(Bloomberg) — Frustrated by Democrats from fulfilling a campaign pledge to build a wall along the southern U.S. border, Donald Trump is getting his way regardless. The only downside for the president is that this wall is in southern Africa.

The U.S. is putting up $475,000 to help restore the stone walls at Great Zimbabwe, a fortress that dates back to the 11th century and which gave the country its name. Much of the funding will go toward keeping out an unwanted intruder from the West Indies known as the lantana camara weed that’s threatening the structure. The walls are some 11 meters (36 feet) in height.  Continue reading “Donald Trump Gets His Wall at Last. But It’s in Zimbabwe”


Dozens of suburban Chicago families, perhaps many more, have been exploiting a legal loophole to win their children need-based college financial aid and scholarships they would not otherwise receive, court records and interviews show.

Coming months after the national “Varsity Blues” college admissions scandal, this tactic also appears to involve families attempting to gain an advantage in an increasingly competitive and expensive college admissions system.  Continue reading “Parents Are Giving Up Custody of Their Kids to Get Need-Based College Financial Aid”


A Pennsylvania woman who relieved her bladder on a basket of potatoes turned herself in to local authorities hours after surveillance footage was published depicting her both before and after the watery deed was committed.

US supermarkets have not been the same over the past few months, as a number of individuals, aged old and young, have defiled consumer goods such as ice cream and mouthwash in hopes of gaining a sliver of internet infamy.  Continue reading “US Woman Surrenders to Police After Urinating on Grocery Store Potatoes”

ABC News

Five Ohio police officers, including a commander, a lieutenant, a sergeant and two arresting officers, have been departmentally charged in connection with the arrest of porn star Stormy Daniels and two other women at a Columbus strip club last year.

Daniels — whose real name is Stephanie Clifford – was arrested by vice unit officers at the Sirens Gentleman’s Club on July 11, 2018, along with fellow strippers Miranda Panda and Brittany Walters, on suspicion of sexually touching a patron while on stage, police said at the time.  Continue reading “5 Ohio police officers face punishment over arrest of Stormy Daniels at strip club”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

New York area fire commissioners have called for a new investigation into 9/11, claiming that “overwhelming evidence” of “pre-planted explosives…caused the destruction of the three World Trade Center buildings.” The Franklin Square and Munson Fire District outside of Queens, New York made history by becoming the first legislative body in the country to support a new investigation into the events of 9/11, according to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Continue reading “NY Fire Commissioners Demand New 9/11 Probe, Citing “Overwhelming Evidence of Pre-Planted Explosives””

The Electronic Intifada – by Ali Abunimah

Human rights defenders are slamming UN Secretary-General António Guterres for leaving Israel off an official list of the world’s worst abusers of children’s rights.

On Tuesday, the UN released the secretary-general’s annual report on children in armed conflict.  Continue reading “UN lets Israel’s child killers off the hook again”

New York Daily News – by Denis Slattery

ALBANY — New York has shot down President Trump’s plan to arm teachers.

A new law signed Wednesday by Gov. Cuomo bars school districts across the state from authorizing anyone but those employed primarily as school resource officers, police or security guards from carrying a firearm on school grounds.

Continue reading “New York teachers barred from carrying firearms under new law”

UPI – by Danielle Haynes

July 30 (UPI) — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday signed legislation banning 3D-printed guns, and other firearms and components that can’t be detected by a metal detector.

He also signed legislation expanding requirements for the safe storage of firearms.  Continue reading “N.Y. Gov. Cuomo signs law banning 3D-printed guns”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Just on the heels of new reports of a significant build-up of Chinese security forces on Hong Kong’s border, with the White House monitoring what an admin official described as “a congregation of Chinese forces” outside the city, the chief of the Chinese military garrison in Hong Kong has warned that the army stands ready to “protect” Chinese sovereigntyContinue reading ““All Consequences At Your Own Risk”: In Stunning Warning, Chinese Army Says It Will Protect Hong Kong Sovereignty”


Leave it to facial recognition companies to make up a totally bogus claim that makes me want to slam my foot in a door.

The access management company Proxyclick claims that businesses who use their ID Match (facial recognition) will impress customers.  Continue reading “Proxyclick: Customers Will Be Impressed When Businesses Use Facial Recognition To Identify Them”

Daily Beast – by Pilar Melendez

Handcuffed and pinned to the ground on the side of the road, Tony Timpa begged Dallas police officers more than two dozen times for help before he fell unconscious and died, according to newly released body-camera footage.

“You’re gonna kill me! You’re gonna kill me! You’re gonna kill me!” he continuously yelled.  Continue reading “‘You’re Gonna Kill Me’: Body-Cam Footage Shows Cops Mocking Dallas Man as He Dies”

AZ Central

PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) – Newly-released security video from May 9, 2018, shows the moment a man shot and killed a customer in a Phoenix Circle K store, before holding nine other customers hostage. The victims then tackled the suspect and were able to escape.

At 9 a.m., security video shows customers entering and leaving the store, including a police officer. Continue reading “Video shows Phoenix gas station hostages attack and subdue gunman”

Mint Press News – by Whitney Webb

For over a decade, pro-Israel and ultra-nationalist Israeli settler groups have sought to weaponize the popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, through concerted covert editing campaigns, offering Wikipedia editing courses to West Bank settlers and even formal alliances between Israel and Wikipedia to allow Israelis to create and edit content in a variety of languages.  Continue reading “How a Small Group of Pro-Israel Activists Blacklisted MintPress on Wikipedia”

Yahoo News

A 65-year-old woman was tasered after fleeing then kicking out at a police officer who stopped her over a broken light.

Debra Hamil, from Oklahoma, has been charged after body camera footage showed her resisting arrest during the confrontation in the town of Cashion last month.  Continue reading “Woman, 65, tasered by police after fleeing then kicking officer who stopped her over broken light”

New Hampshire Union Leader – by Jason Schreiber

HAMPTON — A local police officer has been charged with drunken driving after he allegedly showed up for duty Tuesday and appeared intoxicated.

Hampton Police Chief Richard Sawyer said James Patton, 58, of Hampton, resigned Wednesday morning after he was placed on administrative leave. Patton had been with the department for 31 years.

Continue reading “Hampton officer resigns following arrest for DWI, allegedly reported for duty intoxicated”