
A former GlaxoSmithKline Plc scientist pleaded guilty on Monday to conspiring to steal trade secrets from the British drug manufacturer to benefit a Chinese pharmaceutical company.

Lucy Xi, 44, entered her plea in Philadelphia federal court, becoming the fourth person to admit to wrongdoing in connection with a scheme to misuse GSK’s trade secrets to benefit Renopharma, which received financial support from the Chinese government.  Continue reading “Ex-GlaxoSmithKline scientist admits stealing trade secrets for Chinese company”

NewsWars – by Kelen McBreen 

According to social media posts from the family and an obituary web page, a 13-year-old boy from New Jersey suddenly died from a heart attack on January 4, 2022, just seven months after his second Covid shot.

A June 6, 2021, Facebook post from the child’s mother, Jennifer O’Drain, shows him giving a thumbs up from a doctor’s office along with the caption, “Sec shot done.”  Continue reading “Tragic: Double-Vaxxed 13-Year-Old Dies From “Unexplained Cardiac Arrest””

Breitbart – by Hannah Bleau

Former President Barack Obama released a statement Thursday marking the anniversary of the January 6 protest, lamenting that a “sizable portion of voters” agree with the claims that he believes fueled the protest; he also warned that “our democracy is at greater risk today than it was back then.”

“One year ago, a violent attack on our Capitol made it clear just how fragile the American experiment in democracy really is,” Obama began.  Continue reading “Barack Obama: ‘Our Democracy Is at Greater Risk Today than It Was’ on January 6”

Patriot Rising – by Dave Workman

The Seattle Times, a newspaper that has hardly been friendly to the Second Amendment or Evergreen State gun owners, has once again ignited outrage among readers—and maybe soon-to-be-former readers—by insisting in an editorial the Legislature pass what it calls “common-sense bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.” Continue reading “Seattle Times Pushing Semi-Auto Rifle and Magazine Ban”

Natural News – by Mike Adams

We all know that George Soros is funding District Attorney (DA) political campaigns across the country, making a mockery of local election integrity while installing radical left-wing Marxists into positions of power. These DAs now routinely release violent criminals back onto the streets while refusing to prosecute left-wing murderers, rapists, arsonists and other violent criminals. While conservatives are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, Marxists are handed “get out of jail free” cards. Continue reading “OPERATION CHAOS: Democrats flood America’s streets with violent criminals ahead of planned false flag event”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

As Beijing struggles with the worsening outbreak in Xi’an, the provincial capital of 13M that has been under lockdown for about 2 weeks now, authorities are finding it increasingly difficult to paper over the popular outcry. So, authorities in the northern Chinese city have banned “negative news” on social media as many residents took to Weibo and other platforms to complain about their present circumstances.  Continue reading “Xi’an Authorities Block All “Negative” Posts On Social Media As Lockdown Backlash Grows”

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Archive: TWFTT 1-6-22

Patriot Rising

Getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) could mean losing your life insurance coverage.

According to reports, many who took the experimental gene therapy from Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program are now coming to the realization that their death benefits have been voided.  Continue reading “Life insurance policies can refuse payouts for the jabbed because covid vaccines are “medical experiments””

Natural News – by Ethan Huff

American pilot Greg Pearson is speaking out about a wave of post-injection illness that he says is spreading rapidly throughout the aviation industry.

In a recent interview with “Real America’s Voice,” Pearson revealed that many of his pilot colleagues are “dropping like flies” with what he describes as severe chest pains.  Continue reading “Commercial pilot says his colleagues are “dropping like flies with crushing chest pains” following covid vaccinations”

Natural News – by Ethan Huff

By the end of the month, most people who are “fully vaccinated” will have developed full-blown Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), new government data suggests.

German government researchers found that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated have already degraded to an average of -87 percent, depending on when they got jabbed. That degradation will only continue until their immune systems are completely gone.  Continue reading “Official government data from Germany suggests covid fully vaccinated people will develop AIDS”

TownHall – by Julio Rosas

It might be a new year, but the problems at the U.S.-Mexico border continue to exist in serious ways. A Border Patrol agent working in the Rio Grande Valley Sector near Fronton, Texas was shot at from the Mexican side of the border while arresting someone who had just illegally crossed the river into the United States. Continue reading “Border Patrol Fired Upon from Mexico While Arresting Illegal Border Crosser”

Bearing Arms – by Cam Edwards

Last September, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law authorizing the release of gun owners’ personal information to researchers and others who’ve been given access to a state-run database that’s chock full of identifying details of those who legally own firearms. Now, several anonymous gun owners in the state have filed suit in federal court hoping to block Attorney General Rob Bonta from from enforcing AB 173 and its provision requiring the state’s Department of Justice to disclose the information to the California Firearm Violence Research Center at UC Davis and all other “research institutions” that request it. Continue reading “California gun owners sue state to block release of personal information”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Canton, OH — James Williams, 46, spent his last seconds on Earth wondering who shot him during their family’s celebration to bring in the New Year. He would die in his living room in front of his family, his last words being, “I’ve been shot.” Though they didn’t know it, that bullet was fired from a police officer’s gun, from the other side of the family’s 6′ tall privacy fence around their back yard.  Continue reading “Cop Shoots Through 6′ Tall Fence, Executes Dad in His Back Yard for Celebrating 2nd Amendment on New Year’s Eve”

Yahoo News – The Washington Post

A Southern California man was arrested after he recently attacked workers at a coronavirus vaccination clinic, allegedly calling them “murderers” and falsely accusing the staffers of causing the covid pandemic, according to police and clinic officials.

Two staff members with Families Together of Orange County were injured in a Dec. 30 attack on the group’s mobile clinic in Tustin, Calif., the organization said in a news release Wednesday. Families Together said one of the members “sustained serious injuries and was sent to the hospital in an ambulance” but that both workers “are expected to make a full recovery within a few days.”  Continue reading “Man arrested on charges of attacking vaccination clinic, injuring staffers he called ‘murderers’”


With the Omicron-driven pandemic wave sweeping the country, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canadians are growing more angry and frustrated with people who still refuse to get vaccinated.

Trudeau said that while most Canadians have stepped up to get their shots — putting Canada near the top of the list of countries with the highest vaccination rates — the unvaccinated remain a problem.  Continue reading “Trudeau says Canadians are ‘angry’ and ‘frustrated’ with the unvaccinated”

Natural News – by Ethan Huff

A video put out by La Quinta Columna reveals that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” contain “nano-octopus” and other microparticles that have the ability to self-assemble once injected into the body.

The Wireless Nano-Sensors Network (WNSN) that is generated through this process is laid out in further detail in a paper published in the Journal of CommunicationsContinue reading “Technological parasitism: Covid vaccines appear to contain self-assembling “nano-octopus” microparticles”