Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Rand Paul says he’s recovering well from the November assault that left him with six broken ribs, and says violence against political figures is a concern among his colleagues.

The Kentucky Republican tells CBS’ “Face the Nation” that fellow lawmakers don’t want to think it’s open season on elected officials.   Continue reading “Recovering Sen. Paul says political violence rising concern”

Breitbart Jerusalem

The Times of Israel reports: Germany’s ruling parties are preparing legislation that could see migrants who express anti-Semitic views deported from the country, the daily Die Welt newspaper reported Saturday.

The CDU-CSU conservative alliance led by Chancellor Angela Merkel hopes to present the new bill by International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27. The draft legislation states that “absolute acceptance of Jewish life” is a “benchmark for successful integration” in Germany.   Continue reading “German Lawmakers Seek to Deport Migrants Who Espouse Anti-Semitism”

Breitbart – by Charlie Spiering

President Donald Trump’s signature building in New York City caught fire on Monday, according to several reports.

Firemen were spotted on the roof putting out a fire, which was blamed on an electrical box.

The New York Fire Department was called to respond to the one-alarm fire shortly before 7 a.m., according to reports. The smoke began to diminish after firefighters responded.  Continue reading “Reports: Trump Tower in New York City Catches Fire”

Medium – by Anthony Freda

As it becomes increasingly clear that yesterday’s conspiracy theories are today’s real news, the call to kill the messengers just gets more shrill and hysterical.

The attacks on free speech with high-tech censorship campaigns and old-fashioned hit pieces in the “War on Fake News” are massive and concerted.

The book burners are starting so many fires it’s impossible to stamp them all out.  Continue reading “Mainstream Media: The Evil Empire”

The News Tribune – by Stacia Glenn

Update as of 5:03 a.m.: All schools in the Bethel School District will start two hours late Monday due to the investigation in the area. The district said their bus facility is blocked by the ongoing search for the second suspected burglar.

Update as of 4:43 a.m.: The fallen deputy has been identified as Daniel A. McCartney, 34, of Yelm.

More than a dozen law enforcement officers from various agencies lined up outside St. Joseph Medical Center early Monday as McCartney’s body was brought outside in a coffin draped in a flag and loaded into the Medical Examiner’s van.  Continue reading “Pierce County, Washington deputy killed by fleeing burglar is identified; manhunt for gunman underway”

Sentinel & Enterprise – by Peter Jasinski

WESTMINSTER — While Vincent’s Country Store owner Brian Vincent claims that issuing a warrant for his arrest for not renewing his dog license was “extreme,” local officials maintain that all proper procedures were followed when handling the issue this week.

“I just don’t think the punishment fits the crime. Now I have a record and might need to get a lawyer,” Vincent said on Wednesday. “We’re very active in the community here at the store. We do a lot of fundraisers, we help out with the food pantry, and just to have this happen, I feel really let down.”   Continue reading “Westminster man: Arrest warrant over dog license renewal is ‘extreme’”

Politico – by Sabrina Rodriguez

MEXICO CITY — Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s campaign rhetoric can make him sound like a Mexican Donald Trump.

The left-leaning front-runner in Mexico’s presidential race is overtly nationalistic, pushes “Mexican people first” policies and peppers his speeches with anti-establishment slogans that thrill the working-class Mexicans who flock to his rallies.  Continue reading “Mexico’s Trumpian populist could mean trouble for Donald Trump”

The Hill – by Jacqueline Thomsen

Jared Kushner’s family’s business received a $30 million investment from a major Israeli financial institution shortly before Kushner traveled to the country as part of President Trump’s state visit to Israel in May, The New York Times reported Sunday.

Kushner Companies received about $30 million from Menora Mivtachim, an executive from the company told The Times.

The investment was for Maryland apartment complexes owned by the family business.  Continue reading “Kushner family business got $30M investment from Israeli firm prior to Trump’s state visit: report”

Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

White Plains, NY – A police officer who shot and killed an innocent 68-year-old mentally ill veteran who accidentally hit the medical emergency button in his home, will face no consequences after acting U.S. Attorney Joon Kim determined that there was insufficient evidence to press charges.

The victim, Kenneth Chamberlain, accidentally triggered a medical alert through “Life Aid,” which prompted police to visit his home. When the officers arrived unexpectedly, Chamberlain told the responding officers that he was OK and did not need any help. He refused to answer his door, and instead called Life Aid and told them that he did not need the police at his home.   Continue reading “Elderly Vet Accidentally Trips His Medical Alert System, Cops Show Up and Kill Him—No Charges”


Police in Cyprus have arrested an Israeli man described as the ringleader of a world-wide organ trafficking network that operated out of the tiny Balkan country of Kosovo several years ago.

Moshe Harel is accused of luring donors from eastern Europe, Turkey and the former Soviet Union to Kosovo, promising to pay them €12,000 ($14,500) for a kidney. He then allegedly charged people (most of them Israelis) in need of a kidney as much as €100,000 for the implant.   Continue reading “Israeli mastermind behind organ trafficking ring is arrested in Cyprus”

Free Thought Project – by John Vibes

This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that they will be holding a briefing which is designed to instruct the public on how to prepare for a nuclear war. A post on the agency’s website said that the briefing will be taking place on January 16th at the Alexander D. Langmuir Auditorium in Atlanta Georgia. The briefing will be hosted by a number of CDC representatives including Dan Sosin, Robert Whitcomb, and Betsy Kagey.   Continue reading “Time to Pay Attention: CDC Begins Instructing Public on How To Survive Nuclear War”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Considering that Wikileaks made its name by leaking confidential and/or hard to find documents and information, and also considering the reversal in the Trump administration vis-a-vis Julian Assange, whom it first lauded only to threaten with incarceration in recent months, it is perhaps not surprising that moments ago the official Wikileaks twitter account published Michael Wolff’s controversial – and largely sold out – book, “Fire and Fury” in pdf format.   Continue reading “Wikileaks Publishes Michael Wolff’s Entire Sold Out Trump Book As A PDF”

So. The US economy is just fine. The post-recession 2010 Dodd-Frank legislation has cured all. Banks have lots of cash. Congress is your friend and that certain-to-pass Tax Cut and Jobs bill will finally allow you, your family and America to… MAGA.


“I’m sorry, Sir. We are unable to cash this check,” were the ominous words delivered to me by a fresh-faced, none-too-friendly, Wells Fargo Bank manager. He had just kept me waiting ten minutes while in consultation about my requested transaction. Returning to his cubicle he sat down quickly, now looking at me intently through narrowed eyes.  Continue reading “When Your Bank Fails, Don’t Walk …Run!”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Apparently surging violent crimemassive tax hikes and insolvent public pensions are bad for attracting new residents…who knew? On the other hand, 364 days of sunshine per year, minimal crime, brand new infrastructure and some of the lowest tax rates in the country seems to be, to our complete shock, somewhat appealing to folks looking to relocate.

But that is just a couple of many interesting takeaways to be gleaned from the latest annual “U.S. Migration Report” from North American Moving Services which found that Illinois was the most ditched state in 2017.   Continue reading “Americans Are Ditching These Five States In Record Numbers”

Yahoo News

President Donald Trump has hit out at “very weak” libel laws in the US as he branded an explosive new book detailing the inner workings of the White House as “fiction”.

Suggesting he would like to see tougher laws on speech, Mr Trump said that if libel laws “were strong… you wouldn’t have things like that happen where you can say whatever comes into your head” – referring to Michael Wolff’s book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.
Continue reading “Donald Trump suggests he wants US law to limit free speech in wake of publication of explosive new book”