Stocks,” Says They Should Be “Subject To Additional Regulations””

Breitbart – by Bob Price

The House Homeland Security Committee approved a $10 billion funding package for President Donald Trump’s promised border wall construction. The bill could be attached to legislation being debated to replace President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

“We have been talking about border security for many years. Now that we finally have a partner in the White House who has prioritized this issue, it’s time for Congress to do its part and get the job done,” Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said in a written statement obtained by Breitbart Texas. “I look forward to working with my colleagues in both chambers to get this bill to the President’s desk so we can finally provide the American people with the security they have long demanded and deserve.”  Continue reading “House Committee Approves $10B for Border Wall”