Health Impact News – by Brian Shilhavy

With some forces wanting to erase American history these days, here is a history lesson from William Guy Carr’s 1950s classic, Pawns in the Game.

We featured Carr’s book in the previous article, Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order. Continue reading “The American Revolution: When the Bankers Destroyed the Economy – History Repeating Itself?”

Fox News

Researchers at the University of Houston claimed to have designed a special air filter that can trap the novel coronavirus and blast it with heat to kill the disease on contact.

Dr. Zhifeng Ren, director of the Texas Center of Superconductivity at UH, is the brains behind the project, the Houston Chronicle reportedContinue reading “University of Houston researchers create heated air filter that can kill coronavirus ‘instantly’”

Yahoo News

A Texas doctor says a 30-year-old patient died after attending a “COVID party,” believing the coronavirus pandemic was a hoax.

The patient, who was treated at a San Antonio hospital, is just one of thousands to test positive in the state in recent days. On Saturday, Texas state officials reported a record 10,351 daily new cases.

“We cared for a 30-year-old patient at Methodist Hospital who told their nurse that they had attended a ‘COVID party.’ … Just before the patient died, they looked at their nurse and said ‘I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not,'” said Dr. Jane Appleby in a video statement obtained by USA TODAY. Appleby is the chief medical officer for Methodist Healthcare in San Antonio.

Appleby said the parties are held by those skeptical of the virus and include someone who has previously tested positive. Attendees go to see “if the virus is real and if anyone gets infected.”

‘This is no joke’: Man died of coronavirus day after saying he regretted attending a party

Similar parties have been reported in other areas of the nation, including Alabama and Kentucky.

Young people are increasingly catching and spreading the novel virus. People under 45 made up 42% of cases before Memorial Day weekend but 55% of cases reported since then, a USA TODAY analysis found in late June.

Although COVID-19 has been known mainly for its impact on seniors, experts said the disease can debilitate patients in young age cohorts as well. And they warned that an expansion in cases among younger people ultimately threatens any vulnerable person with whom they come in contact.

Methodist Hospital is currently treating multiple COVID-19 patients in their 20s and 30s, Appleby said. Some may require intensive care, she said.

Appleby urged Texans to wear a mask, stay at home when possible and avoid spending time with groups of people.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Texas patient, 30, dies after attending ‘COVID party,’ doctor says

Continue reading “‘I thought this was a hoax’: Patient, 30, dies after attending ‘COVID party,’ doctor says”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

“In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless, we have a tyranny without a tyrant.” ― Hannah Arendt, On Violence

Continue reading “How the Real Deep State is Using Divide So that We Can Be Conquered”

Dr. Axe – by Rachael Link, MS, RD

Despite its recent surge in popularity, the extensive list of apple cider vinegar benefits has been well-known for centuries. It’s been shown to keep blood sugar in check, amp up weight loss, and even improve the appearance of acne and scarring, among other apple cider vinegar benefits. Plus, apple cider vinegar consumption works great for the keto dietContinue reading “Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits and Uses”

Have Ye Not Read – by Steve Barwick

In previous Bible studies and commentaries, I’ve documented many times now that our global leaders today are largely occultists. (See here, here, here and here.)

So are the owners of many of our country’s largest businesses and sports franchises.  (See here and here.) Continue reading “Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus: How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order”

ABC 13

AUSTIN, Texas (KTRK) — Worsening coronavirus trends in Texas have again set another grim milestone.

State health officials on Saturday reported 10,351 new COVID-19 cases, setting the record as the highest single-day number since the pandemic. The previous record was on Tuesday with 10,028 cases. Continue reading “Texas shatters daily record with 10,351 new coronavirus cases”

Children’s Health Defense

The childhood vaccine schedule in the U.S. features numerous combination vaccines—formulations that bundle multiple antigens for multiple diseases into one injection. Examples of combination vaccines currently given to American children include Merck’s four-component ProQuad vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella and varicella and Sanofi’s five-in-one Pentacel vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b. Continue reading “A Six-in-One Vaccine Associated with Sudden Infant Death…”

Israel Defense – by Dr. Hayim Iserovich

In March 2018, following a prolonged political debate, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, signed the new 1.3 trillion dollar spending bill approved by the US Congress to fund the operations of the government departments and federal agencies in the current budget year. Clause 8071 of that bill conveyed a significant message to Israel. The US Department of Defense, it stated, will allocate the massive amount of $705,800,000 to the funding of the Israeli missile defense systems, including the Iron Dome, Arrow-III and David’s Sling systems.

Continue reading “Hawks vs. Doves: The Story of the First US-Israel Arms Deal”

Just the News – by Nicholas Ballasy

resident Trump might have pledged to “drain the swamp” during his first term in office, but the CARES Act stimulus bill he recently signed has sent millions in taxpayer funds to political activist groups and non-profits in Washington on the left and right.

According to the Small Business Administration, the Paycheck Protection Program loans, which are part of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act, are forgivable if “at least 60 percent” is put toward payroll. The rest can apply to qualified expenses such as rent and utilities.  Continue reading “Activist groups, nonprofits on left and right, cash in on taxpayer-funded forgivable stimulus loans”

The Last American Vagabond – by Derrick Broze

In mid-May US President Donald Trump announced that the US would be ending their financial support for the World Health Organization (WHO) and COVID-19 relief. The move was lambasted in the mainstream press as an out of touch politician pulling funding from a vital global health organization during the middle of a pandemic. To Trump’s supporters the decision was met with the typical cheering and celebrated as another Trump victory against the “globalists.” To understand what is actually going on we need to examine Donald Trump’s actions, not his tweets or media statements.
Continue reading “Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI”

The Mind Unleashed – by Elias Marat

With the pandemic continuing to sink its claws into the United States, economic conditions have also failed to improve for millions of people. As a result, nearly one-third U.S. households – representing 32 percent – have still not made their full housing payments for the month of July, according to a survey from online rental platform Apartment ListContinue reading “‘Tsunami’ of Evictions Could Make 28 Million Americans Homeless This Summer Alone”