Middle East Monitor

Israel’s District Planning and Building Committee considered a plan on Sunday submitted by the Bedouin Settlement Authority in the Negev which aims to build camps as preparation for the displacement of 36,000 Arab citizens, Arab48.com has reported. The plan targets Palestinian-Arab residents within Israel who live in Bedouin villages “unrecognised” by the Israeli occupation government.  Continue reading “Israel to build camps as preparation for displacing Arab citizens”

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

Vox recently published an article by German Lopez that makes a logical error. The article conflates an increase in “gun deaths” with a decrease in public safety. The jump is made from an article published last year, in 2018, where the Rand Corporation published a chart based on a number of different and dubious studies on “gun deaths”. From the previous articleContinue reading “The Logical Fraud Conflating “Gun Deaths” with Public Safety”

Yahoo News

MATAMOROS-BROWNSVILLE BRIDGE, U.S.-Mexico border, Oct 10 (Reuters) – U .S. asylum seekers camped out in a dangerous Mexican border town occupied a bridge to Brownsville, Texas on Thursday, leading to the closure of the crossing, witnesses and authorities said.

Hundreds of the migrants have been camped for weeks on the end of the bridge in Matamoros, Mexico, a city known for cartel control of people trafficking and gang violence.  Continue reading “Migrant protesters occupy U.S.-Mexico border bridge, close crossing”

The Electronic Intifada

A major Israeli weapons company has been named as one of the top profiteers of US border militarization.

Elbit Systems has secured border contracts worth $187 million from the US government, according to research by journalist Todd Miller.  Continue reading “Builders of Israel’s apartheid walls profit from US border militarization”


TIMES SQUARE, Manhattan (WABC) — A large demonstration by protesters demanding climate change policy reform blocked traffic for nearly two hours in Manhattan’s Times Square, resulting in 62 arrests for civil disobedience.

The protest, which began before 10 a.m. Thursday, forced the closure of intersections including Seventh Avenue at 44th Street and Broadway at 46th Street.  Continue reading “62 arrested in climate change protest that blocked traffic in Times Square”

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Archive: TWFTT 10-10-19

I receive the following email from Paul today in response to my inquiry as to his condition:

Hello Henry.

Yes as well as can be expected. Have had a number of health issues. Barb as well. Have been trying to get to the bottom of them. When I am coherent enough have been trying to find out how to handle them: Migraines, nausea, lightheaded, balance issues, active tremor, to name a few.

Continue reading “Trencher Alert: For those asking about Paul”

Yahoo News

They believe human actions are changing the environment. They believe we need to take urgent action to save the planet for future generations. So why do so many chemtrail conspiracy theorists think climate change is a big hoax?

For weeks, attacks on teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg have been the most popular posts on the most popular Facebook page for the chemtrail conspiracy theory. At nearly 183,000 members, the page is a stronghold for people who believe the government or other agencies are spraying chemicals out of planes for nefarious purposes (perhaps mind control, perhaps weather control, depending on which believer you ask). And as Thunberg and American school children rally for climate action, they’re becoming a favorite target of the conspiracy crowd.  Continue reading “Chemtrail Truthers Are Coming After Greta Thunberg”

Chuck Balwin

The Religious Right was born during the ineptitude of the Jimmy Carter presidency and came to maturity during the Bill Clinton years. It got old and feeble during the G.W. Bush years. And now under the Trump presidency, it is nothing but a rotting corpse. The Religious Right was created to be a cure, but it has become a blight.  Continue reading “The Religious Right Is A Blight”

The Weather Channel

Morning commutes were treacherous and schools, government offices and businesses were closed or opening late Thursday because of a major snowstorm moving across the Northern Plains.

Drivers in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, the Dakotas, Colorado and Nebraska found dozens of roads closed by snow and accidents.  Continue reading “Dozens of Crashes Close Roads as Snowstorm Hits Northern Plains”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Chicago, IL — Because of their gross negligence and incompetence, the city of Chicago is facing a slew of lawsuits for raiding the homes of innocent people — allegedly by mistake. TFTP has reported on several of these lawsuits in which cops raided a four-year-old’s birthday party and held other children at gunpoint. One of these families has even been raided — mistakenly — three times. One family’s recent mistaken raid, however, is exposing a blue wall of silence and showing how far the Chicago police department is willing to go to cover up their crimes.  Continue reading “‘They Put Rifles to My Children’s Heads’ Cops Terrorize Family in Raid on Wrong Home”

Tenth Amendment Center – by Mike Maharrey

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Oct. 9, 2019) – Yesterday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law that bans police from using facial recognition and biometric scanners with body-worn cameras for the next three years. The law will not only help protect privacy in California, but it would also hinder one aspect of the federal surveillance state. Continue reading “Signed as Law: California Bans Facial Recognition on Police Body Cameras”

Legal Insurrection

I like this idea! I know as someone with severe social anxiety a crowded and loud place can cause extreme discomfort and panic attacks. From The Gainsville Sun:

The zoo — with its screeching, howling and caterwauling inhabitants — can be a noisy nightmare for a child with autism or other sensory issues. Continue reading “Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo Wants to Make the Zoo Accommodating for Those With Sensory Issues”


An Arizona county assessor is accused of human smuggling as part of a scheme that involved more than 40 pregnant women from the Marshall Islands brought to the United States to give up their babies for adoption, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.

Paul D. Petersen, an adoption lawyer licensed in Utah and Arizona and elected Maricopa County assessor, was arrested Tuesday night in Arizona, Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes told reporters. He faces 11 felony counts in Utah, including human smuggling, sale of a child and communications fraud. He also faces fraud, conspiracy, theft and forgery charges in Arizona.  Continue reading “Arizona official accused of human smuggling via a Marshall Islands adoption scheme”

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

Launched in April, Khalifa Hafter’s bid to take over Libya, and the capital of Tripoli, looks to be breaking out again, with his forces attacking fighters from the UN-backed unity government over the past couple of days.

The Hafter forces opened fire on the unity force fighters in southern Tripoli, and heavy fighting is reported in parts of the city. The unity government’s office is claiming to have retaken parts of the city lost in the early push.  Continue reading “New Clashes Erupt in Libya; Fighting Reported in South Tripoli”