The Conscience Resistance – by Derrick Broze
Donald Trump recently made it clear he will not accept any limitations on the U.S. military’s logistical support of the war in Yemen.
On August 13, Donald Trump did what every president does, every single year, without question – he signed the annual military budget bill, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019. Some readers may recall that since 2011, the NDAA has included a provision which allows for indefinite detention of American citizens without a right to trial. Many of you may remember that President Obama had no problem signing the NDAA 2012 in 2011, which legalized the indefinite detention of American citizens suspected of ties to terrorism. The indefinite detention provision is still contained in the NDAA, and has been approved by Congress every year since it first passed. Continue reading “Donald Trump’s Signing of the 2019 NDAA Will Lead to More Dead Yemeni Children”