Overdrive – by Max Heine

A recent report on the nation’s worst freight bottlenecks shows not just how much time is wasted at certain urban tarpits, but also how quickly the clogging is progressing. The American Transportation Research Institute study found that in the 10 worst bottlenecks, truck speeds had dropped by an average of nearly 9 percent — in only one year.

So it’s no surprise that talk of a big infrastructure plan is back in the news. The American Trucking Associations’ Transport Topics reported Jan. 3 that Trump and congressional leaders had a consensus to produce an infrastructure bill this year. Trump later included the idea in his State of the Union address, a year after pitching a flawed matching funds proposal that hit a dead-end.   Continue reading “No time left for you: Bottlenecks and detention”

The Jerusalem Post – by Amy Spiro

Sitting before Congress for hours on Wednesday, Michael Cohen accused US President Donald Trump of lying, cheating, and a range of allegedly criminal behavior.

But some people who watched Trump’s former lawyer testify in Congress had their minds focused elsewhere: on a thin, red string bracelet around his left wrist.   Continue reading “Michael Cohen’s Red String Bracelet Draws Attention”

Activist Post – by Tom DeWeese

Sometimes if you fight hard enough and refuse to back down, no matter the odds, your truth is vindicated and prevails!

For twenty years I have been labeled a conspiracy theorist, scaremonger, extremist, dangerous, nut case. I’ve been denied access to stages, major news programs, and awarded tin foil hats. All because I have worked to expose Agenda 21 and its policy of sustainable development as a danger to our property rights, economic system, and culture of freedom.  Continue reading “Green New Deal Reveals the Naked Truth of Agenda 21”

Henry Makow

The Fed is owned by a syndicate of mostly foreign-based Jewish Masons.

They create the medium of exchange (“currency” “credit”) in the form of a debt to themselves, something our government could do debt-and-interest-free. This exceptional 2009 article reveals why economists don’t blow the whistle on this mind-boggling scam.    Continue reading “How Banksters Control the Professions”


For years the push to replace physical drivers licenses with digital drivers licenses has relied one one thing; privacy.

But all of the “fake news” the public has been fed about their privacy is about to come “crashing” down, literally.

A Nevada bill if passed would allow police to search everyone’s smartphones.   Continue reading “Digital drivers licenses and smartphones will be searched by police”

Times of Israel

The Trump administration’s much-touted peace plan may include investments of tens of billions of dollars to the Palestinians and other countries in the region, according to a report Wednesday.

The New York Times, citing unidentified analysts with knowledge of the matter, said the funds would include around $25 billion for the West Bank and Gaza and another $40 billion for Israeli neighbors including Egypt, Jordan and possibly Lebanon.   Continue reading “US peace plan said to include $25 billion in West Bank and Gaza investments”

The Organic Prepper – by BCE

Several years ago, I wrote the following for a survival medicine book we had put together. I still think it provides a realistic view of the potential medical environment in a grid down or austere survival situation.   Continue reading “The Grim Reality of Survival Medicine in Austere Conditions”

Big Island Now

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard voted to pass the Bipartisan Background Checks Act (H.R. 8) on Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2019, which would close the “gun show loophole” that currently allows people purchasing firearms through private sales, including gun shows, to forgo a background check. H.R. 8 passed by a vote of 240-190.

97% of Americans support universal background checks for gun purchases,” said Rep. Gabbard. “The passage of this bipartisan common-sense legislation is long overdue to help save lives and make our communities more safe.”   Continue reading “Rep. Gabbard Votes to Pass Bipartisan Background Checks on Gun Purchases”

Daily Mail

Those who subscribe to outrageous conspiracy theories are more likely to commit low-level crime, a new study has found.

Belief in such ideas – like the theory that Princess Diana was murdered by the British establishment – has often been associated with negative outcomes such as political disengagement, prejudice, and environmental inaction.    Continue reading “Conspiracy theorists are more likely to be criminals and to approve of other forms of anti-social behaviour, study reveals for the first time”

Boing Boing – by Rob Beschizza

After a raid in Miami, police Sgt. Manuel Regueiro approached and punched an 18-year-old cuffed suspect in the face. The victim warned the officers they were being filmed by the home security system. So officer Alex Gonzalez stole the evidence. But he had in fact taken the system’s battery, and now both officers are being charged with crimes.   Continue reading “Florida cops charged after one punched teen and another tried to destroy the evidence”

Haaretz – by Noa Landau

The investigative commission of the United Nations Human Rights Council that examined the most recent round of violence on the Israel-Gaza border presented its findings on Thursday, saying it found “reasonable grounds” that Israeli security forces violated international law.

The commission determined that the majority of Gaza protesters who were killed by Israeli forces –154 out of 183 people — had been  unarmed.    Continue reading “UN Council: Israel Intentionally Shot Children and Journalists in Gaza”

Patriot Rising – by John Crump, July 26, 2018

In a somewhat shocking turn of events, the usually far left Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals based out of San Franciso, CA ruled that the Second Amendment protects the right of the individual to carry a firearm openly in public for self-defense.

This decision is a sharp departure from their 2016 ruling in Peruta v. County of San Diego where the Ninth Circuit Court ruled that the Second Amendment does not guarantee a right to carry a concealed firearm. The Supreme Court declined to hear the case.   Continue reading “Flashback: 9th Circuit Court Rules For The Right Of The People To Open Carry Guns”

New York Times – by Katharine Q. Seelye

Bill Jenkins, a government epidemiologist who tried to expose the unethical Tuskegee syphilis study in the 1960s and devoted the rest of his career to fighting racism in health care, died on Feb. 17 in Charleston, S.C. He was 73.

His wife, Dr. Diane Rowley, said the cause was complications of sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease.

Continue reading “Bill Jenkins, Who Tried to Halt Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Dies at 73”


A series of digital billboards that went up around the city implying that vaccines are dangerous for children are being removed, according to the media company that posted them.

The billboards were called “deeply disturbing, and potentially dangerous,” by Coun. Joe Cressy, who represents Spadina-Fort York, in a tweet on Wednesday morning. Cressy is also chair of the city’s board of health.    Continue reading “Anti-vaccination billboards in Toronto being removed, company says”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Buffalo, NY — The City of Buffalo has fought a long battle to keep the video below a secret and after you watch it, you’ll know why. A handcuffed, compliant, and non-resisting man was savagely attacked and dragged down the hall by his handcuffs, all the while bleeding from his injuries. He was then left bleeding out for over an hour—tied down to a restraint chair.

“As soon as the investigation has concluded, no matter what the outcome is, we will release the video,” said Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown in 2016. But that never happened.   Continue reading “Fellow Cops Laugh as Officer Cuts Handcuffed Man’s Face Open, Drags Him Down the Hall”

Huffington Post

Former President George H.W. Bush’s service dog, Sully, is now a sworn member of the U.S. Navy.

The yellow Labrador retriever joined Walter Reed National Military Medical Center’s Facility Dog Program in Bethesda, Maryland, on Wednesday as a sworn service dog.

Continue reading “Sully, George H.W. Bush’s Service Dog, Takes On New Role Helping Military Patients”

The Organic Prepper – by Dagny Taggart

Today, gun-grabbers in the House of Representatives held their first major vote on gun control legislation in years.

They voted to pass H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019, which would require background checks for all firearm sales, including private transactions and purchases made online and at gun shows. Currently, only federally licensed firearms dealers, importers, and manufacturers are required to conduct background checks on customers under federal law. Twenty states and D.C. have already expanded background checks to include at least some private sales. The bill was described by NPR as “sweeping.”   Continue reading “The House Just PASSED a “Sweeping” Gun Control Bill. Tomorrow They Vote On Another.”

LifeSite News

Two wealthy Ecuadorian brothers who were principals in DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics, the California companies fined and ordered to shut down for illegally trafficking world-wide in aborted baby parts it obtained from Planned Parenthood, were arrested by ICE on February 13, 2019.   Continue reading “Owners of Company That Bought Aborted Baby Parts From Planned Parenthood are Arrested”