Tenth Amendment Center – by Michael Boldin

If you’ve seen the film minority report – or read the Philip K Dick short story it’s based on, you’re familiar with the idea of “precrime.” It’s a dystopian vision of a predictive policing system where government detains people before they commit a given crime.

Is that what the TAPS Act is going to do in Congress? Plus predictive policing with Palantir and LASER in Los Angeles.  Continue reading “The TAPS Act, Predictive Policing, and a PreCrime Dystopian Nightmare?”

Yahoo News

As she cleans up the counter where the teenagers at her church’s Vacation Bible School ate their cookies and yoghurt, Luba Yanko complains about the state of the country. President Donald Trump is trying to act on Christian values, she believes. But from what she reads online, it seems that a certain group keeps getting in the way.

Trump, she says, “is surrounded by a Zionist environment with completely different values from Christians. It’s kabbalist. It’s Talmudic values. Not the word of God.”  Continue reading “Antisemitic beliefs spreading among evangelical Christians in America”

Orlando Sentinel

The federal government is searching a wide swath of Central Florida for a place to house 500 unaccompanied immigrant children as part of the Trump administration’s plan to establish a permanent shelter in the region, the Orlando Sentinel has learned.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is seeking to locate the shelter in an area that includes the area near Walt Disney World as well as Orlando, all of Seminole County, most of Orange and Lake counties and portions of Osceola, Sumter and Polk counties.

Continue reading “Feds search for site to house 500 immigrant children in Central Florida”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

As widely expected, and as he himself previewed earlier in the day, Trump was set to unveil a major development in the US-China trade war this afternoon. That happened moments ago, when the president, in a series of 4 tweets, confirmed that he indeed was hiking tariffs on both existing and future China tariffs.  Continue reading “Trump Hikes Tariffs On Chinese Goods In Retaliation To Trade War Escalation”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Another Ex-Obama official has joined the ranks of anti-Trump cable news punditry, this time disgraced FBI #2 Andrew McCabe, who was fired for leaking information to the media – then lying about it at least four times, including under oath.

Now, McCabe – who is suing the DOJ and FBI over what he claims was a “politically motivated” firing  just days before he was set to retire with full benefits,” will join former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper at CNNContinue reading “CNN Hires Former FBI #2 Andy McCabe, Who Was Fired For Leaking And Lying”

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Yahoo News

Republicans on Capitol Hill say Donald Trump may be willing to cut Social Security and Medicare if he wins in 2020, reportedly describing the potential move as a “second-term project”.

Several senators told the New York Times in a report published this week they spoke to the president about reducing the costs of the federal health care and retirement programs — a move that would likely stir controversy in a presidential election season.  Continue reading “Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020”


(IOWA CITY, Iowa) — A Missouri farmer blamed for running the largest organic food fraud scheme in U.S. history has died by suicide, weeks before he was to report to federal prison to begin serving a 10-year term, a coroner said Tuesday.

Police officers found Randy Constant dead in a vehicle in his garage at his home in Chillicothe, Missouri on Monday evening, hours after federal investigators held a news conference in Iowa to highlight the prison sentence he had received. The county coroner, Scott Lindley, said he concluded that Constant died from carbon monoxide poisoning.  Continue reading “Farmer Behind the U.S.’s Largest Organic Food Fraud Scheme Dies by Suicide”

The Epoch Times – by Charlotte Cuthbertson

WASHINGTON—Getting justice after someone kills a loved one can be an empty process at the best of times. But for those whose loved ones were killed by illegal aliens, justice is often scarce and weighted toward the perpetrators. And the porous southwest border doesn’t guarantee that those who get deported, stay deported.

Aileen Smith has no idea if the man who killed her baby and debilitated her is back in the United States. She said Ramon Hernandez, a Honduran national, had lived here illegally for years after overstaying his visa.  Continue reading “Justice Is Often Elusive for Families of Loved Ones Killed by Illegal Aliens”

Breitbart – by Tom Ciccotta

A local news report revealed that the state of New Jersey awarded $3.8 million in financial aid to illegal immigrants during the 2018-2019 school year.

According to a report from NJ.com, the state of New Jersey gave $3.8 million in financial aid to 749 illegal immigrant students in the last academic year. More than a quarter of the funding went to 328 illegal immigrants that attend Rutgers University.  Continue reading “New Jersey Awarded $3.8 Million in Financial Aid to Illegal Aliens”

The Daily Sheeple – by Sean Walton

Noncitizens accounted for 64 percent of all federal arrests in 2018, according to new data released on Aug. 22 by the Justice Department. The surge was driven largely by immigration crime arrests, which have soared to the highest level in at least two decades.

Federal authorities conducted 108,667 arrests for immigration crimes in 2018, up more than five times from the 20,942 arrests in 1998. Immigration arrests accounted for 95 percent of the total increase in the number of federal arrests over the past 20 years, the data shows.  Continue reading “DOJ: 64% of all federal arrests in 2018 were noncitizens”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Anyone who was hoping for a quiet end to the week is currently having a panic attack, as first China announced new tariffs on the US, then Powell’s J-Hole speech came and went, and then, as we expected, Trump responded to China’s trade war escalation when in a barrage of 4 tweets he lashed out at Beijing, saying “We don’t need China and, frankly, would be far better off without them“, and ordered “Our great American companies… to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA.”  Continue reading “Stocks Plunge After Trump Vows To Retaliate To China “This Afternoon”, Orders US Companies To Find “An Alternative To China””

The Blaze

President Donald Trump said that any negative impact on the U.S. economy from his trade war with China was worth it, because “somebody had to take on China.”  Continue reading “President Trump admits his trade war with China could have negative implications for the US, but says they are worth it ‘to take China on’”

Globe and News

The editor of a Toronto-based publication was handed the maximum one-year jail sentence on Thursday for promoting hatred against women and Jews.

In sentencing James Sears, Ontario Court Justice Richard Blouin said he would have handed down a much stiffer sentence had the law allowed.  Continue reading “Your Ward News editor James Sears sentenced to one year in jail for promoting hate”

NBC News

LOS ANGELES — U.S. officials have intercepted and seized almost 53,000 illegal Chinese gun parts in three separate shipments at the port of Los Angeles/Long Beach.

The seized items included gun sights, stocks, muzzles and other parts worth a total of more than $378,000. The parts were intercepted in recent weeks, according to law enforcement sources familiar with the matter, and were packed in their own cargo containers on three separate ships that were also carrying household items, apparel, toys, industrial machinery and other imports.  Continue reading “Feds intercept nearly 53,000 illegal Chinese gun parts in Los Angeles”

Fox News

It’s a classic case of who doughnut.

Police officers tracked down a stolen doughnut delivery van early Thursday morning in Redding, Calif. — and discovered a scene that left them “heartbroken” and confused.  Continue reading “California police officers ‘heartbroken’ at discovering stolen doughnut van, ruined treats”

Activist Post – by Aaron Kesel

The cities of San Francisco and Seattle are testing a new way to report homeless encampments or “tent cities” via dialing 311 or using an app. Meanwhile, LA lawmakers are pushing to ban homeless people from parks, schools, and other designated areas, LA Times reportedContinue reading “Cities Unveil Unethical Homeless Reporting, While LA Pushes Anti-Homeless Law”