
As the Ghislaine Maxwell elite pedophile ring trial begins this week, the Federal Aviation Administration accidentally revealed data on over 700 previous top secret Epstein VIP flights.

Ghislaine Maxwell was pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex procurer, and was instrumental in trafficking children to politicians, members of the Royal Family and powerful businessmen.

Continue reading “Pedophile Elites Are In A PANIC As FAA Leaks Additional 700 Top Secret VIP Epstein Flights”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Jeffrey Epstein’s former “Lolita Express” pilot detailed several high-profile individuals he recalls among the passengers on Epstein’s numerous flights around the world.

While under oath during the Ghislaine Maxwell trial on Tuesday, pilot Larry Visoski Jr. was asked to describe his experience, to which he said “I certainly remember President Trump, but not many people associated with him,” adding that he also flew Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, violinist Itzhak Perlman, former Senator John Glenn and Prince Andrew. He said that while he was tasked with ‘cleaning up’ after one of Clinton’s flights, he ‘never saw any sexual activity’ on the plane. Continue reading “Epstein’s Pilot Names Names, Recalls Shuttling Clinton, Trump, Spacey And Prince Andrew”

Fox News

A 15-year-old student at a Michigan high school was taken into custody on Tuesday after allegedly shooting and killing three students and injuring six others, including one teacher, according to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office.

Sheriff’s deputies were called to Oxford High School at 12:51 p.m. ET and apprehended the suspect within five minutes. The shooter was uninjured and is not answering questions at this time, Undersheriff Michael G. McCabe said.  Continue reading “Michigan high school shooting leaves three students dead; 15-year-old suspect in custody, according to police”

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CP 24

OTTAWA — Unvaccinated travelers over the age of 12 won’t be able to board a plane or train in Canada beginning today, and a negative COVID-19 test will no longer serve as a substitute for most people.

The policy came into effect on Oct. 30, but the federal government allowed a short transition period for unvaccinated travelers who could board as long as they provided a negative molecular COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours before their trip.  Continue reading “Canada: Unvaccinated travelers barred from planes and trains as of today”

Mercury News – by Jonathan Stempel | Reuters

A divided U.S. appeals court on Tuesday reinstated California’s ban on high-capacity magazines, calling it a reasonable means to support the state’s effort to reduce gun violence, including mass shootings.

By a 7-4 vote, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected claims by gun rights advocates that the 2017 ban on magazines with more than 10 rounds of ammunition violated their right to bear arms under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment, and was an unconstitutional taking.  Continue reading “Appeals court reinstates California’s ban on high-capacity magazines”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

The FBI conducted 187,585 National Instant Criminal Background System (NICS) checks on gun sales and transfers on Black Friday 2021 alone.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) reports the Black Friday 2021 NICS checks surpassed those of 2020, which came in at 186,645.  Continue reading “Gun Boom: FBI Ran 187,585 Background Checks on Black Friday Alone”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

One day after brand new Twitter CEO Parag ‘Not Bound by the First Amendment” Agrawal took the helm, the company announced that it will no longer allow people to share ‘images or videos of private individuals without their consent’ due to “growing concerns about the misuse of media and information” to “harass, intimidate, and reveal the identities of individuals.”

We assume this includes photos of protesters rioters, people looting a Louis Vuitton store, the driver of an SUV plowing into a crowd of people, and viral memes which include non-public figures. Continue reading “New Twitter CEO’s First Decision: Ban Mean Memes”

Breitbart – by John Binder

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says the agency’s new so-called “sanctuary country” orders will ensure that the “majority” of illegal aliens living in the United States are not deported.

On Monday, Mayorkas announced that the administration has started implementing its latest sanctuary country orders that protect most criminal illegal aliens by barring Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from arresting and deporting them. Continue reading “Biden’s DHS Chief: Sanctuary Country Orders Ensure ‘Majority’ of Illegal Aliens Not Deported”

Breitbart – by John Binder

Democrats across at least seven states this year sought to ban terms like “alien” and “illegal alien” from state statutes, a report reveals.

review by the Associated Press (AP) of National Conference of State Legislatures records shows that Democrat lawmakers in at least seven states, including Colorado, California, and Texas, authorized legislation to ban terms that accurately describe illegal aliens and border crossers living in the United States.  Continue reading “Democrats Across U.S. Take Biden’s Lead, Seek to Ban ‘Illegal Alien’ Term”

Newsmax – by Jeremy Frankel

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, a Republican,  may implement vaccine passports for state residents.

Baker appeared on GBH News Boston Public Radio and said that he, along with officials from other states, has been working on creating a QR code that can be scanned to show vaccination status, saying that “it’s a universal standard and we’ve been working with a bunch of other states, there’s probably 15 or 20 of them, to try to create a single QR code that can be used for all sorts of things where people may choose to require a vaccine.” Continue reading “Republican Massachusetts Governor Considering Implementing Vaccine Passports”

Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Monday said the most likely scenario is an annual revaccination against Covid.

“I made a projection months ago that the most likely scenario is that we would need after the third dose, annual revaccination against Covid,” Albert Bourla said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Monday morning hours before the CDC recommended booster shots for all adults. “I think we’re going to have an annual revaccination and that should be able to keep us really safe.”  Continue reading “Pfizer CEO Says “Most Likely Scenario” is “Annual Revaccination” Against Covid”

Children’s Health Defense – by Megan Redshaw

A 49-year-old Texas man who recovered from COVID — but was required to be fully vaccinated against the virus before being approved for a life-saving lung transplant — died when he developed a pulmonary embolism and heart issues after his second Moderna vaccine.

In an exclusive Interview with The Defender, the man’s wife, Amy Bolin, said there was no reason her husband, Bobby Bolin, should have been forced to get the vaccine. Continue reading “Forced to Get Vaccine to Remain on Lung Transplant List, 49-Year-Old Who Survived COVID Dies After Second Moderna Shot”


Greece is to make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for people aged 60 and over, in a drastic move to stem a new surge in coronavirus cases.

The measure will come into force each month from 16 January. Anyone in that age group who is not vaccinated faces a 100 euro (£85) fine. Continue reading “Greece to make Covid vaccines mandatory for over-60s”

Daily Mail

Ghislaine Maxwell was a ‘dangerous predator’ who ‘served up’ girls for sexual abuse, a court was told yesterday.

The British socialite was billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘second in command’ and lured vulnerable teenagers for him to assault, a jury in New York heard. Continue reading “Ghislaine Maxwell trial begins as prosecution say British socialite was Epstein’s ‘partner in crime’”


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Merriam-Webster said Monday it had chosen “vaccine” as the word of the year, one that went beyond its medical meaning to encapsulate debates about personal choice, political affiliation and much more.

This year’s main word, according to the American dictionary company, follows the selection of “pandemic” as the world of 2020. Continue reading “Merriam-Webster Declares ‘Vaccine’ Word of Year 2021”

Oil Price – by Irina Slav

When President Biden announced earlier this week that the federal government would be releasing 50 million barrels of crude from the strategic petroleum reserve, perhaps those around him expected prices to go down significantly and stay down. Instead, prices rose, and OPEC+ gave a heavy hint it might cut supply. By Friday, oil prices fell sharply, but that was due to a new wave of Covid-19 fears and has little if anything to do with Biden’s announcement that oil would be unleashed from emergency stockpiles.  Continue reading “Biden’s Blunder Could Send Oil Prices To $100”