Almost 70% of unvaccinated Americans would rather quit their job than submit to mandatory vaccination, a new poll found, as another survey suggests more than 50% of companies plan such requirements by the end of the year.

Some 35% of the 1,066 unvaccinated individuals polled by the Washington Post and ABC News last week said they would request a religious or medical exemption if their employer adopted a vaccine mandate, while 42% said they would quit. Continue reading “Nearly 70% of unvaccinated Americans would rather QUIT THEIR JOB than take mandatory vaccination – poll”

Daily Mail

Afghan soldiers who were trained by British and American forces have reportedly defected and are now fighting for the Taliban, UK army sources revealed.

British army officers have analysed recent images of the Taliban using their weapons and they believe some of the fighters are using techniques they learned from the UK and US as well as NATO countries.   Continue reading “Afghan soldiers trained by UK and US forces ‘have defected and are now fighting for the Taliban’”

Zero Hedge – by Michael Maharrey

The Federal Reserve is helping corporate real estate investors evict poor people from mobile home parks.

NPR highlighted the growing number of mobile home part evictions. According to the report, real estate investors continue to buy up mobile home parks across the US. They then raise lot rents and fees, and evict residents who can’t pay.  Continue reading “The Fed Is Helping Facilitate Trailer Park Evictions”

Just the News – by John Solomon

A male Afghan refugee who was departing the Ramstein Air Base in Germany for the United States was detained Monday after it was discovered during pre-flight screening that he had blasting caps and other explosives materials in his carry-on luggage, three U.S. officials told Just the News.

The man, who was born in the early 1990s and an Afghan citizen, was working as contractor for the U.S. government when he was evacuated, and officials believe the materials were related to his work and not terrorism, officials said. Continue reading “Afghan refugee stopped on U.S.-bound flight with explosive materials, but terrorism not suspected”

Natural News – by Ethan Huff

The latest tyranny to come out of Rutgers University in New Jersey involves requiring all remote learning students to be “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

It was not enough for Rutgers to simply force the jabs on in-person students. Now, those who learn at home in isolation on their computers must also undergo experimental gene therapy in order to get an education.  Continue reading “It’s about COMPLIANCE, not SCIENCE: At Rutgers, students now have to be fully vaccinated to take REMOTE LEARNING classes”

Daily Mail

President Joe Biden‘s administration sent an urgent funding request to Congress for billions of dollars to pay for the resettlement of Afghan refugees and to address natural disaster damage.

The White House asked for $6.4 billion to pay for relocation of tens of thousands of refugees as well as $24 billion in disaster relief – $14 billion in aid to respond to natural disasters that occurred before Hurricane Ida (such as the Western wildfires) and then $10 billion specifically for Hurricane Ida relief as well.  Continue reading “Biden administration asks for $6.4 billion to fund Afghan refugee resettlement and $24 billion to address natural disaster damage in continuing resolution to fund the government”


Visitors to the National Archives website looking for the US founding documents are now greeted with labels warning of ‘harmful language’. It isn’t clear when the tags were added, but the move has angered some Republicans.

“Harmful Language Alert” labels can be found on pages displaying the scanned versions of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as the first 10 amendments, known as the Bill of RightsContinue reading “‘Harmful Language Alert’: National Archives puts WARNING LABEL on US Constitution and Declaration of Independence”

Chuck Baldwin

Once again, the propagandist news media is lying to you. The FDA did NOT grant full approval to the Covid gene therapy shots. Carl Switchzer covers the story for American Thinker:

You may have heard that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 shot received FDA approval this past Monday.  Politicians, national health officials, and journalists are breathless with excitement about how this approval will finally induce the remaining “vaccine-hesitant” into stepping forward to receive their jab.  The FDA even has a press release on its website about it. Continue reading “FDA Did NOT Grant Full Approval To Pfizer Covid Gene Therapy Shots”

Dr. Joseph Mercola

“Let’s start with a thought experiment: If an engineering design flaw exists and no one measures it, can it really injure people or kill them?” a Twitter user named Ehden writes.1 He goes on to discuss an overlooked aspect of the COVID mRNA shots, something called “codon optimization,” which virtually guarantees unexpected results. Ehden explains:2 Continue reading “Long-Term Dangers of Experimental mRNA Shots”

Daily Mail

Houseboats have been forced to crowd together on the trickle of water that remains in Lake Oroville after the California droughts reduced the reservoir’s water levels to an ‘historic low’ of 24 percent capacity.

The water level in the vital California reservoir is now at its lowest since September 1977, with locals saying they have never seen it so empty and officials warning of a detrimental impact on the local environment. Continue reading “The decimation of Lake Oroville”

Great Game India

The Australian government is testing an app to enforce its quarantine rules. The state will text people at random times, and thereafter they will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face and text the government. Should they fail, the local police department will be sent to follow up in person.

The government of South Australia, one of the country’s six states, developed and is now testing an app as Orwellian as any in the free world to enforce its quarantine rules. Continue reading “You Have 15 Minutes To Take A Picture Of Yourself And Text The Government”


The medicalisation of childhood is one of the most depressing features of Anglo-American child rearing. Year by year, it’s getting worse.

The problem of mental health is fast becoming synonymous with childhood. Unfortunately, the medical establishment is more than happy to solve the problems of children by shoving drugs down their throats. This alarming trend was highlighted by new NHS figures published at the end of last month that showed that prescriptions for antidepressants given to British children aged 5 to 16 has risen by 22% during the past five years. Continue reading “The number of children on antidepressants has soared. Is it a real crisis or one invented by psychiatrists seeking new patients?”


Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has been ramping up calls to impeach US President Joe Biden over the hectic troop pullout from Afghanistan, insisting that the “derelict” commander-in-chief had “ignored sound advice” in relation to the withdrawal operation.

Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) believes that American troops will return to Afghanistan despite the chaotic military withdrawal from the country that was completed on 30 August. Continue reading “US Troops ‘Will Be Going Back Into Afghanistan’: Lindsey Graham”

Reclaim the Net – by Ken Macon

The Grace Cathedral in San Francisco will soon have proof-of-vaccination as a requirement for entry. The vaccine mandate will apply to congregants and people attending other services and events at the church.

Leaders at the church said that the vaccine passport move is in line with guidance from public health officials on gatherings and events. However, churches are not required to follow the city-wide vaccine passport mandate, as there is a religious exemption in the state. Continue reading “San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral to require vaccine passports for entry”