The Washington Gazette – by John Paluska

In an interview on Meet The Press, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has hyped the Coronavirus vaccine since day one, just admitted the COVID vaccines he hyped as a way to save lives may not actually be safe. In a live interview with Chuck Todd, the New York Post reports that the epidemiologist blatantly stated that the country needed to “make sure” the vaccine truly is safe before we give it to children and maybe pregnant women, whom Fauci said are generally “vulnerable” to vaccines.

The New York Post cites him as saying:  Continue reading “Dr. Fauci Admits COVID Vaccine May Not Be Safe”

Big League Politics – by Richard Moorhead

The New York State Senate has passed a law to allow arbitrary detention of individuals deemed a coronavirus threat by Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Assembly Bill A416 allows the Governor to “order the removal and/or detention of [persons deemed a coronavirus threat risk].” The adjudication of a crime or the order of a judge is not necessary for New York to throw the suspect in a coronavirus concentration facility. Continue reading “SICK: New York Senate Passes Law to DETAIN “Contagious” People”

Daily Mail

Mounted police officers charged at and trampled park-goers before turning water cannons on them as thousands of revellers packed a park in Belgium for a lockdown-breaching festival that was arranged as an April Fool’s joke.

Clashes erupted as police attempted to clear the Brussels park, with several officers and their horses and at least eight party-goers injured.

Continue reading “Thousands party in Brussels Bois de la Cambre as April Fools’ joke gets out of hand”

Great Game India

AstraZeneca has rebranded and changed the name of its COVID-19 vaccine from CoviShield to Vaxzevria. The move is because the company is struggling to convince people that the vaccine is safe amidst the controversy that AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is causing blood clots.

AstraZeneca has been struggling a lot to assure the public that its vaccine is safe. The name change doesn’t involve any alteration to the actual drug.  Continue reading “AstraZeneca Changes Its COVID-19 Vaccine Name From CoviShield To Vaxzevria Due To Blood Clots Controversy”

Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila

Orange County- A gunman killed 4 people, including a 9-year-old boy Wednesday night in a mass shooting at a business complex in Orange, California.

Police responded to reports of gunshots Wednesday evening around 5:30 PM at the 200 block of West Lincoln Avenue. Continue reading “Gunman Who Killed 4 People, Including Child in Mass Shooting at Orange County, CA Business Complex Identified as Aminadab Gaxiola Gonzalez”

The Freedom Articles – by Makia Freeman

The WHO is promoting a new international pandemic treaty to be drawn up and signed by the world’s nations. In their announcement on March 30th 2021 entitled COVID-19 shows why united action is needed for more robust international health architecture, the WHO (World Health Organization) predictably appeals to vague general principles and noble-sounding values in an attempt to entice humanity to support its quest for globalism and more centralization of power. While it doesn’t use the buzzword sustainable this time, it does use another of its favorite buzzwords equitable. The WHO claims that everyone must have “universal and equitable access” to “safe, efficacious and affordable vaccines, medicines and diagnostics” for the current and future pandemics, however it has already gone wrong, since as the facts have shown, COVID is not a pandemic but rather an operation, an agenda, a PCR casedemic and a scamdemic. Those skeptical of authorities asking for more collaboration as a ruse to grab more power should note that the current EU structure came about first via treaties. So let’s take a closer look at the words used to push this new international pandemic treaty. Continue reading “WHO Pushes International Pandemic Treaty — Another Stepping Stone to World Government”

Big League Politics – by Richard Moorhead

Law enforcement arrested more than 150,000 illegal aliens crossing the southern border in the month of March, crushing a record set in 2019 for the most arrests at the southern border since 2009.

Migrant crossings peaked during Trump’s presidency in May 2019, with Customs and Border Patrol counting more than 144,000 enforcement encounters. The Remain in Mexico policy and Trump’s America First immigration platform ultimately ensured that most caught crossing were deported, whereas data indicates that President Joe Biden is deporting less than half of those who cross the border, even with coronavirus expulsion immigration rules in effect. More than 6,000 illegal aliens were detained by CBP in one day last week. Continue reading “Record-Setting 150,000 Aliens Arrested at Southern Border in March”


A new caravan has formed in Central America and is traveling north with the goal of reaching the U.S.-Mexico Border.

The caravan formed earlier this week as several hundred migrants left San Pedro Sula in Honduras, Telesur TV reported. The group is preparing to cross into Guatemala despite claims by that country’s government that irregular migration will not be allowed. The Guatemalan government issued an order this week allowing the use of force to contain the caravan, the TV station reported. Continue reading “New Migrant Caravan Begins Trek to U.S. from Honduras”

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Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

With the Biden Administration continuing to talk down the May 1 deadline date for leaving Afghanistan, Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad has met with Taliban leaders to discuss possible dates later in 2021.

Reports are that Khalilzad raised possibilities of putting the withdrawal date off for another three or six months after May 1. The Taliban has not publicly responded, but was previously said to want to hold the US to the date agreed to. Continue reading “US Envoy Meets Taliban, Seeks Longer Troop Presence”

Fox News

What if your next-door neighbor suddenly went dangerously insane and started holding people hostage in his house? Would you consider that threatening? Would you even notice? These aren’t theoretical questions. Something very much like that just happened in our neighborhood.

Canada — the land mass directly to our north and our single largest trading partner, with whom we share the longest international border in the world — took a dramatic move toward legitimately dangerous authoritarianism. Yes, Canada.

Continue reading “Tucker Carlson: COVID internment camps, coming soon to a country near you”