Continue reading ““Shoot First, Think Later!” Jews Turn To Guns”
Year: 2020
U.S.A. –-( Oregon’s Legislature may not convene until early next month, but already battle lines are forming over a trio of measures a faith-based gun control lobbying group is proposing that includes raising the minimum age to purchase firearms to 21 years.
A group calling itself Lift Every Voice Oregon (LEVO) consists of leaders from different faiths, according to a report at KTVZ. As explained on the LEVO website, the group claims to be “advocating for safer schools, houses of worship and communities.” Continue reading “Beaver State Battle Lines Forming over Gun Control”
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Joplin, MO — Despite the infuriating and disturbing video of their gross negligence and incompetence which left an unarmed mentally ill man dead on the street, two Joplin police officers — Christopher Grant Meador and Laken Rawlins — have been cleared of any wrongdoing by their department in the killing David Ingle. Continue reading “Cop Tasers Herself as Her Partner Kills Unarmed Mentally Ill Man”
The federal government has brought nearly 1,400 refugees to the United States over the last year from foreign countries listed on President Donald Trump’s constitutional travel ban.
In 2o19, the State Department imported exactly 1,378 refugees from Chad, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen — six of the eight countries on Trump’s travel ban list, which also includes North Korea and Libya. This indicates a more than 783 percent increase between 2018 and 2019 of refugees from travel ban countries arriving in the U.S. Continue reading “Feds Imported 1.4K Refugees to U.S. from Travel Ban Countries in 2019”
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly warned his cabinet not to get too involved in the US murder of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, lest Tel Aviv gets dragged into the escalating conflict between Washington and Tehran.
“The assassination of Soleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it,” Netanyahu reportedly told his security cabinet during a meeting on Monday, as cited by Israel’s Channel 13. He advised ministers to avoid speaking to the media about Thursday’s targeted assassination beyond supporting the US’ right to defend itself, so as not to give the impression that Israel had played any role in it. Continue reading “Netanyahu backs away from Soleimani assassination, warns ministers to ‘stay out’ of purely ‘American event’”
“We’re going to war, bro” — declared a young US soldier from the US Army’s celebrated 82nd Airborne Division. He gave reporters a confident two thumbs up as his unit moved out on its largest “fast deployment” in a decade at a moment Iran has promised to inflict a “historic nightmare” on the US in retaliation for the killing of Qasem Soleimani. Continue reading ““We’re Going To War, Bro”: Elite 82nd Airborne In Largest ‘Fast Deployment’ In A Decade”
Breaking a 5-day silence over its response for the US killing of General Qassem Soleimani, on Tuesday Iran said it was assessing 13 scenarios to inflict a “historic nightmare” on the US. “Even if the weakest of these scenarios gain a consensus, its implementation can be a historic nightmare for the Americans,” Ali Shamkhani, the head of Iran’s national security council, was cited by Fars news agency, adding that, “For now, for intelligence reasons, we cannot provide more information to the media.” Continue reading “Iran Evaluating 13 Retaliation Scenarios To Inflict “Historic Nightmare” On US”
The Defense Department is sending six B-52 bombers to the Diego Garcia military base in the northern Indian Ocean as preparations for possible military action against Iran move forward.
Pentagon officials told CNN on Monday that the B-52 will be available for operations against the Islamic Republic if ordered into action, though the deployment does not signal a decision has been made about any attack plans. Continue reading “Pentagon sends six B-52 strategic bombers to military base on Diego Garcia”
The Most Important News – by Michael Snyder
Since just before Christmas, armies of unidentified drones have been appearing each night in the skies above Colorado, Nebraska and Kansas. The drones are approximately 6 feet wide and they have red and white lights, but nobody knows where they are from or who owns them. This is a story that is now receiving national attention, and the FBI, the FAA and the U.S. Air Force are all investigating this mystery. According to eyewitnesses, these drones can move “much faster than a regular aircraft”, and that would seem to indicate that they are highly sophisticated. So far, the U.S. military, every government agency that has been asked, and many of the major companies in the area have all denied operating the drones. Federal, state and local law enforcement officials have been doing all that they can to solve this mystery, but so far they have come up completely empty. Continue reading “Armies Of Unidentified Drones Are Appearing Over The Western U.S. At Night, And It Is Really Freaking People Out”
DC Clothesline – by Dean Garrison
The powder keg is about to explode in Virginia.
As citizens cling to their rights, the gun-grabbing authoritarians are flexing their muscles and talking a big game. Continue reading “Virginia Gun Grabbers Now Looking to Eliminate Privately Owned Gun Ranges”
The Executive Director of the Small Business in Transportation Coalition (SBTC) — known as — has issued a stern warning about a “super supply chain crisis” that could severely disrupt trucking and transportation operations that bring supplies to all U.S. cities.
James Lab issued a Dec. 17th press release in which he warned of “nationwide riots that will impede truckers’ ability to make deliveries of products for Americans’ consumption.” Those supplies include food, fuel, medicine, ammunition and other supplies on which Americans depend each day. Continue reading “Truckers’ transportation coalition warns of “super supply chain crisis” as America’s cities may collapse into war zones: food, fuel, medical supplies could all be disrupted”
DIY & Crafts – by Vanessa Beaty
With spring and summer often comes the desire to plant things. If you are someone who enjoys growing and preserving your own food but you’re also someone who just doesn’t have the outdoor garden space that you need, we’ve got a great collection of projects for you. Continue reading “The 35 Easiest Container and Pot Friendly Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs”
Activist Post – by Catherine Frompovich
This probably will be my last OP-ED and/or article to, which means I know what I talk about as I am spending my last time on Earth in a hospice facility in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
At $360+ per day I find life living here is not according to holistic principles, which should not be! Continue reading “What You Get For $360 Per Day”
The Australian bushfires are said to be the worst in memory. Hundreds of square miles have already burned, and the country is still in the midst of a dry hot summer.
This footage gives some idea of just how explosive and incendiary these fires are and thus dangerous. 15 years old dead wood burns 70 times more intense than 4 year old fuel. Continue reading “Are Australia’s Devastating Fires Being Set by Discordian Eco-Arsonists?”
Common Dreams – by Jake Johnson
Almost immediately after the United States assassinated Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in a drone strike Thursday night, major American weapons manufacturers and defense contractors—from Northrop Grumman to Lockheed Martin to Raytheon—saw their stocks surge as investors sensed the growing likelihood of another costly and deadly war in the Middle East.
As the Los Angeles Times reported, “Even as the broader Standard and Poor’s 500 index lost ground, the S&P Aerospace & Defense Select Industry index climbed 1.8% on Friday.” Continue reading ““If You Are Wondering Who Benefits”: Weapons Makers Stocks Surge as US Risks War With Iran”
We Are Change – by Arron Kesel, July 13, 2016
The militarization of local police, combined with the arrival of a United Nations military presence, could mean big trouble for liberty and freedom here in America.
U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power told attendees at an important U.N. meeting that the United States was “proud” and “humbled” to be a included in the new agenda and promised to follow by the 18 pledges. Fox News. Continue reading “Flashback 2016: Executive Order: United Nations Allowed To Use Force On US Citizens”