Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In its latest reminder that China is a (for now) happy holder of some $1.2 trillion in US Treasurys, Chinese credit rating agency Dagong downgraded US sovereign ratings from A- to BBB+ overnight, citing “deficiencies in US political ecology” and tax cuts that “directly reduce the federal government’s sources of debt repayment” weakening the base of the government’s debt repayment.

Oh, and just to make sure the message is heard loud and clear, the ratings, which are now level with those of Peru, Colombia and Turkmenistan on the Beijing-based agency’s scale of creditworthiness, have also been put on a negative outlook.  Continue reading “China Downgrades US Credit Rating From A- To BBB+, Warns US Insolvency Would “Detonate Next Crisis””

Breitbart – by Victoria Friedman

The progressive billionaire speculator George Soros has said he will ‘fight back’ against the “dominant ideology” of nationalism, whilst admitting that favoured globalist project the European Union is “on the verge of a breakdown”.

Wistfully writing that Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) once ‘epitomised the optimism about the spread of Western-style democracy’ after the fall of the Soviet Union, the Financial Times described the scrutiny the global progressive body is experiencing amidst a wave of patriotism and populism and the ‘wilting’ attraction of the leftist agenda.  Continue reading “Soros Pledges Renewed Fight Against ‘Dominant Ideology’ of Nationalism, Says EU ‘on Verge of Breakdown’”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

War is not far from us. Regional situations around China are complex and unstable, and dangers are hiding under the peace. China cannot afford a military failure, so we must be fully aware of potential crisis and be prepared for battle at all times. When the country is on the brink of becoming a great military power, it’s also stepping into a period with high risks to national security,” the official People’s Liberation Army (PLA) newspaper wrote according to China’s Global Times.

The article first headlined on Tuesday in the PLA daily: “A soldier without desire for war-preparedness is not a good soldier.” The newspaper warned that Chinese soldiers are not ready for combat because many refuse to believe war is imminent.  Continue reading “China’s Official Military Newspaper Warns: “War Is Not Far””

ABC News

Pope Francis begged for forgiveness Tuesday for the “irreparable damage” done to children who were raped and molested by priests, opening his visit to Chile by diving head-first into a scandal that has greatly hurt the Catholic Church’s credibility here and cast a cloud over his visit.

Francis faced controversy on another front as well: Overnight three more Catholic churches were torched, including one burned to the ground in the southern Araucania region where Francis will visit on Wednesday to meet with Chile’s indigenous peoples. While not causing any injuries, the nine church firebombings in the past few days have marked an unprecedented level of protest against history’s first Latin American pope on his home turf.   Continue reading “Pope begs forgiveness for ‘irreparable’ harm from sex abuse”


Imagine in the not too distant future you and your family stop at a Jack In The Box for lunch. Much to your surprise, you notice there is no one behind the counter to take your order.

How will they take your order you ask?

Don’t worry, Big Brother has you covered.  Continue reading “Fast food restaurants to use facial recognition to spy on customers”


TOKYO (Reuters) – Japanese public broadcaster NHK issued a false alarm about a North Korean missile launch on Tuesday, just days after a similar gaffe caused panic in Hawaii, but it managed to correct the error within minutes.

It was not immediately clear what triggered the mistake.

“We are still checking,” an NHK spokesman said.   Continue reading “Days after Hawaii alert gaffe, Japan issues false alarm about a missile launch”

WGN 9 News

A man shot and injured four law enforcement officers late Monday and early Tuesday near a South Carolina home, a sheriff’s spokesman said, after deputies initially were called there for a complaint of domestic violence.

The man suspected of firing the shots, Christian Thomas McCall, was injured in a shootout with officers near the home outside the city of York, ending a nearly six-hour ordeal in which the officers were looking for or trying to capture him, York County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Trent Faris said.   Continue reading “4 South Carolina officers shot after domestic violence call”

The Organic Prepper – by Cat Ellis

It has been just over a week since Snowmageddon hit the east coast. The northeast was struck especially hard. We had a “bomb cyclone” snow storm followed by blistering cold from a “polar vortex”. Temperatures were hovering in the single digits. The wind chill brought us well below zero for days. The time was ripe for cold weather injuries.

Plus, there were half-frozen waves flooding downtown Boston and surrounding towns. There was tons of property damage, and people trapped in their vehicles. Luckily, there were no major injuries from the flooding.   Continue reading “So Cold It Hurts: 6 Cold Weather Injuries and How to Deal with Them”

Video Rebel’s Blog

“The only stupid question is the question that is never asked.”   Ramon Bautista

The following questions will need to be asked and  honestly answered in public forums if America is to survive past the 2018 and 2020 elections.

Dr Mark Skidmore using government documents revealed that between 1995 and 2015 that two agencies – HUD and DOD – managed to accumulate $21 trillion in Undocumented Adjustments to their budgets. The amount of money “missing from 2 agencies” is greater than the total national debt. When will we as taxpayers be permitted to discuss these losses on the public airways?   Continue reading “Will These Questions Ever Be Asked Of Our Politicians?”


The continuous foreign policy failures of the entrenched establishment goes back well over a century. Notwithstanding, the missed opportunity with the collapse of the Soviet Communism has emboldened the war party of the American Empire to become the main existential threat not only to our own country, but to much of the rest of the world. The militarists who chant “Thank You for your Service” are actually committed to expand the Wounded Warrior dupes, who are expendable. The United States never learned the lessons of Viet Nam. Volunteering to fight in unnecessary foreign adventures has caused more gratuitous suffering than any improvised explosive device that blows off limbs.   Continue reading “Failure of War Party Foreign Policy”

Intellihub – by Shepard Ambellas

NEW YORK, NY (INTELLIHUB) — The driver of a black Mercedes AMG containing at least two other well-dressed passengers was captured on a video conducting a vivacious ‘display of power’ just seconds before the driver attempted to run over a police officer who attempted to halt the vehicle physically.   Continue reading “Mercedes AMG with 3 occupants attempts to run over police officer in Times Square after ‘display of power’”

Rolling Stones – by Daniel Kreps

Dolores O’Riordan, lead singer of the Irish alternative band the Cranberries, died Monday in London. She was 46.

The band confirmed O’Riordan’s death in a brief statement, “Irish and international singer Dolores O’Riordan has died suddenly in London today. She was 46 years old. The lead singer with the Irish band The Cranberries was in London for a short recording session.”

The statement continued, “No further details are available at this time. Family members are devastated to hear the breaking news and have requested privacy at this very difficult time.”   Continue reading “Dolores O’Riordan, the Cranberries Singer, Dead at 46”

Archive – by Alfred Adask

Collection of all seventeen known copies of Alfred Adask’s “Antishyster News Magazine” (later “Suspicions News Magazine”), from 1997-2002.

The articles in this magazine, despite their age, are oft-cited by sovereign citizens and those who observe them, and remain influential in the sovereign-citizen and tax-avoidance circles to this day.

Read and/or download the magazine here: