DOVER, Del. (AP) – Authorities say the death of a bicyclist who was hit by a vehicle driven by a Delaware state trooper during a chase was an accident.

A spokeswoman for the attorney general’s office said Wednesday that the agency’s Office of Civil Rights and Public Trust determined the June incident it to be “an unfortunate accident” and not an intentional use of deadly force.   Continue reading “Officials Say Death of Cyclist Hit by Trooper Was Accident”


DELAWARE– In June, the Delaware General Assembly passed House Bill 300, legislation that outlawed the possession of bump stocks and trigger cranks.

On Wednesday, Delaware State Police offered financial incentive for people who opted to voluntarily surrender bump stocks and trigger cranks for guns. Bump stocks and trigger cranks both attach to rifles and allow the guns to shoot at a much higher rate than they normally would.    Continue reading “Delaware State Police Hold Bump Stock and Trigger Crank Collection”

Jon Rappoport

A hundred fifty years ago, at least some Americans recognized that all serious discourse depended on the use of the faculty called Reason.

Formal debate, science, and law all flowed from that source.

A common bond existed in some schools of the day. The student was expected to learn how Reason operates, and for that he was taught the only subject which could lay out, as on a long table, the visible principles: Logic.   Continue reading “The State weaponizes education to create ignorance”

Crush the Street – by TraderStef

The Gadsden flag “Dont Tread On Me” motto and coiled rattlesnake is representative of today’s birthright citizenship dispute, as roughly one of every 12 newborns in the United States are “anchor babies.”

Back in 1751, Benjamin Franklin penned a sardonic commentary in his Pennsylvania Gazette suggesting that colonists should send rattlesnakes to Britain as a “thank you” for their policy of sending felons to America. In 1754, he used a rattlesnake in the “JOIN, or DIE” illustration to drive home an additional point, and that was his first known political cartoon in an American newspaper. The rattlesnake’s sections represent the colonies and the curves imply the Atlantic coastline. The states of New England are merged into the head of the snake.   Continue reading “The Natives are Restless for “Birthright” Jurisprudence – “Don’t Tread On Me””

Breitbart – by Joshua Caplan

Former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) chief John Brennan told MSNBC that the firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions Wednesday shows the United States may be facing a constitutional crisis “very soon.”   Continue reading “John Brennan Warns After Sessions’ Firing: ‘Constitutional Crisis Very Soon’”

USA Today – by Mike Snider

Scratch the theory that cord cutting might be decelerating.

Cable and satellite TV providers lost about 1.1 million subscribers during the July to September period, the largest quarterly loss ever – and the first time the industry lost more than 1 million subscribers in a quarter, according to media and telecommunications research firm MoffettNathanson.   Continue reading “Cord cutting accelerates as pay TV loses 1 million customers in largest-ever quarterly loss”

Forward – by Jenny Singer

Dana Nessel, the Jewish lesbian lawyer whose underdog campaign for Michigan Attorney General got its first boost with a penis joke, won the job on election night by a small margin in a state that went red in 2016.

“Who can you trust most not to show you their penis in a professional setting? Is it the candidate who doesn’t have a penis? I’d say so,” Nessel said in a viral video put out last November, when the #MeToo movement dominated headlines.   Continue reading “Jewish Lesbian Wins In Michigan”

Washington Examiner – by Kelly Cohen

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the first sitting senator to endorse Donald Trump for president, is no longer in charge of the Department of Justice.

Sessions submitted his resignation in a letter to White House chief of staff John Kelly on Wednesday afternoon. Sessions’ resignation letter was delivered by hand to the White House after it was requested by President Trump earlier Wednesday.   Continue reading “Jeff Sessions resigns as attorney general”


Embarrassing social media photos could easily sink a congressional campaign, but several lawmakers have shown that you can be charged with corruption and embezzlement and still win re-election.

American voters took partisan politics to a whole new level on Tuesday, after Republican congressmen Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins – both of whom face federal indictments for crimes including embezzlement and securities fraud – won re-election. As long as the Democrats don’t win, right?   Continue reading “US voters re-elect lawmakers facing criminal indictments & corruption charges, because why not?”

Town Hall – by Beth Baumann

For months, gun control advocates in Washington State have peddled initiative 1639, which moves to create stricter firearms laws. On Tuesday, 60 percent of Washingtonians voted in favor of ballot measure, the Seattle Times reported.

Specifically, i-1639 will:   Continue reading “Voters in WA State Pass Massive Gun Control Initiative”

Your Destination Now

Many have had similar reactions when confronting cases involving authorities running roughshod over people with bad laws, punitive sentences, and ill-considered prosecutions. But this time, the person invoking jury nullification was a federal judge—District Judge Stefan R. Underhill of the District of Connecticut—and he spoke in court about a case over which he presided.

The prosecution that shocked Underhill involves Yehudi Manzano, a 30-something man charged with producing and transporting child pornography after saving, and then deleting, a video of his teenage sex partner to and from his own phone and its associated Google cloud account. “The only people who ever saw it were the guy who made it, the girl who was in it, and the federal agents,” Norman Pattis, Manzano’s attorney, told me.   Continue reading “Federal Judge Advocates Jury Nullification After Being Shocked by Overzealous Child Pornography Prosecution”

Times of Israel – by Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA) — If you thought the first half of Donald Trump’s first term as president was volatile, think about the next two years: His hated opponents, the Democrats, are now weaponized.

Returned to the majority after eight years, Democrats in the US House of Representatives will now wield the awesome power of subpoena. And some of the key party figures who will be able to force Trump administration officials to testify are Jewish.   Continue reading “As Democrats win House, Jewish lawmakers to step into key roles”

Activist Post – by Aaron Kesel

Fox News is pushing RFID chip implants, encouraging people that the tech is safe and good for medical by stating it’s similar to getting a tetanus shot.

Recently in Sweden, thousands of people have reportedly had chips implanted. Fox highlights this news expressing that a company called Biohax has already “installed” around 4,000 chips into “customers.”   Continue reading “Fox News Promotes RFID For Medical Purposes — Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Take The Chip”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Elkhart, IN — Deeply disturbing video was released recently of several Elkhart police department officers conducting what looks like a torture scene from a Hollywood movie. Sadly, however, this was non-fiction and the handcuffed victim receiving the beat down of his life was not an actor.

The release of the video prompted a response from the Elkhart mayor this week, who noted that “in hindsight” his police chief should’ve handed down a more severe punishment for the officers involved, instead of simply reprimanding them. Now, the two cops who are seen on video torturing the handcuffed man by repeatedly punching him in the face are facing criminal charges.   Continue reading “Indiana Police Torture Handcuffed Man as Mayor’s Cop Son Does Nothing to Stop Them”

Survival Dan 101

The past U.S. Federal Government under both the Bush and Obama administration has made it perfectly clear that in the event of almost any major disaster scenario, including economic and environmental, they saw the institution of Martial Law as not only viable but inexorable. From legislative actions like the Patriot Act and the Enemy Belligerents Act  to continuity of government programs such as Rex 84 (formerly classified) and Presidential Directive PDD 51 (currently classified, even from Congress), all the “legal” precedents have been put into place to allow the Executive Branch to implement military oversight of civilian affairs, dissolution of Constitutional liberties, even the end of Miranda Rights and the right to a speedy impartial trial as protected under the Sixth Amendment. In some cases, government legislation allows for the rendition and torture of American citizens as combatants, all for the “greater good”, of course…   Continue reading “This Is How Your Life Will Look Like Under The Martial Law”