FFF – by Jacob G. Hornberger

Many years ago, I was giving a lecture on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to a class at a public high school here in Virginia. During the course of my talk, I made the following statement: “The First Amendment does not give people the right of free speech.”

I asked the students whether my statement was correct or incorrect. Everyone immediately told me that I was wrong. They said the First Amendment did in fact give people the right of free speech.  Continue reading “Do We Need the First Amendment?”

The Daily Sheeple – by Sean Walton

Nothing sells firearms like the threat of them being taken away. And the threat is evident on both a state and federal level.

The 2020 presidential race is already weighing on the minds of gun owners who flocked to gun stores to load up in January.  Continue reading “Firearm Background Checks at Record High for January”

Times of Israel

A Jewish protester was removed from a Donald Trump campaign rally held in Iowa, after he interrupted the event by accusing the US president of fomenting anti-Semitism.

“I’m an American Jew and ever since your father was elected president, more and more Jews are being gunned down every year,” Elon Glickman, an organizer for the Jewish-American group IfNotNow, shouted during the event Monday night in Des Moines while the president’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was addressing the crowd. IfNotNow tweeted a video of the encounter.  Continue reading “Activist booted from Iowa event for yelling Trump supporters are ‘killing Jews’”

Health Impact News – by Brian Shilhavy

People living in the Philippines, a country of islands not very far off the coast of China, remember all too well the last time a deadly coronavirus epidemic broke out in China.

It was 2003 when the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) coronavirus broke out in China. It infected over 7000 people in China with over 600 recorded deaths.  Continue reading “Coconut Oil’s History in Destroying Viruses, Including Coronaviruses”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

El Paso, TX — Police, we are told, are the ones we call when we are in trouble and need help. However, often times, “help” is the last thing people receive. Instead of serving the public, many police officers use their badge to prey on them instead. As the following case out of El Paso illustrates, they do so with seeming impunity and almost never go to jail for it.  Continue reading “NO JAIL for Cop Guilty of Responding to Domestic Violence Call by Raping the Victim”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Dallas, TX — Genevive Dawes, 21, had harmed no one and committed no crime when multiple Dallas police officers surrounded her and her husband as they slept in their new car. However, because a trigger happy cop was on the scene that night, Dawes and the unborn child in her belly were executed. Now, the cop who opened fire on this pregnant mother of two is headed to trial.

The trial for former Dallas police officer Christopher Hess started on Tuesday. Unfortunately, Hess was not charged with murder for killing Dawes. Instead he was charged with aggravated assault by a public servant.  Continue reading “Horrifying Video Shows Cops Surround Sleeping Pregnant Mother and Execute Her”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

During the February 4, 2020, State of Union address, President Donald Trump made clear he will always defend the rights protected by the Second Amendment.

He noted that Second Amendment rights are “under siege all across our country,” but he vowed to stand in their defense.  Continue reading “SOTU: Trump Pledges to Always Protect 2nd Amendment Rights”

Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

This comes as no surprise to any of us, but it still should be said.

Michael Bloomberg, 77, billionaire, former NYC mayor (2002-2013) and currently a 2020 Democrat presidential candidate, is strongly pro-gun control, so much so that he founded the non-profit Everytown for Gun Safety to advocate and push for gun control, and match the National Rifle Association (NRA) in political influence.  Continue reading “Gun-control hypocrite Michael Bloomberg is protected by 17 armed bodyguards”

Breitbart – by Allum Bokhari

Google-owned video giant YouTube blacklisted a Breitbart News video of a recent speech on the Senate floor by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) in which Paul names the alleged “whistleblower” as Eric Ciaramella.

The video included the Senator’s arguments surrounding the impeachment trial, meaning that YouTube is now censoring the congressional and historical record of impeachment.  Continue reading “Google Censors the Congressional Record”

The Verge – by Adi Robertson

Iowa state officials and Democratic Party members are fighting online misinformation and conspiracies alongside widespread technical problems, and the resulting chaos is putting platforms’ newly released misinformation policies to the test.

Companies like Facebook and Twitter take a hard line on some voting-related false information, including posts that give incorrect election dates, encourage people to not vote, or promote fake systems like “voting by text message.” Outside these clear-cut cases, though, the options get much more complicated, and social media companies have long struggled with the distinction between a disputed claim and a malicious falsehood. Continue reading “Iowa conspiracy theories are testing Facebook’s misinformation policy”

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Would you want your medical records, including your vaccination records, permanently embedded into your skin, so anyone with a smartphone device could read them? The privacy implications are immense, as are the ethical considerations of what could, perhaps, become mandated along with vaccinations.  Continue reading “MIT Wants Permanent Vaccine Record Embedded in Your Skin”

WBRC 6 News

JEFFERSON COUNTY, Ala. (WBRC) – Authorities have booked a man for capital murder after a Kimberly police officer was shot late Tuesday night.

Jail records show 37-year-old Preston Cheyenne Johnson has been booked with capital murder for shooting a police officer. Johnson and three other people were taken into custody near Highway 78 in Dora after 1 a.m. Wednesday.

Continue reading “Suspect booked for capital murder after Kimberly police officer killed Tuesday night”

Video Rebel’s Blog

In a year we might not be allowed to freely exchange ideas on the web so I have decided to talk today when we know little rather than wait a year when we will know more but not be allowed to say it.

We know very little about the Coronavirus. We hear stories that patents who die are being taken directly to crematorium. We hear stories about a young boy whose family got the disease. He had no symptoms but did test positive. A woman in Germany survived the virus but tested positive for high viral load after recovery. Are they both immune carriers? Just how many people are dying and how many are surviving? We don’t know yet.  Continue reading “Wuhan Virus: Made In The USA?”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

President Trump is allegedly set to release Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard to Israel in the coming weeks to aid Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election campaign. Continue reading “Report: Trump to Release Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard to Israel to Aid Netanyahu’s Re-election”