Breitbart – by John Binder

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) says “importing millions” of young men from one of the most violent regions in the world, Central and South America, “means death for Americans.”

Following the revelations of the Mollie Tibbetts Iowa murder case — where the 20-year-old young woman was allegedly stabbed to death by an illegal alien from Mexico — King posted online a statement in which he indicates that the United States will only become more violent as more than 1.5 million illegal and legal immigrants, mostly from Central and South America, continue being imported to the country every year.   Continue reading “Steve King: ‘Importing Millions’ of Young Men from Central America ‘Means Death for Americans’”

Health Nut News – by Erin Elizabeth

A new study has shown, and this is NOT FAKE NEWS, that Twitter bots and trolls are to blame for “spreading misinformation” and discord on the topic of vaccines; it’s no longer the fault of the anti-vaxxer because it appears they don’t actually exist! The study was published in the American Journal of Public Health.

Lead study author David Broniatowski, an assistant professor at George Washington University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science in Washington, D.C. said,  Continue reading “Live Science Claims Most Of World Love Vaccines, And Fake Bots Are Making The Anti Vaccine Posts.”

Breitbart – by John Binder

The illegal alien accused of murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts and leaving her body in an Iowa cornfield has a U.S.-born child.

This week, law enforcement announced that Tibbetts’ body was found in a cornfield in her rural hometown of Brooklyn, Iowa, after she was last seen jogging on July 18.   Continue reading “Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Mollie Tibbetts Has an Anchor Baby”


The Home Secretary and the UK’s most senior police officer have clashed over the use of spit hoods on suspects by front line police officers.

Commissioner Cressida Dick said the equipment that prevents people from spitting and biting officers should only be used in custody suites and not during arrests, despite support for them from Sajid Javid.   Continue reading “Javid backs use of spit hoods despite warnings from Met Chief”

Fox News

When Doris Stiles-Scown caught a man using his phone to peep underneath the stall her 12-year-old daughter was changing in at Rue 22 in Salt Lake City, Utah, she chased him down into the parking lot.

With help from other shoppers and mall security, Stiles-Scown successfully apprehended the man on Saturday, according to a police report from the Salt Lake City Police Department. The group then surrounded the suspect, making sure he stayed put, while they waited for police to arrive.   Continue reading “Utah mom confronts man peeping under 12-year-old girl’s dressing room: ‘Not today, buddy!’”

The Register – by Gareth Corfield

IBM has filed a patent for mood-sensing coffee delivery drones, because what the world really needs is piping hot liquids flying around over everyone’s noggins.

Big Blue’s plans for aerial hot beverage deliveries not only include deliveries of pre-ordered brews but also taxi-style flagging down of aerial drinks.   Continue reading “IBM slaps patent on coffee-delivering drones that can read your MIND”

Activist Post – by Aaron Kesel

Hundreds of retail stores and soon thousands are investigating using biometric facial recognition software FaceFirst to build a database of shoplifters to aid in the fight against theft, Peter Trepp CEO of FaceFirst told BuzzFeed News.

The software is called FaceFirst and is designed to scan faces as far as 50 to 100 feet away. As customers walk through a store entrance, the video camera captures repetitious images of each shopper and chooses the clearest one to store. The software then analyzes that image and compares it to a database of “bad customers” that the retailer has compiled; if there is a match, the software sends an alert to store employees that a “high risk” customer has entered the door.   Continue reading “Welcome To The Minority Report: Thousands Of Stores Plan Facial Recognition Use For Anti-Theft”

Investment Watch – by Thinker

When it isn’t right, then it’s okay to make the change to make it right! (National Sentinel) Sanity: Though President Barack Obama implemented the Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy via executive order — which most constitutional experts said he had no authority to do because he was changing existing immigration law — POTUS Donald Trump has had a difficult time repealing that order through his own executive action.

Now, however, a federal judge has handed his administration its first real DACA victory after reversing an earlier Aug. 3 ruling.   Continue reading “Federal Judge REVERSES (Corrects) Himself & Hands Trump Admin Huge Win On DACA”

Activist Post

From the opening of Truthstream Media’s first full-length documentary THE MINDS OF MEN, the general aesthetic — from the narration to the black-and-white appearance to the bizarre imagery — is properly reminiscent of an episode of The Twilight Zone.

Featuring original music and character voicing by Melissa and Aaron Dykes, viewers will learn about the people behind mind-control programs designed and implemented by the military, universities, foundations, elite societies, science and government institutions. THE MINDS OF MEN weaves archival video footage, news clippings, primary research papers, interviews, and analysis into a stunning trove of conclusions about what humanity faces.   Continue reading “A Dark Journey Into “The Minds of Men” — Film Review”

The New Observer

US President Donald Trump has appointed Jewess “security expert” Samantha Ravich —who is “well known in the pro-Israel national security community” as the deputy chairman of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB) which provides the “President expert advice on the conduct of US intelligence,” the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) has reported.   Continue reading “Trump Names Jewess “Security Expert” to Senior Intelligence Post”

Breitbart – by Lucas Nolan

The David Horowitz Freedom Center has had their donation processing system blocked by Visa and Mastercard allegedly following a campaign by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The David Horowitz Freedom Center stated in a recent email that its ability to accept donations by credit card has been disabled by both Visa and Mastercard following a campaign by the SPLC to label the Freedom Center as a hate group. This situation comes shortly after Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch was forced off the funding platform Patreonfollowing pressure from Mastercard.   Continue reading “David Horowitz: Visa, Mastercard Cut Off Payments to My Think Tank Based on SPLC ‘Hate Group’ Label”

Weather Channel

Hurricane Lane is already unleashing torrential rain in parts of Hawaii, and may produce disastrous rainfall flooding and landslides over much of the island chain, in addition to battering surf, coastal flooding and high winds through Saturday.

This threat was summed up succinctly by The Weather Channel hurricane expert, Dr. Rick Knabb, in a tweet Thursday morning. Continue reading “Hurricane Lane a Slow-Moving, Potential Flood Disaster; Over 30 Inches of Rain Possible in Parts of Hawaii Through Saturday”

Truth About Guns – by Dean Weingarten

In 2016, anti-Second Amendment zealot Michael Bloomberg was able to place Question 1 on the ballot in Nevada. The ballot initiative passed and mandated universal background checks in the state, covering even private party firearms sales.

Supporters of the Bloomberg initiative laid out over $18 million in support of the measure, outspending the opposition three to one. And that total doesn’t include money spent to put the initiative on the ballot. Despite the huge cash outlay, the measure only narrowly passed 558,631 for to 548,732 against.    Continue reading “Nevada Universal Background Check Proponents Lose Case in Court”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Here we go again. Did Bolton just give jihadists facing imminent final defeat under Assad and Russian bombs an open door invitation to initiate a chemical provocation?

As CNN and others warned this week that Syrian and Russian forces are closing in on the “last rebel stronghold” in Syria in the country’s northwest pocket of Idlib province, US National Security Advisor put Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on notice, saying the United States would respond “very strongly” if pro-government forces use chemical weapons in their campaign to retake Idlib.    Continue reading “Bolton Again Warns Assad “We Will Respond” If Chemical Weapons Used In Idlib Offensive”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

A former police detective, and author of a bombshell book that exposed a massive pedophile ring made up of high-level government officials was found shot in the head last week. While officials are calling it an apparent suicide, his family is claiming that he told them he would never kill himself and that people were after him because he was about to expose even more high-level government pedophilia.   Continue reading “Detective Publishes Book Exposing High-Level Gov’t Pedophile Ring, Shot in the Head Days Later”