Breitbart – by Neil Munro

President Joe Biden’s deputies have announced they will lift the Title 42 barrier at the southern border on May 23, allowing a vast wave of wage-cutting, rent-spiking migrants into America’s job and housing markets.

“We are increasing our capacity to process new arrivals, evaluate asylum requests,” said a statement from Alejandro Mayorkas, who heads Biden’s Department of Homeland Security and is trying to build an extra immigration system that operates alongside annual limits set by Congress.  Continue reading “Joe Biden to Open the Border on May 23”


Global health organizations are considering changing their Covid-19 vaccination pledges — a move that could leave millions of people without first shots as countries reprioritize at-risk groups in the coming months, according to four people familiar with the matter.

In June 2021, the World Health Organization initially proposed that 70 percent of the world population be vaccinated by mid-2022 to protect against new variants and help ensure people in poorer countries had equal access to the shot. But 47 countries still have inoculation rates below 20 percent. Continue reading “‘Recognition of failure’: A shift urged in global vaccination strategy”

The National Pulse – by Natalie Winters

A Chinese Communist Party-backed influence group with a history of collaborating with Bill Gates co-sponsored an event targeting American officials to support collaborating with China on farming in the U.S. Continue reading “A Chinese Influence Group Tied To Bill Gates Wants To Collaborate With American Agriculture Officials.”

And the winners are:

Seed Sprouting Kit: Anthony Watson – $20.00
One Ounce Silver Canadian Coin: Katie – $100.00
Timeline – A Brief History of Hell: Norm – $15.00
Judaism’s Strange Gods: Norm – $10.00
One Gram Rifle Silver Bar: Norm – $15.00
One Gram Skull Silver Bar: Norm – $15.00
Animal Traps and Trappings: Norm – $30.00
The Complete Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers: Diana Asker – $50.00
One Ounce Silver Liberty Coin: Katie – $100.00
Pistol Mug: Norm – $30.00
Vintage Booklet celebrating the 200th Anniversary of The Bill of Rights: Mary – $50.00

Thank you to all who participated, we do appreciate your support. Continue reading “March Auction for From the Trenches”

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Archive: TWFTT 4-1-22


Earlier in March, the Biden administration announced a total boycott of petroleum products from Russia, the world’s largest exporter, in retaliation for Russia’s special operation in Ukraine.

The White House announced on Thursday it would begin releasing 1 million barrels of oil per day from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the largest such release in US history. The release will last for the next six months, totaling roughly 182 million barrels of oil.

Continue reading “US to Release 1 Million Barrels of Oil a Day From Strategic Reserves Over Next Six Months”

100% Fed Up

After insulting a large crowd of homeless people by telling them to “go home!” Maxine Waters warned a reporter not to cover the homeless situation in her district. Is Maxine a queen or an elected official?

Look who’s making threats to the press now? Woke Waters just dug herself a hole by threatening a journalist in hopes of stopping a story about L.A.’s homeless problem. Continue reading “Dem Rep. Maxine Waters Caught Laughing at Group of Homeless People Trying to Get Sect. 8 Housing…Tells Them To “Go home!””

Yahoo News

For the second time in two years, the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday voted to pass legislation that would decriminalize marijuana at the federal level.

The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (or MORE) Act, which was authored by Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., passed in a 220-204 vote, with all but two Democrats (Reps. Chris Pappas of New Hampshire and Henry Cuellar of Texas) voting in support of the measure and all but three Republicans (Reps. Matt Gaetz and Brian Mast of Florida, and Tom McClintock of California) voting against it. (One Democrat and four Republicans did not cast votes) Continue reading “House passes bill to decriminalize marijuana”


The US State Department announced on Thursday that it will offer a third ‘X’ gender option on passports as of April 11. The passport change is one of a host of transgender-focused policies rolled out by the Biden administration.

Those availing of an ‘X’ passport will not have to provide any medical documentation to prove that they are neither male nor female, a press release from Secretary of State Antony Blinken explained. The statement added that the ‘X’ stands for those with “unspecified or another gender identity,” a definition that Blinken said “is respectful of individuals’ privacy while advancing inclusion.”  Continue reading “US to issue gender-neutral passports”

Breitbart – by Penny Starr

Joe Biden continues to import illegals into the United States and wants funds to put migrant border crossers under “house arrest” and provide them with taxpayer-funded attorneys to fight deportation.

The move will make the numbers at detention centers decrease while the illegal population will continue to grow inside the U.S. and provide a road map for relatives and others who are trying to get into the U.S. Continue reading “Biden Wants to Replace Border Detention Centers with ‘House Arrest’ and Provide Illegals with Taxpayer-Funded Attorneys”

Department of Justice

Today, the Department of Justice announced it will launch five cross-jurisdictional firearms trafficking strike forces within the next 30 days to help reduce violent crime by addressing illegal gun trafficking in significant firearms trafficking corridors. Tomorrow, the Attorney General will discuss with the President, law enforcement officials, and local and community leaders, this initiative, which, along with other measures, the Department of Justice is undertaking as part of the administration-wide comprehensive strategy to combat the rise in violent crime.  Continue reading “Department of Justice Announces Formation of Firearms Trafficking Strike Forces to Crack Down on Sources of Crime Guns”

Axios – by Sara Fischer

White House press secretary Jen Psaki is in exclusive talks with MSNBC to join the network after she leaves the White House around May, according to a source close to the matter.

Why it matters: It’s been speculated for weeks that Psaki would leave the White House for a TV gig. White House communications staffers often negotiate TV jobs once they leave an administration. Continue reading “Jen Psaki planning to leave White House this spring for MSNBC gig”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

An outbreak of the deadly strain of bird flu is quickly spreading across the U.S. The risk to humans is low, but bird flu could wreak havoc in the nation’s poultry industry ahead of Easter.

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced on Wednesday that highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) was detected in five new states. Continue reading “Highly Pathogenic Avian Flu Detected In Five More US States”

Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila

Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum this week warned of global cyberattacks and worldwide disruptions with food and energy systems.

“History is truly at a turning point,” Klaus Schwab said at the 2022 World Government Summit. Continue reading “WEF’s Klaus Schwab Warns “Global Energy Systems, Food Systems and Supply Chains will Be Deeply Affected””

Leo Hohmann

The World Government Summit is underway this week in Abu Dhabi and we’ve already got a bombshell to report.

Dr. Pippa Malmgrem, a top American economist who served as a special adviser to former President George W. Bush, made a statement that confirms everything myself and others have been reporting for quite some time – that a cashless society is looming right around the corner. Continue reading “Economist at World Government Summit says new financial world order about to shift in dramatic new direction”

Gateway Pundit – by Cristina Laila

Joe Biden on Wednesday announced he is planning on dropping a Trump-era order blocking asylum seekers at the US border on May 23.

Title 42 was used by President Trump in 2020 to expel migrants seeking asylum during the Covid pandemic. Continue reading “Migrant Caravan en Route to US Border After Biden Announces End to Title 42 Restrictions”